
简介:  Toy专辑创作的发想由来是我儿时曾经歷的一件惨痛的事。   在我父母看来,那只是‘’玩具‘’,可于我而言他们是最重要的伙伴!那时我所有的爱都放在他们身上了。有那么一天,堂弟们来家里玩,待客之道,我拿出最心爱的玩具们与他们分享一起玩,我父亲看着堂弟们玩得开心,就扮起圣诞老公公把所有玩具全给送出去!   那一天是我人生第一次见识到什么是绝望...。   每个玩具上都有着父母的爱,那送走的不只是玩具而已。   成年后我一直都还在意着,后来才釐清才明白,会那么在意,全因想不透为何父母会如此轻易地送走他们给了我的爱。   父母千万不可小看自己买玩具给小孩的这件事喔!因为孩子们收到的是那来自父母满满的爱意。   The origin of the idea of​​creating the Toy album was a traumatic event I experienced as a child.   From my parents'point of view,they are just''toys'',but to me they are the most important partners!All my love was put on them then.One day,my cousins​​came to play at home.In hospitality,I took out my favorite toys to share and play with them.My father watched the cousins​​having fun,so he pretended to be Santa Claus and took all the toys away.Give it away!   That day was the first time in my life that I saw what despair is....   Every toy has the love of parents,and it is not just toys that are sent away.   I have always cared about it as an adult,but it was only later that I realized that I cared so much because I couldn't figure out why my parents would send away the love they gave me so easily.   Parents must not underestimate the fact that they buy toys for their children!Because what the children receive is the full love from their parents.
  Toy专辑创作的发想由来是我儿时曾经歷的一件惨痛的事。   在我父母看来,那只是‘’玩具‘’,可于我而言他们是最重要的伙伴!那时我所有的爱都放在他们身上了。有那么一天,堂弟们来家里玩,待客之道,我拿出最心爱的玩具们与他们分享一起玩,我父亲看着堂弟们玩得开心,就扮起圣诞老公公把所有玩具全给送出去!   那一天是我人生第一次见识到什么是绝望...。   每个玩具上都有着父母的爱,那送走的不只是玩具而已。   成年后我一直都还在意着,后来才釐清才明白,会那么在意,全因想不透为何父母会如此轻易地送走他们给了我的爱。   父母千万不可小看自己买玩具给小孩的这件事喔!因为孩子们收到的是那来自父母满满的爱意。   The origin of the idea of​​creating the Toy album was a traumatic event I experienced as a child.   From my parents'point of view,they are just''toys'',but to me they are the most important partners!All my love was put on them then.One day,my cousins​​came to play at home.In hospitality,I took out my favorite toys to share and play with them.My father watched the cousins​​having fun,so he pretended to be Santa Claus and took all the toys away.Give it away!   That day was the first time in my life that I saw what despair is....   Every toy has the love of parents,and it is not just toys that are sent away.   I have always cared about it as an adult,but it was only later that I realized that I cared so much because I couldn't figure out why my parents would send away the love they gave me so easily.   Parents must not underestimate the fact that they buy toys for their children!Because what the children receive is the full love from their parents.