鲸鱼马戏团VOL.7 索拉里斯 —— 时间与永恒

发行公司:Space Circle
简介:  會存在永恆嗎?時間是衡量一切的尺度,如果時間消失了,這個世界會怎樣?或者,是否存在另一個世界,不再以時間的規則運行?   創作這張《索拉里斯》的時候,我被困在時間里,分不清昨天、今天和明天,徬彿生活只剩下此時此刻。三年時間,讓我和很多事和解,也同時變得更加敏感。人與人間的複雜情感和科幻未來是我一直感興趣的話題,我也一直想打破專輯的時間規則,徹底放手去做一張沒有任何限制,有著電影那樣具有完整故事性的專輯。   2022年底,我完成了專輯同名短篇科幻小說《索拉里斯》,這是我第一次嘗試創作一個較為複雜和完整的故事,我想在音樂之外增加更多表達的可能性。如果過去的作品是一些生活的碎片和幻想的承載,那這一張專輯則是我構建的一整個故事的世界。我們可以通過各種媒介:文字、影像、聲音等等進入這個虛構的世界,在這個世界中尋找我們精神領域的聯結和思考。   我們是否真實地存在?   當我們感知到愛,觸碰到愛的時候,   直到那個來自宇宙另一端心靈的回應,   永恆便在此刻,   終結。   CREDIT   專輯概念/小說/文案:李星宇   作曲:李星宇   編曲:鯨魚馬戲團   吉他:陳卉   鼓:牧仁   貝斯/小號:FRED   鍵盤/合成器:李星宇   大提琴:付超   小提琴:金美妍   特邀小號:吳笑然   弦樂:國際首席愛樂樂團   錄音:於含、孫偉松、張倫   錄音室:大理中和回響、鯨魚馬戲團工作室   混音/母帶:李馬科   混音助理:陳俊百   混音/母帶工作室:RC STUDIOS   專輯設計:連傑   概念視覺:強家棟   專輯統籌:楊光   Can eternity exist? Time is the measure of all things, but what would happen to this world if time disappeared? Or, is there a parallel universe that operates without the rules of time?   When I was creating the ’Solareti‘, I found myself trapped in time, unable to distinguish between yesterday, today, and tomorrow, as if life only existed in the present moment. Over the course of three years, I reconciled with many things but also became more sensitive. The complex emotions between people and the Sci-Fi Futurism have always been intriguing for me; I have always wanted to make an album unbounded by the rules of ‘time’, and create works without any limitations —— a complete album that tells a story, like a movie.   At the end of 2022, I finished writing a science-fiction short story of the same name —— Solareti. This was my first attempt at creating a more complex and complete story, as I wanted to expand the possibilities for expression beyond music. If my previous works were fragments of life and vehicles for fantasy, then this album is a world built around a complete story.   We can experience this virtual world through words, images, sound, and more, to explore the connections and reflections in our own spiritual realm.   Do we exist truly?   When we perceive love and touch its reality,   Until the response echoes from a mind afar,   Eternity exists, here and now,   Only to fade away.   CREDIT   Album Concept & Novel & Summary : LI Xingyu   Composer: LI Xingyu   Arrangement: Whalecircus   Guitar: CHEN Hui   Drum: MU Ren   Bass&Trumpet: FRED Shi   Keyboard & Synthesizer: LI Xingyu   Cello: FU Chao   Violin: JIN Meiyan   Invited Trumpet: WU Xiaoran   Strings: International Master Philharmonic Orchestra   Recording: YU Han, SUN Weisong, ZHANG Lun   Recording Studio: Echo Studio, Whalecircus Studio   Mixing & Mastering: MARK Lee   Mixing Assistant: CHEN Junbai   Mixing &Mastering Studio: RC Studio   Album Design: LIAN Jie   Conceptual Vision: QIANG Jiadong   Album Coordination: YANG Guang
  會存在永恆嗎?時間是衡量一切的尺度,如果時間消失了,這個世界會怎樣?或者,是否存在另一個世界,不再以時間的規則運行?   創作這張《索拉里斯》的時候,我被困在時間里,分不清昨天、今天和明天,徬彿生活只剩下此時此刻。三年時間,讓我和很多事和解,也同時變得更加敏感。人與人間的複雜情感和科幻未來是我一直感興趣的話題,我也一直想打破專輯的時間規則,徹底放手去做一張沒有任何限制,有著電影那樣具有完整故事性的專輯。   2022年底,我完成了專輯同名短篇科幻小說《索拉里斯》,這是我第一次嘗試創作一個較為複雜和完整的故事,我想在音樂之外增加更多表達的可能性。如果過去的作品是一些生活的碎片和幻想的承載,那這一張專輯則是我構建的一整個故事的世界。我們可以通過各種媒介:文字、影像、聲音等等進入這個虛構的世界,在這個世界中尋找我們精神領域的聯結和思考。   我們是否真實地存在?   當我們感知到愛,觸碰到愛的時候,   直到那個來自宇宙另一端心靈的回應,   永恆便在此刻,   終結。   CREDIT   專輯概念/小說/文案:李星宇   作曲:李星宇   編曲:鯨魚馬戲團   吉他:陳卉   鼓:牧仁   貝斯/小號:FRED   鍵盤/合成器:李星宇   大提琴:付超   小提琴:金美妍   特邀小號:吳笑然   弦樂:國際首席愛樂樂團   錄音:於含、孫偉松、張倫   錄音室:大理中和回響、鯨魚馬戲團工作室   混音/母帶:李馬科   混音助理:陳俊百   混音/母帶工作室:RC STUDIOS   專輯設計:連傑   概念視覺:強家棟   專輯統籌:楊光   Can eternity exist? Time is the measure of all things, but what would happen to this world if time disappeared? Or, is there a parallel universe that operates without the rules of time?   When I was creating the ’Solareti‘, I found myself trapped in time, unable to distinguish between yesterday, today, and tomorrow, as if life only existed in the present moment. Over the course of three years, I reconciled with many things but also became more sensitive. The complex emotions between people and the Sci-Fi Futurism have always been intriguing for me; I have always wanted to make an album unbounded by the rules of ‘time’, and create works without any limitations —— a complete album that tells a story, like a movie.   At the end of 2022, I finished writing a science-fiction short story of the same name —— Solareti. This was my first attempt at creating a more complex and complete story, as I wanted to expand the possibilities for expression beyond music. If my previous works were fragments of life and vehicles for fantasy, then this album is a world built around a complete story.   We can experience this virtual world through words, images, sound, and more, to explore the connections and reflections in our own spiritual realm.   Do we exist truly?   When we perceive love and touch its reality,   Until the response echoes from a mind afar,   Eternity exists, here and now,   Only to fade away.   CREDIT   Album Concept & Novel & Summary : LI Xingyu   Composer: LI Xingyu   Arrangement: Whalecircus   Guitar: CHEN Hui   Drum: MU Ren   Bass&Trumpet: FRED Shi   Keyboard & Synthesizer: LI Xingyu   Cello: FU Chao   Violin: JIN Meiyan   Invited Trumpet: WU Xiaoran   Strings: International Master Philharmonic Orchestra   Recording: YU Han, SUN Weisong, ZHANG Lun   Recording Studio: Echo Studio, Whalecircus Studio   Mixing & Mastering: MARK Lee   Mixing Assistant: CHEN Junbai   Mixing &Mastering Studio: RC Studio   Album Design: LIAN Jie   Conceptual Vision: QIANG Jiadong   Album Coordination: YANG Guang