简介:  你是否也有和你纠缠不清的数字,他们闪现在生活的序列里,你也总能第一时间捕获他们,像是落在窗台的鹊鸲,感觉他们有故事要说。对特斯拉而言,369是宇宙的钥匙,而对我来说,369像是一条时窄时宽的甬道,不知道去向和终点,但一路满是幻妙。我看了Marko Rodin一丝不苟地图解369、认识了142857这组神奇的十进制循环数、迷上了Ernst Steiner的画作、看到了DNA-伏羲女娲-太极两仪相互螺旋的曼妙、开始接触像超级计算机一般的《易经》 … 当我比对这些跨越地域时间,严谨但又感性的现象或观点后,发现煲一锅汤和谈一场恋爱其实是一回事,挤爆一颗鼻头的痤疮和厄瓜多尔火山爆发是一回事,做新歌上传到网络和发射旅行者1号是同一回事… 剥离所有表象和臆加的价值,事情都以一个近乎统一的道法在运作。EP的三首歌像是一次小结,来回应这条玄妙的甬道。   企划出品Production:三等于三Three equals Three   制作人Producer:李克非Kofey   录音师Recording Engineer:武帅辰Tim@KYMStudio   录音室Recording Studio:KYM Studio Shanghai   混音师Mixing Engineer:Kosaku Tokita   母带后期处理工程师Mastering Engineer:Kosaku Tokita   音乐视觉统筹制作Vision Creativity & Execution :三等于三Three equals Three   平面摄影师Photographer:刘晟Lou   发行代理Publishing Agency:StreetVoice   ©2024 Kofey Lee & Three equals Three   Do you also have numbers that entangle you, flashing in the sequence of life, always able to capture them first, like magpies landing on a windowsill, feeling they have stories to tell? For Tesla, 369 is the key to the universe, while for me, 369 is like a tunnel, sometimes narrow, sometimes wide, unsure of its destination and endpoint, but filled with wonders along the way. I watched Marko Rodin's explanation of 369, learned about the magical decimal recurring number 142857, became fascinated with Ernst Steiner's artwork, observed DNA, the images of Fuxi and Nuwa, and the Taiji patterns, all astonishingly similar in their spiraling rotations, and began to study the "I Ching" ... When I compared these phenomena or viewpoints that transcend geography and time, I realized that simmering a pot of soup and having a relationship are essentially the same thing, popping a pimple on the nose and the eruption of a volcano in Ecuador are the same thing, uploading a new song to the internet and launching Voyager 1 are the same thing... Stripping away all superficiality and assumed value, things operate under an almost unified law. These three songs serve as a summary, responding to this mysterious tunnel.   Production: Three equals Three   Producer: Kofey   Recording Engineer: Tim@KYMStudio   Recording Studio: KYM Studio Shanghai   Mixing Engineer: Kosaku Tokita   Mastering Engineer: Kosaku Tokita   Vision Creativity & Execution: Three equals Three   Photographer: Lou   Publishing Agency: StreetVoice   ©2024 Kofey Lee & Three equals Three
  你是否也有和你纠缠不清的数字,他们闪现在生活的序列里,你也总能第一时间捕获他们,像是落在窗台的鹊鸲,感觉他们有故事要说。对特斯拉而言,369是宇宙的钥匙,而对我来说,369像是一条时窄时宽的甬道,不知道去向和终点,但一路满是幻妙。我看了Marko Rodin一丝不苟地图解369、认识了142857这组神奇的十进制循环数、迷上了Ernst Steiner的画作、看到了DNA-伏羲女娲-太极两仪相互螺旋的曼妙、开始接触像超级计算机一般的《易经》 … 当我比对这些跨越地域时间,严谨但又感性的现象或观点后,发现煲一锅汤和谈一场恋爱其实是一回事,挤爆一颗鼻头的痤疮和厄瓜多尔火山爆发是一回事,做新歌上传到网络和发射旅行者1号是同一回事… 剥离所有表象和臆加的价值,事情都以一个近乎统一的道法在运作。EP的三首歌像是一次小结,来回应这条玄妙的甬道。   企划出品Production:三等于三Three equals Three   制作人Producer:李克非Kofey   录音师Recording Engineer:武帅辰Tim@KYMStudio   录音室Recording Studio:KYM Studio Shanghai   混音师Mixing Engineer:Kosaku Tokita   母带后期处理工程师Mastering Engineer:Kosaku Tokita   音乐视觉统筹制作Vision Creativity & Execution :三等于三Three equals Three   平面摄影师Photographer:刘晟Lou   发行代理Publishing Agency:StreetVoice   ©2024 Kofey Lee & Three equals Three   Do you also have numbers that entangle you, flashing in the sequence of life, always able to capture them first, like magpies landing on a windowsill, feeling they have stories to tell? For Tesla, 369 is the key to the universe, while for me, 369 is like a tunnel, sometimes narrow, sometimes wide, unsure of its destination and endpoint, but filled with wonders along the way. I watched Marko Rodin's explanation of 369, learned about the magical decimal recurring number 142857, became fascinated with Ernst Steiner's artwork, observed DNA, the images of Fuxi and Nuwa, and the Taiji patterns, all astonishingly similar in their spiraling rotations, and began to study the "I Ching" ... When I compared these phenomena or viewpoints that transcend geography and time, I realized that simmering a pot of soup and having a relationship are essentially the same thing, popping a pimple on the nose and the eruption of a volcano in Ecuador are the same thing, uploading a new song to the internet and launching Voyager 1 are the same thing... Stripping away all superficiality and assumed value, things operate under an almost unified law. These three songs serve as a summary, responding to this mysterious tunnel.   Production: Three equals Three   Producer: Kofey   Recording Engineer: Tim@KYMStudio   Recording Studio: KYM Studio Shanghai   Mixing Engineer: Kosaku Tokita   Mastering Engineer: Kosaku Tokita   Vision Creativity & Execution: Three equals Three   Photographer: Lou   Publishing Agency: StreetVoice   ©2024 Kofey Lee & Three equals Three
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