
简介:  「风」-这个让人看不见又摸不着的家伙,总是随着四季更迭的变化,以不同的样貌登场。有时娇羞、有时潇洒、有时轻柔、有时奔放......,其多变的姿态也反映生命历程会经历的各种阶段。   美丽的花朵会绽放也会凋零,萧瑟的场景会出现也会消失。如同幸福无法永存,但不幸也不会常驻。世事没有永恒不变的,唯有藉由对每个当下的珍惜,方能获得美好的体悟与体验。   〈风轻轻仔吹〉藉由风的拟人视角,辅以轻快明亮的编曲铺陈,搭配清新不腻的歌声,营造出像风一样轻拂过脸庞,且令人愉悦的自在与舒适感。是一首听完绝对不留痕迹,却又让人无法忘怀的淡雅小品。   The form of wind changes with the different seasons. It can be a gentle wind and that's very pleasant in spring. It can be strong or windy and people need to get out of the wind in winter.   "Wind blows" describes the seasonal variation is like the life cycle. There is nothing permanent except change. What we can do is to seize the day and live a full life.
  「风」-这个让人看不见又摸不着的家伙,总是随着四季更迭的变化,以不同的样貌登场。有时娇羞、有时潇洒、有时轻柔、有时奔放......,其多变的姿态也反映生命历程会经历的各种阶段。   美丽的花朵会绽放也会凋零,萧瑟的场景会出现也会消失。如同幸福无法永存,但不幸也不会常驻。世事没有永恒不变的,唯有藉由对每个当下的珍惜,方能获得美好的体悟与体验。   〈风轻轻仔吹〉藉由风的拟人视角,辅以轻快明亮的编曲铺陈,搭配清新不腻的歌声,营造出像风一样轻拂过脸庞,且令人愉悦的自在与舒适感。是一首听完绝对不留痕迹,却又让人无法忘怀的淡雅小品。   The form of wind changes with the different seasons. It can be a gentle wind and that's very pleasant in spring. It can be strong or windy and people need to get out of the wind in winter.   "Wind blows" describes the seasonal variation is like the life cycle. There is nothing permanent except change. What we can do is to seize the day and live a full life.