
简介:  这是第一次以大提琴手佳莹出发为创作的单曲   描述每个人心中都会有一个心理需求   需要躲藏 需要被理解 需要拥抱   暂且称为「避风港」   总要有个阶段 真实地表达脆弱   或许有时候就是没办法这么豁达   但也没关系 顶多只是休息一下   待船鸣般的琴声响起 我们面对   比较象是在这么快速生活之中的有感而发   面对生活变化只能够一再求饶   想要有个避风港   Our beloved cellist Stella wrote the chorus of this song.   We seek for shelter at times, and all we need for a tiring day is serene and tranquill.   "Back to shore" is the name of the song.   We hope the song brings shelter to all of our friends and that everyone could find their own spot to have a rest.
  这是第一次以大提琴手佳莹出发为创作的单曲   描述每个人心中都会有一个心理需求   需要躲藏 需要被理解 需要拥抱   暂且称为「避风港」   总要有个阶段 真实地表达脆弱   或许有时候就是没办法这么豁达   但也没关系 顶多只是休息一下   待船鸣般的琴声响起 我们面对   比较象是在这么快速生活之中的有感而发   面对生活变化只能够一再求饶   想要有个避风港   Our beloved cellist Stella wrote the chorus of this song.   We seek for shelter at times, and all we need for a tiring day is serene and tranquill.   "Back to shore" is the name of the song.   We hope the song brings shelter to all of our friends and that everyone could find their own spot to have a rest.