发行公司:StreetVoice/88rising Records
简介:  由新晋DJ ISOxo和Knock2组成的双人组合ISOKNOCK将以永不妥协的独特方式重新定义电子舞曲。从在圣迭戈的默默无闻,到称霸Coachella等全球著名音乐节,再到场场爆满的重磅演出,ISOKnock正在为电子乐界注入全新的能量。惊艳四座的全新专辑《4EVR》融合了trap、breakbeat、bass house等众多元素,同时还收录了曾在过去演出中有所预告的歌曲。专辑同名主打曲“4EVR”由另类音乐人cade clair献唱,即将席卷所有锐舞派对。   The duo ISOKNOCK (ISOxo & Knock2) is reshaping dance music in their own uncompromising DIY vision. From their origins in San Diego to dominating festivals like Coachella and iconic headline shows, ISOKNOCK is waking the electronic music scene up. The surprise new album 4EVR is an exhilarating fusion of styles (from trap, breakbeat, bass house, & beyond) and contains long-awaited songs teased in performances over the past year. Focus track "4EVR" feat. cade clair is an anthemic ode to the rave.
  由新晋DJ ISOxo和Knock2组成的双人组合ISOKNOCK将以永不妥协的独特方式重新定义电子舞曲。从在圣迭戈的默默无闻,到称霸Coachella等全球著名音乐节,再到场场爆满的重磅演出,ISOKnock正在为电子乐界注入全新的能量。惊艳四座的全新专辑《4EVR》融合了trap、breakbeat、bass house等众多元素,同时还收录了曾在过去演出中有所预告的歌曲。专辑同名主打曲“4EVR”由另类音乐人cade clair献唱,即将席卷所有锐舞派对。   The duo ISOKNOCK (ISOxo & Knock2) is reshaping dance music in their own uncompromising DIY vision. From their origins in San Diego to dominating festivals like Coachella and iconic headline shows, ISOKNOCK is waking the electronic music scene up. The surprise new album 4EVR is an exhilarating fusion of styles (from trap, breakbeat, bass house, & beyond) and contains long-awaited songs teased in performances over the past year. Focus track "4EVR" feat. cade clair is an anthemic ode to the rave.