朝往暮归(There and Back Again)

简介:  《朝往暮归(There and Back Again)》是碎叠的首张全长专辑,其内容主题为“四季”,同时,它还延续了上一张概念EP《西西弗审判》的创作主题:积极生活作为对于荒谬与虚无的最佳反抗。   季节流转,隐秘而微妙,它带给每个人的触感又是那么不同,于是我们决定以四季为序,用九首歌记录属于自己的成长经历。   这张专辑的创作时间紧跟于《西西弗审判》,创作于乐队主创吉他手小朱20-22岁期间;历时两年,经过乐队成员们紧锣密鼓地一次次推翻与重建,我们终于在今天交出了这份不算完美的答卷。年轻的团队也将少年心气注入到了作品中,这支不被定义的器乐摇滚乐队用手中的乐器证明了器乐摇滚不一定只存在于晦涩深奥的维度——器乐摇滚一样可以选择去表达跳跃,表达跑动,表达春天流淌的江水,表达少年离别的烦恼……   值得一提的是《晴天,公园(Raining Free)》这首歌,它是碎叠的一次大胆尝试,我们邀请了缺省Default的Eric作为这首歌的制作人,帮助我们更好地表达每一个音符带来的独特情感。Eric说:“碎叠的作品总让我感觉到一种还保持着对世界怀疑的态度,时而流畅、时而像成长一样慌慌张张。是好的,有让人能回想起无数个夏天的自己的,令人再一次感受流动的季节的。”   专辑的英文名是“There and Back Again”,用它作为“朝往暮归”的英译其实有两层含义,首先,它代表四季轮回,往复交替;其次,也表示历经艰险,成功返航,我们又可以重新拥抱生活。醉翁有言: “朝而往,暮而归,四时之景不同,而乐亦无穷也。”人生之旅,朝往暮归,或许不见终点,但沿途风景不可错过;在这场四季更替的旅程里,愿我们也可以找到其中的无穷之乐。   制作人员名单:   吉他/合成器:小朱   口琴/小号:怪格瑞   贝斯:维峻   鼓:阿琛   特邀制作人:Eric@缺省Default,徐赛@小巫师Little Wizard   录音:彭涵轩@Touch Studio,徐赛@小巫师Little Wizard   混音:金昊喆   母带:Electra@Sub Sound Studio   封面:潘菲   "There and Back Again" is the first official album of SweetTie. With the theme of "the rhythm of the seasons", it also continues the motif of the previous EP "Sisyphus’s Trial"— living an active life to fight against the absurdity and meaninglessness of it. The flow of seasons brings people different feelings, so we decided to record our growth experience with nine songs in the order of seasons.   The album was created after the "Sisyphus’s Trial", when the guitarist Xiao Zhu was 20-22 years old. After two years of writing and composing by the band members, it was finally completed today. The young team injected vitality into the work. This undefined instrumental rock band proves that instrumental rock does not necessarily exist only in obscure dimensions— it can also express jumping, running, the river flowing in spring, and the youths’ sorrow for parting... ...   It is worth mentioning that the song "Raining Free" is a bold attempt of SweetTie. Eric, from the band Default, was invited as the special producer of this song. He said: "The work of SweetTie always makes me feel a unique attitude, that is, to be suspicious of the world. They are excellent, reminding people of the happiness and tension of growing up, and feeling the flow of seasons."   The English name of the album is "There and back again", which actually has two meanings. First, it represents the rhythm of the seasons; second, it also means that we can embrace life again through thick and thin. Ouyang Xiu, a famous writer in the Song Dynasty, wrote in "The Pavilion of the Drunken Old Man": "Going to the mountain in the morning, returning home in the evening, and enjoying the beauties of it in different seasons is a delight beyond description." The journey of life may seemed endless, but the scenery along the way cannot be missed. In the journey of changing seasons, wish we can also find the endless delight, like the drunken old man did.   Credits:   Guitar/Synthesizer: Xiao Zhu   Harmonica/Trumpet: Gregray   Bass: Wei Jun   Drums: Achen   Guest Producer: Eric@ Default, Xu Sai@Little Wizard   Recording: Peng Hanxuan@Touch Studio, Xu Sai @Little Wizard   Mixing: Jin Haozhe   Mastering: Electra@Sub Sound Studio   Cover: Pan Fei
  《朝往暮归(There and Back Again)》是碎叠的首张全长专辑,其内容主题为“四季”,同时,它还延续了上一张概念EP《西西弗审判》的创作主题:积极生活作为对于荒谬与虚无的最佳反抗。   季节流转,隐秘而微妙,它带给每个人的触感又是那么不同,于是我们决定以四季为序,用九首歌记录属于自己的成长经历。   这张专辑的创作时间紧跟于《西西弗审判》,创作于乐队主创吉他手小朱20-22岁期间;历时两年,经过乐队成员们紧锣密鼓地一次次推翻与重建,我们终于在今天交出了这份不算完美的答卷。年轻的团队也将少年心气注入到了作品中,这支不被定义的器乐摇滚乐队用手中的乐器证明了器乐摇滚不一定只存在于晦涩深奥的维度——器乐摇滚一样可以选择去表达跳跃,表达跑动,表达春天流淌的江水,表达少年离别的烦恼……   值得一提的是《晴天,公园(Raining Free)》这首歌,它是碎叠的一次大胆尝试,我们邀请了缺省Default的Eric作为这首歌的制作人,帮助我们更好地表达每一个音符带来的独特情感。Eric说:“碎叠的作品总让我感觉到一种还保持着对世界怀疑的态度,时而流畅、时而像成长一样慌慌张张。是好的,有让人能回想起无数个夏天的自己的,令人再一次感受流动的季节的。”   专辑的英文名是“There and Back Again”,用它作为“朝往暮归”的英译其实有两层含义,首先,它代表四季轮回,往复交替;其次,也表示历经艰险,成功返航,我们又可以重新拥抱生活。醉翁有言: “朝而往,暮而归,四时之景不同,而乐亦无穷也。”人生之旅,朝往暮归,或许不见终点,但沿途风景不可错过;在这场四季更替的旅程里,愿我们也可以找到其中的无穷之乐。   制作人员名单:   吉他/合成器:小朱   口琴/小号:怪格瑞   贝斯:维峻   鼓:阿琛   特邀制作人:Eric@缺省Default,徐赛@小巫师Little Wizard   录音:彭涵轩@Touch Studio,徐赛@小巫师Little Wizard   混音:金昊喆   母带:Electra@Sub Sound Studio   封面:潘菲   "There and Back Again" is the first official album of SweetTie. With the theme of "the rhythm of the seasons", it also continues the motif of the previous EP "Sisyphus’s Trial"— living an active life to fight against the absurdity and meaninglessness of it. The flow of seasons brings people different feelings, so we decided to record our growth experience with nine songs in the order of seasons.   The album was created after the "Sisyphus’s Trial", when the guitarist Xiao Zhu was 20-22 years old. After two years of writing and composing by the band members, it was finally completed today. The young team injected vitality into the work. This undefined instrumental rock band proves that instrumental rock does not necessarily exist only in obscure dimensions— it can also express jumping, running, the river flowing in spring, and the youths’ sorrow for parting... ...   It is worth mentioning that the song "Raining Free" is a bold attempt of SweetTie. Eric, from the band Default, was invited as the special producer of this song. He said: "The work of SweetTie always makes me feel a unique attitude, that is, to be suspicious of the world. They are excellent, reminding people of the happiness and tension of growing up, and feeling the flow of seasons."   The English name of the album is "There and back again", which actually has two meanings. First, it represents the rhythm of the seasons; second, it also means that we can embrace life again through thick and thin. Ouyang Xiu, a famous writer in the Song Dynasty, wrote in "The Pavilion of the Drunken Old Man": "Going to the mountain in the morning, returning home in the evening, and enjoying the beauties of it in different seasons is a delight beyond description." The journey of life may seemed endless, but the scenery along the way cannot be missed. In the journey of changing seasons, wish we can also find the endless delight, like the drunken old man did.   Credits:   Guitar/Synthesizer: Xiao Zhu   Harmonica/Trumpet: Gregray   Bass: Wei Jun   Drums: Achen   Guest Producer: Eric@ Default, Xu Sai@Little Wizard   Recording: Peng Hanxuan@Touch Studio, Xu Sai @Little Wizard   Mixing: Jin Haozhe   Mastering: Electra@Sub Sound Studio   Cover: Pan Fei