
简介:  传道者说:虚空的虚空,虚空的虚空,凡事都是虚空。——《传道书》1:2   从虚空到盼望,日光之下凡事都是无意义吗?   地底乐团既花时间,又无意义,衝过二十多年,停下来想想,无人会上心地底乐团认为最重要的价值, 他人根本不在乎地底乐团所做的一切。   但仍然相信,我们将会在下一张地底乐团的新作品再见。   ———   在地•希望   将来•再见   Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity. ——“Ecclesiastes” 1:2   From hevel to hope,   Is everything meaningless in the sunlight?   Underground is both time-consuming and meaningless. After more than 25 years, if you stop and think about it, no one cares about what Underground considers to be the most important value. Others don’t care about what Underground does.   But I still believe that we will see you again in the next new work of Underground.   On the ground • Hope   In the future • Goodbye
  传道者说:虚空的虚空,虚空的虚空,凡事都是虚空。——《传道书》1:2   从虚空到盼望,日光之下凡事都是无意义吗?   地底乐团既花时间,又无意义,衝过二十多年,停下来想想,无人会上心地底乐团认为最重要的价值, 他人根本不在乎地底乐团所做的一切。   但仍然相信,我们将会在下一张地底乐团的新作品再见。   ———   在地•希望   将来•再见   Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity. ——“Ecclesiastes” 1:2   From hevel to hope,   Is everything meaningless in the sunlight?   Underground is both time-consuming and meaningless. After more than 25 years, if you stop and think about it, no one cares about what Underground considers to be the most important value. Others don’t care about what Underground does.   But I still believe that we will see you again in the next new work of Underground.   On the ground • Hope   In the future • Goodbye