
简介:  这首《漫无边际的遥远旅行》以及它的原声版本,是这个秋天我们送给各位的一个礼物。这首歌的歌词灵感来自于朋友们的一次旅行,我们去了伊春的原始森林,看到了时间之外的景色,长满苔的石头,被闪电击倒的古树,峭壁缝隙钻出的花,植物吸收1.5亿公里外太阳的能量制造氧气,溪水冲刷石头,当第一个无机分子变成有机,生命就开始了这漫无边际的遥远旅程,没人能说清楚终点在哪里。   这首歌的作曲和编曲是我们的吉他手杨哲伦,灵感来自于他为品牌 todoso创作的配乐。还有一个惊喜是这首歌后半部分的提琴演奏,来自于我们的新朋友姜娇,这段提琴好像青岛夏末傍晚一阵清凉的海风吹在脸上,吹在耳边,和海浪一起回响。   出去走走吧,就在这个秋天,寻找地球人类未出现时的样子,希望这首歌成为这次旅途的背景。   P.S.各位,好久不见,我是小武,不知道大家这几年过得怎么样,我们几个人都还可以,生活逐渐稳定,也有着和大家差不多的烦恼和快乐,得益于先进的现代数码科技,我们还能在不同的城市保持着一种舒服的创作状态,希望我们的音乐能成为你生活片段的小小注脚。   祝好。   _______________________________   作词:武墨涵   作曲/编曲/制作:杨哲伦   混音:李平,杨哲伦(原声版)   母带:李平   封面摄影:飯   封面设计:nothing   文案:武墨涵   This fall, we’d like to present you with a gift: the single "Boundless Voyage into the Unknown" and its acoustic version. The lyrics were inspired by a trip we took with our friends to Yichun's primeval forest. We saw sights that seemed to exist beyond time, moss-covered stones, ancient trees struck by lightning, flowers blooming in cliff crevices. We witnessed plants harnessing the sun's energy from 150 million kilometers away to create oxygen, and streams carving their way through stone. When the first inorganic molecule transformed into an organic one, life embarked on this boundless, distant journey. No one can say where the end lies.   The song's composition and arrangement were done by our guitarist, Eric Young, drawing inspiration from the soundtrack he created for our friend's brand, TODOSO. As a surprise, the violin part in the second half of the song was played by our new friend, Jiang Jiao. The violin sounds like a cool summer breeze in Tsingtao, caressing your face and ears, echoing with the waves.   So, let's go for a walk this autumn, and seek out the Earth as it was before humans. We hope this song can serve as the backdrop for your journey.   P.S. It's been a while, everyone. I'm Nuri. I wonder how you all have been these past few years. We're all doing pretty well, our lives have gradually stabilized, and we experience similar joys and sorrows as you do. Thanks to advanced digital technology, we're able to maintain a comfortable creative state even while living in different cities. We hope our music can become a small footnote in your lives.   Best wishes.
  这首《漫无边际的遥远旅行》以及它的原声版本,是这个秋天我们送给各位的一个礼物。这首歌的歌词灵感来自于朋友们的一次旅行,我们去了伊春的原始森林,看到了时间之外的景色,长满苔的石头,被闪电击倒的古树,峭壁缝隙钻出的花,植物吸收1.5亿公里外太阳的能量制造氧气,溪水冲刷石头,当第一个无机分子变成有机,生命就开始了这漫无边际的遥远旅程,没人能说清楚终点在哪里。   这首歌的作曲和编曲是我们的吉他手杨哲伦,灵感来自于他为品牌 todoso创作的配乐。还有一个惊喜是这首歌后半部分的提琴演奏,来自于我们的新朋友姜娇,这段提琴好像青岛夏末傍晚一阵清凉的海风吹在脸上,吹在耳边,和海浪一起回响。   出去走走吧,就在这个秋天,寻找地球人类未出现时的样子,希望这首歌成为这次旅途的背景。   P.S.各位,好久不见,我是小武,不知道大家这几年过得怎么样,我们几个人都还可以,生活逐渐稳定,也有着和大家差不多的烦恼和快乐,得益于先进的现代数码科技,我们还能在不同的城市保持着一种舒服的创作状态,希望我们的音乐能成为你生活片段的小小注脚。   祝好。   _______________________________   作词:武墨涵   作曲/编曲/制作:杨哲伦   混音:李平,杨哲伦(原声版)   母带:李平   封面摄影:飯   封面设计:nothing   文案:武墨涵   This fall, we’d like to present you with a gift: the single "Boundless Voyage into the Unknown" and its acoustic version. The lyrics were inspired by a trip we took with our friends to Yichun's primeval forest. We saw sights that seemed to exist beyond time, moss-covered stones, ancient trees struck by lightning, flowers blooming in cliff crevices. We witnessed plants harnessing the sun's energy from 150 million kilometers away to create oxygen, and streams carving their way through stone. When the first inorganic molecule transformed into an organic one, life embarked on this boundless, distant journey. No one can say where the end lies.   The song's composition and arrangement were done by our guitarist, Eric Young, drawing inspiration from the soundtrack he created for our friend's brand, TODOSO. As a surprise, the violin part in the second half of the song was played by our new friend, Jiang Jiao. The violin sounds like a cool summer breeze in Tsingtao, caressing your face and ears, echoing with the waves.   So, let's go for a walk this autumn, and seek out the Earth as it was before humans. We hope this song can serve as the backdrop for your journey.   P.S. It's been a while, everyone. I'm Nuri. I wonder how you all have been these past few years. We're all doing pretty well, our lives have gradually stabilized, and we experience similar joys and sorrows as you do. Thanks to advanced digital technology, we're able to maintain a comfortable creative state even while living in different cities. We hope our music can become a small footnote in your lives.   Best wishes.