
简介:「Metamorphosis」是白鲨JAWS乐队继「异类无碍」和「在我醒来之后」两张全长专辑后的全新尝试。有些生物会在生命的某些时刻,历经属于自己的修炼后得到全新的形态,而这张「Metamorphosis EP」就是在乐队眼中属于我们的“进化”的开端。 在这张EP收录的三首先行曲中,乐队探索了所有人都会经历到的那份在与生活抗争中跌入低谷的无奈和不甘,重新调整后再次向那些阴霾发起挑战,最终正视并解放心中那个仿佛已经习惯了被压抑的自我的决心。乐队在编曲上的尝试也因为这张EP而进入了新的阶段。 一起蜕变吧,Metamorphosis 才刚刚开始。 —— 白鲨JAWS [ Metamorphosis] is BaishaJAWS' first mini-album creation after our two full length albums: [ Anthem ] and [ The Dawn After ]. At some point of their lives, many organism will experience, through struggle, a complete transformation of both their structure and appeal but not their souls . [ Metamorphosis EP ] is the beginning of our transformation through our adventure in music as well. In the 3 songs that are included in this collection, we venture through the loss and despair that we all face in life at one point, how we put ourselves back together so we can challenge it all again, and in the end, set our "suppressed" selves free with determination. Our arrangement and production have also advanced through the making of this EP. Metamorphosis is only the beginning, let's venture on together. BaishaJAWS
「Metamorphosis」是白鲨JAWS乐队继「异类无碍」和「在我醒来之后」两张全长专辑后的全新尝试。有些生物会在生命的某些时刻,历经属于自己的修炼后得到全新的形态,而这张「Metamorphosis EP」就是在乐队眼中属于我们的“进化”的开端。 在这张EP收录的三首先行曲中,乐队探索了所有人都会经历到的那份在与生活抗争中跌入低谷的无奈和不甘,重新调整后再次向那些阴霾发起挑战,最终正视并解放心中那个仿佛已经习惯了被压抑的自我的决心。乐队在编曲上的尝试也因为这张EP而进入了新的阶段。 一起蜕变吧,Metamorphosis 才刚刚开始。 —— 白鲨JAWS [ Metamorphosis] is BaishaJAWS' first mini-album creation after our two full length albums: [ Anthem ] and [ The Dawn After ]. At some point of their lives, many organism will experience, through struggle, a complete transformation of both their structure and appeal but not their souls . [ Metamorphosis EP ] is the beginning of our transformation through our adventure in music as well. In the 3 songs that are included in this collection, we venture through the loss and despair that we all face in life at one point, how we put ourselves back together so we can challenge it all again, and in the end, set our "suppressed" selves free with determination. Our arrangement and production have also advanced through the making of this EP. Metamorphosis is only the beginning, let's venture on together. BaishaJAWS