Best of Hilary Duff

发行公司:Hollywood Records
简介:  出生于美国休斯敦的Hilary,2001年因为主演迪士尼频道的影集《新成长烦恼Lizzie McGuire》而人气爆红,成为全球青少年心目中最优质的甜美偶像。    11月11日,她发行了全新专辑——新歌加精选《Best Of》,特别收录新歌《Reach Out》和《Holiday》。据悉,新歌《Reach Out》取样自Depeche Mode乐队曾经的大热作品《Personal Jesus》。    The cover shot on The Best of Hilary Duff is as gorgeous, grown-up and sexy as Hilary Duff has ever been - and has absolutely nothing to do with any hit single that she's ever had. When Hilary's climbed the charts, it's been through light, fizzy teen-pop, the kind of single that fuels Radio Disney, but now that she's in her 20s, Duff wants to leave that image behind so 2008's The Best of Hilary Duff skews toward sleek, almost sultry club beats as older, fluffier hits like "Come Clean" are given a sensual electronic makeover. In that sense, this Best of is the flipside of her 05's Most Wanted which was pitched squarely at bright, happy tweens. Apart from the galumphing neo-Max Martin beat of "So Yesterday" there's nary a hint of that younger Duff on this best of, which kind of makes it the opposite of what a hits compilation should be: it's not a look back at the past but a blueprint for the future, which isn't quite what listeners want or need from a Best of, but it's not bad for what it is.
  出生于美国休斯敦的Hilary,2001年因为主演迪士尼频道的影集《新成长烦恼Lizzie McGuire》而人气爆红,成为全球青少年心目中最优质的甜美偶像。    11月11日,她发行了全新专辑——新歌加精选《Best Of》,特别收录新歌《Reach Out》和《Holiday》。据悉,新歌《Reach Out》取样自Depeche Mode乐队曾经的大热作品《Personal Jesus》。    The cover shot on The Best of Hilary Duff is as gorgeous, grown-up and sexy as Hilary Duff has ever been - and has absolutely nothing to do with any hit single that she's ever had. When Hilary's climbed the charts, it's been through light, fizzy teen-pop, the kind of single that fuels Radio Disney, but now that she's in her 20s, Duff wants to leave that image behind so 2008's The Best of Hilary Duff skews toward sleek, almost sultry club beats as older, fluffier hits like "Come Clean" are given a sensual electronic makeover. In that sense, this Best of is the flipside of her 05's Most Wanted which was pitched squarely at bright, happy tweens. Apart from the galumphing neo-Max Martin beat of "So Yesterday" there's nary a hint of that younger Duff on this best of, which kind of makes it the opposite of what a hits compilation should be: it's not a look back at the past but a blueprint for the future, which isn't quite what listeners want or need from a Best of, but it's not bad for what it is.