A Winter Symphony

简介:  美声温暖希望 歌颂真爱永恒   继销售白金、蝉联风云榜11冠军专辑 《真爱传奇》后   跨界女神全新15首冬日恋歌   西班牙天籁男声利马、希腊跨界美声男高音马利欧浪漫合唱   2008年是莎拉布莱曼忙碌不已的一年!年初才发行《真爱传奇Symphony》的莎拉,八月即举行全球巡回之旅,同时她更踏上北京奥运开幕式,与中国歌手刘欢演唱了京奥主题曲《我和你You And Me》;之后更推出这张她筹备已久的专辑《真爱永恒 冬之歌A Winter Symphony》。   在《真爱永恒 冬之歌》之中,莎拉用她天使般的歌声,重新诠释多首脍炙人口的经典,包括《平安夜》、《圣母颂》,以及充满性灵与感恩之心的《奇异恩典》和《当新生命降临》。首版限量的CD加DVD,在DVD部分收录莎拉接受采访与这张专辑录制过程、以及明年即将发行维也纳演唱会的精华片段。专辑中最后一首歌曲《耶诞快乐(战争结束了)》是已逝的披头四成员约翰伦农在1971年的经典作品,莎拉将这首抗议越战的歌曲放在专辑最后作为加收曲目,在这个举世动荡的年代里别具意义。   【曲目介绍】   CD:   1. 1976年阿巴合唱团称霸10国排行冠军专辑《阿巴来了》同名演奏曲   ABBA特许由莎拉亲自填词并重新诠释   2. 美国乡村歌坛天王文斯吉尔1984年隽永名曲 令人心碎的失恋情怀   3. 二度与西班牙美声男高音利马柔情对唱 在寒冬中映照无瑕纯净之光   4. 平安夜,圣善夜,万暗中,光华射 莎拉诠释脍炙人口经典名曲   5. 英国作曲家霍尔斯特最动人旋律 莎拉转化为温暖的真爱祝福   6. 尼尔戴蒙1974年知名畅销曲 荡气回肠的普世咏叹   7. 由莎拉的甜美华丽嗓音 为巴哈经典带来全新的圣洁光芒   8. 抒情经典名曲《破晓》 使失望的人重获希望、再现曙光的优美诗歌   9. 在莎拉充满欢欣与动感的歌声中 与家人、情人、朋友共度欢聚时光   10. 《白色巨塔》的良心颂咏 莎拉吟唱出气势磅礡的终极无敌版本   11. 莎拉纯净的女高音 翱翔于抚慰人心的柔美旋律之中   12. 前卫摇滚乐队Emerson, Lake & Palmer畅销单曲 和平与欢乐俯拾皆可得   Bonus Tracks   13. 一颗微星照亮了天上的路 莎拉唱出新生的喜悦   14. 莎拉与希腊跨界美声男高音马利欧深情合唱   15. 约翰伦农1971年反战名曲 将仇恨化成爱 将战争化为和平   You probably already know whether or not you're going to like this album, but for those who haven't yet encountered the phenomenon called Sarah Brightman, a stab at objective description may be in order. The genre is British crossover classical, with a mixture of contemporary pop-style tunes and more traditional numbers, in this case Christmas carols. Some of the factors that have made Brightman unusually successful among practitioners coming from the pop/Broadway side of the genre are on display in this seasonal release, with the outer covers showing Brightman slogging through a winter landscape and the booklet artwork showing the prone, bare-shouldered singer swathed in diaphanous linens and looking awestruck as snowflakes or confetti (better hope it's the latter) drop from above. First and foremost is Brightman's voice. You can argue over whether Andrea Bocelli or Russell Watson has operatic chops, but the debate is irrelevant in Brightman's case. She's the crossover equivalent of Donna Summer or Beyoncé, a singer who is good at adapting her voice to the needs of the surrounding production. Other examples might be the two female vocalists of ABBA, from whose Arrival LP the opening selection is drawn. But Brightman can do more with her voice than those Swedes, and part of what gives people chills is the way she can push her squeaky sound up into its top register in a piece like "Silent Night" (track 4) and not lose control. A second thing Brightman's albums do well (and here the credit goes to the producers and arrangers) is to make a symphony orchestra (several of Europe's finest, actually) sound uncannily like a pure product of studio electronics. Is that a good thing? Brightman detractors might read the Harry Crews novel Car, in which a redneck junkyard employee becomes distraught over the prevalence of mechanization and attempts to eat an entire car piece by piece, before saying no. The third effective piece of musical intelligence here is the selection of material. The subconscious cues that make music like this work are buried below the surface, and the surfaces work best if they are calmly simple. This does not foreclose gnomic lyrics like those of Andersson and Ulvaeus or of Neil Diamond (the little-known "I've Been This Way Before"); indeed, they can enhance the overall effect. Brightman and her producers have a knack for picking songs that aren't hackneyed, yet go down easily. Most of her colleagues would not have been likely to pick "Colder than Winter" by U.S. country singer/songwriter Vince Gill, for example, but it works like a charm. All in all, if you like Sarah Brightman, you are virtually guaranteed to like this album. And if you're absorbed by the strangeness that is European pop culture, you just might like it too.
  美声温暖希望 歌颂真爱永恒   继销售白金、蝉联风云榜11冠军专辑 《真爱传奇》后   跨界女神全新15首冬日恋歌   西班牙天籁男声利马、希腊跨界美声男高音马利欧浪漫合唱   2008年是莎拉布莱曼忙碌不已的一年!年初才发行《真爱传奇Symphony》的莎拉,八月即举行全球巡回之旅,同时她更踏上北京奥运开幕式,与中国歌手刘欢演唱了京奥主题曲《我和你You And Me》;之后更推出这张她筹备已久的专辑《真爱永恒 冬之歌A Winter Symphony》。   在《真爱永恒 冬之歌》之中,莎拉用她天使般的歌声,重新诠释多首脍炙人口的经典,包括《平安夜》、《圣母颂》,以及充满性灵与感恩之心的《奇异恩典》和《当新生命降临》。首版限量的CD加DVD,在DVD部分收录莎拉接受采访与这张专辑录制过程、以及明年即将发行维也纳演唱会的精华片段。专辑中最后一首歌曲《耶诞快乐(战争结束了)》是已逝的披头四成员约翰伦农在1971年的经典作品,莎拉将这首抗议越战的歌曲放在专辑最后作为加收曲目,在这个举世动荡的年代里别具意义。   【曲目介绍】   CD:   1. 1976年阿巴合唱团称霸10国排行冠军专辑《阿巴来了》同名演奏曲   ABBA特许由莎拉亲自填词并重新诠释   2. 美国乡村歌坛天王文斯吉尔1984年隽永名曲 令人心碎的失恋情怀   3. 二度与西班牙美声男高音利马柔情对唱 在寒冬中映照无瑕纯净之光   4. 平安夜,圣善夜,万暗中,光华射 莎拉诠释脍炙人口经典名曲   5. 英国作曲家霍尔斯特最动人旋律 莎拉转化为温暖的真爱祝福   6. 尼尔戴蒙1974年知名畅销曲 荡气回肠的普世咏叹   7. 由莎拉的甜美华丽嗓音 为巴哈经典带来全新的圣洁光芒   8. 抒情经典名曲《破晓》 使失望的人重获希望、再现曙光的优美诗歌   9. 在莎拉充满欢欣与动感的歌声中 与家人、情人、朋友共度欢聚时光   10. 《白色巨塔》的良心颂咏 莎拉吟唱出气势磅礡的终极无敌版本   11. 莎拉纯净的女高音 翱翔于抚慰人心的柔美旋律之中   12. 前卫摇滚乐队Emerson, Lake & Palmer畅销单曲 和平与欢乐俯拾皆可得   Bonus Tracks   13. 一颗微星照亮了天上的路 莎拉唱出新生的喜悦   14. 莎拉与希腊跨界美声男高音马利欧深情合唱   15. 约翰伦农1971年反战名曲 将仇恨化成爱 将战争化为和平   You probably already know whether or not you're going to like this album, but for those who haven't yet encountered the phenomenon called Sarah Brightman, a stab at objective description may be in order. The genre is British crossover classical, with a mixture of contemporary pop-style tunes and more traditional numbers, in this case Christmas carols. Some of the factors that have made Brightman unusually successful among practitioners coming from the pop/Broadway side of the genre are on display in this seasonal release, with the outer covers showing Brightman slogging through a winter landscape and the booklet artwork showing the prone, bare-shouldered singer swathed in diaphanous linens and looking awestruck as snowflakes or confetti (better hope it's the latter) drop from above. First and foremost is Brightman's voice. You can argue over whether Andrea Bocelli or Russell Watson has operatic chops, but the debate is irrelevant in Brightman's case. She's the crossover equivalent of Donna Summer or Beyoncé, a singer who is good at adapting her voice to the needs of the surrounding production. Other examples might be the two female vocalists of ABBA, from whose Arrival LP the opening selection is drawn. But Brightman can do more with her voice than those Swedes, and part of what gives people chills is the way she can push her squeaky sound up into its top register in a piece like "Silent Night" (track 4) and not lose control. A second thing Brightman's albums do well (and here the credit goes to the producers and arrangers) is to make a symphony orchestra (several of Europe's finest, actually) sound uncannily like a pure product of studio electronics. Is that a good thing? Brightman detractors might read the Harry Crews novel Car, in which a redneck junkyard employee becomes distraught over the prevalence of mechanization and attempts to eat an entire car piece by piece, before saying no. The third effective piece of musical intelligence here is the selection of material. The subconscious cues that make music like this work are buried below the surface, and the surfaces work best if they are calmly simple. This does not foreclose gnomic lyrics like those of Andersson and Ulvaeus or of Neil Diamond (the little-known "I've Been This Way Before"); indeed, they can enhance the overall effect. Brightman and her producers have a knack for picking songs that aren't hackneyed, yet go down easily. Most of her colleagues would not have been likely to pick "Colder than Winter" by U.S. country singer/songwriter Vince Gill, for example, but it works like a charm. All in all, if you like Sarah Brightman, you are virtually guaranteed to like this album. And if you're absorbed by the strangeness that is European pop culture, you just might like it too.