Taller Children
简介: 《Taller Children》是在Verve Forecast旗下发行的首张专辑。
专辑的首支歌曲《Momma's Boy》以幽默的曲风配合谐谑的语气唱出新一代女生的恋爱观。Momma's Boy在英语中原意是指什么都听妈妈的话的乖乖男生,在这里则是讽刺在交往中老是依靠女生的幼稚男生。《Apathy》则是一首细细呢喃的情感小品,悠扬的提亲融合钢琴声教人泫然欲泣。《Everybody Knows》是一首充满思想的曲子,以简单的纯节拍以开场,女声的清唱一直延续到副歌部分,进而响起的弦乐让人有一种“拨云见日”的感觉。《Complimentary Me》曲风多变,编曲丰富,流水般的吉他以及强劲的鼓掌节拍仿佛置身于西班牙的斗牛场,时而插入的风琴声又洋溢着俄罗斯风情,充满了歌剧感。《Just in Time》则是一首慢板的钢琴小品,在干净的女声演绎下,仿佛身临于静谧的月夜之下。《Perfect Perfect》是一首绝对惊艳的三拍子曲子,间奏中圆舞曲提琴不可谓不华丽,曲速时快时慢,之后的磅礴的加入的男声合唱令人感到是在观看一场晚会。
Taller Children, the debutalbum from the Brooklyn based band featuring Elizabeth Abby Lynn Ziman, Dan Molad, and Pete Lalish is a unique blend of pop playfulness and grown-up introspection. Elizabeth & The Catapult formed in NYC in 2004 and quickly gained a loyal downtown following with their captivating tunes and energetic live shows. The bulk of Taller Children was recorded with producer Mike Mogis (Bright Eyes, M. Ward, Rilo Kiley) while several of the album's performances were drawn from the homespun demos recorded in drummer Molad's home studio. All songs were written by Ziman except "Taller Children," which she co-wrote with Matt Wigton and Dan Molad, and "Everybody Knows" by Leonard Cohen.
《Taller Children》是在Verve Forecast旗下发行的首张专辑。
专辑的首支歌曲《Momma's Boy》以幽默的曲风配合谐谑的语气唱出新一代女生的恋爱观。Momma's Boy在英语中原意是指什么都听妈妈的话的乖乖男生,在这里则是讽刺在交往中老是依靠女生的幼稚男生。《Apathy》则是一首细细呢喃的情感小品,悠扬的提亲融合钢琴声教人泫然欲泣。《Everybody Knows》是一首充满思想的曲子,以简单的纯节拍以开场,女声的清唱一直延续到副歌部分,进而响起的弦乐让人有一种“拨云见日”的感觉。《Complimentary Me》曲风多变,编曲丰富,流水般的吉他以及强劲的鼓掌节拍仿佛置身于西班牙的斗牛场,时而插入的风琴声又洋溢着俄罗斯风情,充满了歌剧感。《Just in Time》则是一首慢板的钢琴小品,在干净的女声演绎下,仿佛身临于静谧的月夜之下。《Perfect Perfect》是一首绝对惊艳的三拍子曲子,间奏中圆舞曲提琴不可谓不华丽,曲速时快时慢,之后的磅礴的加入的男声合唱令人感到是在观看一场晚会。
Taller Children, the debutalbum from the Brooklyn based band featuring Elizabeth Abby Lynn Ziman, Dan Molad, and Pete Lalish is a unique blend of pop playfulness and grown-up introspection. Elizabeth & The Catapult formed in NYC in 2004 and quickly gained a loyal downtown following with their captivating tunes and energetic live shows. The bulk of Taller Children was recorded with producer Mike Mogis (Bright Eyes, M. Ward, Rilo Kiley) while several of the album's performances were drawn from the homespun demos recorded in drummer Molad's home studio. All songs were written by Ziman except "Taller Children," which she co-wrote with Matt Wigton and Dan Molad, and "Everybody Knows" by Leonard Cohen.