Only Revolutions

发行公司:14th Floor Records
简介:  散发着年轻Nirvana生猛气息的英国乐团,再兴美式Grunge狂潮的叛逆不羁!   Beck编曲大师父亲David Campbell、混音大师Andy Wallace、石器时代女王吉他手Josh Homme助阵!   Biffy Clyro由吉他手Simon Neil、贝斯手James Johnston、鼓手Ben Johnston组成,三人皆可担当主唱,亦可独当一面,这组来自苏格兰的Biffy Clyro,却常让人误认为是美国乐团,他们散发着犹如年轻Nirvana的生猛气息,或更为庞克地趋近美国Garage摇滚两大团The White Stripes、The Strokes的风格。无论如何,安静与狂躁兼容并蓄,落差就在一秒间距,Biffy Clyro玩音乐的概念,一再令人大呼过瘾,处处暗藏惊喜桥段。2002-2004年于英国独立厂牌Beggars Banquet旗下陆续问世“Blackened Sky”、“The Vertigo Of Bliss”、“Infinity Land”等三张专辑,全数进入英国主流榜之林,再兴美式Grunge狂潮的叛逆不羁。之后加盟主流厂牌华纳,发行专辑“Puzzle”,单曲「Saturday Superhouse」拿到英国单曲榜#13、为Biffy Clyro最高名次的单曲,不仅如此,后来的「Living Is A Problem Because Everything Dies」、「Folding Stars」、「Machines」、「Who’s Got A Match」等四支单曲也都全打入英国单曲榜Top30之中,“Puzzle”也成功拿下英国专辑榜#2的佳绩。随后,只以单曲形式发行的「Mountains」又刷新Biffy Clyro单曲最高名次纪录,登上英国单曲榜#5。Biffy Clyro一路稳扎稳打厚实根基,也累积起众多死忠乐迷,如今相隔两年再度骚动,发行乐团第五张录音室专辑“Only Revolutions”。   延续“Puzzle”的另类/金属摇滚大师Garth Richardson(RHCP、Rage Against The Machine)担纲专辑制作,英国单曲榜#17的「The Captain」由行进的鼓乐、踏步声与高昂喇叭开场制造热闹气氛,听见Biffy Clyro的生气蓬勃,是乐团最具史诗感的歌曲创作,在音乐录像带中三位团员还化身为水手,创造出彷佛电影【神鬼奇航】般的场景,首支单曲「That Golden Rule」,主唱Neil也表示此作彷佛是Stoner Rock名团Kyuss与Tool这种前卫金属合体的作品,果然惊人的金属气焰逼人,火速攀爬的吉他riff,后段紧凑的弦乐鼓击紧密结合,让人奋力甩头摆脑,大感痛快,而冲入英国单曲榜#5、气势宏伟的「Mountains」也得以归入“Only Revolution”里。“Only Revolutions”更请到音乐鬼才Beck的编曲大师父亲David Campbell包办整张专辑的弦乐编曲,另类摇滚金属界超知名混音大师Andy Wallace(Limp Bizkit、Atreyu),另外Neil更特别邀请好友Queens Of The Stone Age的吉他手Josh Homme于「Bubbles」一同献技,让新作更具可听性!   Only Revolutions is the fifth studio album by Scottish alternative rock band Biffy Clyro, released 9 November 2009 on 14th Floor Records. As with its predecessor, Puzzle, the album was produced by Garth Richardson. Upon release, Only Revolutions was a critical and commercial success. The album entered at #8 on the UK Album Chart and was then certified gold by the BPI shortly afterwards. It was certified platinum by the BPI in June 2010 for shipments of 300,000 copies in the UK, making it the band's largest selling album. In September 2010, the album achieved a new peak position of #3. It was the 26th biggest selling album of 2010 in the UK with sales of 377,900. It was nominated for the 2010 Mercury Prize, which is awarded annually for the best album in the UK or Ireland, and Rock Sound declared it third in its list of the 75 best albums of 2009.
  散发着年轻Nirvana生猛气息的英国乐团,再兴美式Grunge狂潮的叛逆不羁!   Beck编曲大师父亲David Campbell、混音大师Andy Wallace、石器时代女王吉他手Josh Homme助阵!   Biffy Clyro由吉他手Simon Neil、贝斯手James Johnston、鼓手Ben Johnston组成,三人皆可担当主唱,亦可独当一面,这组来自苏格兰的Biffy Clyro,却常让人误认为是美国乐团,他们散发着犹如年轻Nirvana的生猛气息,或更为庞克地趋近美国Garage摇滚两大团The White Stripes、The Strokes的风格。无论如何,安静与狂躁兼容并蓄,落差就在一秒间距,Biffy Clyro玩音乐的概念,一再令人大呼过瘾,处处暗藏惊喜桥段。2002-2004年于英国独立厂牌Beggars Banquet旗下陆续问世“Blackened Sky”、“The Vertigo Of Bliss”、“Infinity Land”等三张专辑,全数进入英国主流榜之林,再兴美式Grunge狂潮的叛逆不羁。之后加盟主流厂牌华纳,发行专辑“Puzzle”,单曲「Saturday Superhouse」拿到英国单曲榜#13、为Biffy Clyro最高名次的单曲,不仅如此,后来的「Living Is A Problem Because Everything Dies」、「Folding Stars」、「Machines」、「Who’s Got A Match」等四支单曲也都全打入英国单曲榜Top30之中,“Puzzle”也成功拿下英国专辑榜#2的佳绩。随后,只以单曲形式发行的「Mountains」又刷新Biffy Clyro单曲最高名次纪录,登上英国单曲榜#5。Biffy Clyro一路稳扎稳打厚实根基,也累积起众多死忠乐迷,如今相隔两年再度骚动,发行乐团第五张录音室专辑“Only Revolutions”。   延续“Puzzle”的另类/金属摇滚大师Garth Richardson(RHCP、Rage Against The Machine)担纲专辑制作,英国单曲榜#17的「The Captain」由行进的鼓乐、踏步声与高昂喇叭开场制造热闹气氛,听见Biffy Clyro的生气蓬勃,是乐团最具史诗感的歌曲创作,在音乐录像带中三位团员还化身为水手,创造出彷佛电影【神鬼奇航】般的场景,首支单曲「That Golden Rule」,主唱Neil也表示此作彷佛是Stoner Rock名团Kyuss与Tool这种前卫金属合体的作品,果然惊人的金属气焰逼人,火速攀爬的吉他riff,后段紧凑的弦乐鼓击紧密结合,让人奋力甩头摆脑,大感痛快,而冲入英国单曲榜#5、气势宏伟的「Mountains」也得以归入“Only Revolution”里。“Only Revolutions”更请到音乐鬼才Beck的编曲大师父亲David Campbell包办整张专辑的弦乐编曲,另类摇滚金属界超知名混音大师Andy Wallace(Limp Bizkit、Atreyu),另外Neil更特别邀请好友Queens Of The Stone Age的吉他手Josh Homme于「Bubbles」一同献技,让新作更具可听性!   Only Revolutions is the fifth studio album by Scottish alternative rock band Biffy Clyro, released 9 November 2009 on 14th Floor Records. As with its predecessor, Puzzle, the album was produced by Garth Richardson. Upon release, Only Revolutions was a critical and commercial success. The album entered at #8 on the UK Album Chart and was then certified gold by the BPI shortly afterwards. It was certified platinum by the BPI in June 2010 for shipments of 300,000 copies in the UK, making it the band's largest selling album. In September 2010, the album achieved a new peak position of #3. It was the 26th biggest selling album of 2010 in the UK with sales of 377,900. It was nominated for the 2010 Mercury Prize, which is awarded annually for the best album in the UK or Ireland, and Rock Sound declared it third in its list of the 75 best albums of 2009.