彼得·许莱尔(Peter Schreier,1935年7月29日),德国著名男高音歌剧唱家,指挥家,以演绎德语歌剧和巴赫各部圣乐中传道者的角色而闻名于世。   他的嗓音柔婉优美、音乐处理细致严谨,擅长于演唱莫扎特的古典歌剧和舒伯特、舒曼、沃尔夫等作曲家的艺术歌曲,同时又是出色的宗教歌曲演唱家。   八岁入德累斯顿圣十字架教堂合唱团中唱童高音,翌年首次登上歌剧舞台,在莫扎特的《魔笛》中扮演一个男童。十六岁变声后正式从师学习声乐,1964年考入德累斯顿音乐学院专攻声乐、指挥。毕业后在柏林、汉堡、德累斯顿、伦敦、罗马、维也纳、萨尔兹堡、布宜诺斯艾利斯、米兰、纽约等地举行音乐会或演出歌剧。   The highly esteemed German tenor and conductor, Peter (Max) Schreier, was a son of a Church Kantor, who gave him his first musical training. At the age of eight Peter was entered in the preparatory class of the famous chorus the Dresdner Kreuzchor, to which he belonged for many years, and it helped to pave the way for his later musical career. He made his first operatic appearance as one of the Three Boys in Mozart's Die Zauberflöte in 1944, which led him to consider a musical career. At the age of ten he started as a soprano but they discovered rapidly that he was an alto. Soon he rose to the position of first alto soloist within the choir. Even as a boy chorister, Schreier was entrusted with many solo parts. As such he sang on some of the first German LP’s ever released, of Bach cantatas on Deutsche Grammophon's Das alte Werk imprint. He travelled to France, Scandinavia, and Luxembourg, among other destinations, on tour with the Dresdner Kreuzchor.   Peter Schreier remained with the choir as a tenor after his voice changed. In 1954, he began taking private voice lessons with the well-known Leipziger concert singer and singing pedagogue Fritz Polster (1954-1956), while working as a member of the Leipzig Radio Chorus. In 1956, he entered the Dresden Musikhochschule (Carl Maria von Weber College Music), where his teacher was Winkler. Schreier studied both singing and conducting. He also studied at the Dresden State Opera's training school. In 1957, he appeared in the opera studio's production of Il matrimonio segreto as Paolino. He graduated from the Musikhochschule in 1959, passing the State Exam.
  彼得·许莱尔(Peter Schreier,1935年7月29日),德国著名男高音歌剧唱家,指挥家,以演绎德语歌剧和巴赫各部圣乐中传道者的角色而闻名于世。   他的嗓音柔婉优美、音乐处理细致严谨,擅长于演唱莫扎特的古典歌剧和舒伯特、舒曼、沃尔夫等作曲家的艺术歌曲,同时又是出色的宗教歌曲演唱家。   八岁入德累斯顿圣十字架教堂合唱团中唱童高音,翌年首次登上歌剧舞台,在莫扎特的《魔笛》中扮演一个男童。十六岁变声后正式从师学习声乐,1964年考入德累斯顿音乐学院专攻声乐、指挥。毕业后在柏林、汉堡、德累斯顿、伦敦、罗马、维也纳、萨尔兹堡、布宜诺斯艾利斯、米兰、纽约等地举行音乐会或演出歌剧。   The highly esteemed German tenor and conductor, Peter (Max) Schreier, was a son of a Church Kantor, who gave him his first musical training. At the age of eight Peter was entered in the preparatory class of the famous chorus the Dresdner Kreuzchor, to which he belonged for many years, and it helped to pave the way for his later musical career. He made his first operatic appearance as one of the Three Boys in Mozart's Die Zauberflöte in 1944, which led him to consider a musical career. At the age of ten he started as a soprano but they discovered rapidly that he was an alto. Soon he rose to the position of first alto soloist within the choir. Even as a boy chorister, Schreier was entrusted with many solo parts. As such he sang on some of the first German LP’s ever released, of Bach cantatas on Deutsche Grammophon's Das alte Werk imprint. He travelled to France, Scandinavia, and Luxembourg, among other destinations, on tour with the Dresdner Kreuzchor.   Peter Schreier remained with the choir as a tenor after his voice changed. In 1954, he began taking private voice lessons with the well-known Leipziger concert singer and singing pedagogue Fritz Polster (1954-1956), while working as a member of the Leipzig Radio Chorus. In 1956, he entered the Dresden Musikhochschule (Carl Maria von Weber College Music), where his teacher was Winkler. Schreier studied both singing and conducting. He also studied at the Dresden State Opera's training school. In 1957, he appeared in the opera studio's production of Il matrimonio segreto as Paolino. He graduated from the Musikhochschule in 1959, passing the State Exam.
Peter Schreier
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