血肉果汁机是2006 年自台中发迹的乐团,目前成员为主唱Gigo、吉他手ZERO、吉他手Matt、贝斯手sionC 和鼓手Evan。音乐风格以DEATHCORE 和HARDCORE 为主,创作多以台湾信仰文化为背景,道出台湾的人情世故、庙会出巡、社会治安等各层面的现实,也将唢吶、五声音阶等传统元素融合在重金属音乐之中,带给听众强烈而直入人心的震撼。   发行过两张EP《下体溃烂 A Morbid State》、《粗残台中The Brutal Taichung》并参与过数张合辑的血肉,在歌迷的引颈企盼下,于2015 年推出首张专辑《GIGO》,数位发行甫上市便蝉联排行榜冠军数周,实体专辑亦打破最快销售纪录,限量精装版于开卖后20 分钟内售罄,目前仅有平装版流通于市面。专辑歌曲将传统庙会与丧礼伴奏中常用的台湾传统旋律「五声音阶」融入金属乐中,透过「第六平行宇宙」概念描述社会乱象及在地文化,结合宗教与科幻元素的金属曲风,音乐力道相当惊人。荣获iNDIEVOX 年度畅销专辑第一名、年度畅销单曲第一名,同年底也拿下第六届金音奖最佳摇滚专辑奖。   2016 年5 月28 日,血肉举办首场千人专场「血肉宫:建宫盖庙演唱会」,可说是血肉重要的一个里程碑。在开演前门票即销售一空,而现场也的确达到歌迷的期待──除了亮眼的音乐表现,视觉呈现也别具特色,包括重金打造两条手绘大型龙柱、震撼全场的Intro Vedio,背景影片及灯光的精心搭配、别出心裁的周边商品,带来一场高品质的感官飨宴,在台湾成功建立起自己的音乐风格以及信徒场景( 称歌迷为信徒),颠覆了一般金属乐团给人的刻板印象,不论是在音乐作品本身或是视觉风格,血肉皆有属于自己的特色。   2015年发行首张专辑「GIGO」,以DEATHCORE和HARDCORE曲风为主轴,并巧妙融合唢吶、五声音阶等传统元素。2017 年,血肉发行黑讯息EP、举办台湾专场巡演、受邀至各大音乐祭演出及多所学校进行讲座及演出,并且陆续接受国内外多家媒体的报导,积极进行对外音乐交流,拓展台湾乐团的国外能见度。血肉过去的国外演出经历曾到过中国、日本、东南亚等地,2013 年更曾跟随闪灵前往德国演出、2015 年前进日本SUMMER SONIC 以及香港CLOCKENFLAP,2016 年则至亚洲最大金属音乐祭LOUD PARK 演出,是继前辈闪灵后台湾第二组登上LOUD PARK的艺人。   2017 年血肉在五月规划一系列海外巡回,受邀至印尼最大型金属音乐祭Hammer Sonic 演出、到日本与金属名团Head Phones President、HEXVOID、Each ofthe days 等十一组优秀日本乐团共同巡演,将带有台湾文化特色的音乐推向国际。   2018年推出新专辑「深海童话」,并展开亚洲巡演。同年并获得金音创作奖最佳现场演出奖项。   2019年更以『深海童话』专辑入围第三十届金曲奖最佳乐团,同时荣获全美独立音乐奖的专辑封面针装设计国际大奖。成军至今 12 年,参与大大小小的国内外音乐祭巡回表演,一步一脚印的把台湾的希望带出去国外,让世界听到属于台湾的在地故事。   Flesh Juicer was established in taichung in the year of 2006.The two main styles of their music are Hardcore and Deathcore. Most of their songs are about taiwanese traditional culture, social convention and the tour of religious carnivals.the melodic line in their music exhibits the traditional-eastern pentatonic scale with the use of oriental instruments, such as suona, gongs & drums. in addition to the using of traditional instruments in music, the lyrics were written in traditional taiwanese language.the Pig Head, which is often seen in traditional religious Carnivals, is the spiritual symbol of Flesh Juicer.   International Performance   Flesh Juicer have performed in Taiwan with BRAHMAN、Hawaiian 6、Miss May I、The Word Alive、Dreamshade、MY FIRST STORY. In 2015, Flesh Juicer stood on the stage of SUMMER SONIC and CLOCKENFLAP. They had an Asia tour in Thailand, Singapore and China. The following year, they participated in the largest metal festival, LOUD PARK, becoming the second Taiwanese band group who performed in the festival after ChthoniC. In 2017, they planned a series of overseas tours, got invited to the largest metal festival in Indonesia - Hammer Sonic, and had a tour with Head Phones President, HEXVOID, Each of the days in Japan.   Flesh Juicer had been invited to the biggest Metal Festival - PULP SUMMER SLAM in the Philippines. Touring with NILIU and QIU HONG in Hong Kong and China. They also went to RED BULL STUDIO (Japan), recorded a single with HER NAME IN BLOOD, and held a new concert.   To stand on the overseas stage is Flesh Juicer’s next step, they love to show their best to the world.
  血肉果汁机是2006 年自台中发迹的乐团,目前成员为主唱Gigo、吉他手ZERO、吉他手Matt、贝斯手sionC 和鼓手Evan。音乐风格以DEATHCORE 和HARDCORE 为主,创作多以台湾信仰文化为背景,道出台湾的人情世故、庙会出巡、社会治安等各层面的现实,也将唢吶、五声音阶等传统元素融合在重金属音乐之中,带给听众强烈而直入人心的震撼。   发行过两张EP《下体溃烂 A Morbid State》、《粗残台中The Brutal Taichung》并参与过数张合辑的血肉,在歌迷的引颈企盼下,于2015 年推出首张专辑《GIGO》,数位发行甫上市便蝉联排行榜冠军数周,实体专辑亦打破最快销售纪录,限量精装版于开卖后20 分钟内售罄,目前仅有平装版流通于市面。专辑歌曲将传统庙会与丧礼伴奏中常用的台湾传统旋律「五声音阶」融入金属乐中,透过「第六平行宇宙」概念描述社会乱象及在地文化,结合宗教与科幻元素的金属曲风,音乐力道相当惊人。荣获iNDIEVOX 年度畅销专辑第一名、年度畅销单曲第一名,同年底也拿下第六届金音奖最佳摇滚专辑奖。   2016 年5 月28 日,血肉举办首场千人专场「血肉宫:建宫盖庙演唱会」,可说是血肉重要的一个里程碑。在开演前门票即销售一空,而现场也的确达到歌迷的期待──除了亮眼的音乐表现,视觉呈现也别具特色,包括重金打造两条手绘大型龙柱、震撼全场的Intro Vedio,背景影片及灯光的精心搭配、别出心裁的周边商品,带来一场高品质的感官飨宴,在台湾成功建立起自己的音乐风格以及信徒场景( 称歌迷为信徒),颠覆了一般金属乐团给人的刻板印象,不论是在音乐作品本身或是视觉风格,血肉皆有属于自己的特色。   2015年发行首张专辑「GIGO」,以DEATHCORE和HARDCORE曲风为主轴,并巧妙融合唢吶、五声音阶等传统元素。2017 年,血肉发行黑讯息EP、举办台湾专场巡演、受邀至各大音乐祭演出及多所学校进行讲座及演出,并且陆续接受国内外多家媒体的报导,积极进行对外音乐交流,拓展台湾乐团的国外能见度。血肉过去的国外演出经历曾到过中国、日本、东南亚等地,2013 年更曾跟随闪灵前往德国演出、2015 年前进日本SUMMER SONIC 以及香港CLOCKENFLAP,2016 年则至亚洲最大金属音乐祭LOUD PARK 演出,是继前辈闪灵后台湾第二组登上LOUD PARK的艺人。   2017 年血肉在五月规划一系列海外巡回,受邀至印尼最大型金属音乐祭Hammer Sonic 演出、到日本与金属名团Head Phones President、HEXVOID、Each ofthe days 等十一组优秀日本乐团共同巡演,将带有台湾文化特色的音乐推向国际。   2018年推出新专辑「深海童话」,并展开亚洲巡演。同年并获得金音创作奖最佳现场演出奖项。   2019年更以『深海童话』专辑入围第三十届金曲奖最佳乐团,同时荣获全美独立音乐奖的专辑封面针装设计国际大奖。成军至今 12 年,参与大大小小的国内外音乐祭巡回表演,一步一脚印的把台湾的希望带出去国外,让世界听到属于台湾的在地故事。   Flesh Juicer was established in taichung in the year of 2006.The two main styles of their music are Hardcore and Deathcore. Most of their songs are about taiwanese traditional culture, social convention and the tour of religious carnivals.the melodic line in their music exhibits the traditional-eastern pentatonic scale with the use of oriental instruments, such as suona, gongs & drums. in addition to the using of traditional instruments in music, the lyrics were written in traditional taiwanese language.the Pig Head, which is often seen in traditional religious Carnivals, is the spiritual symbol of Flesh Juicer.   International Performance   Flesh Juicer have performed in Taiwan with BRAHMAN、Hawaiian 6、Miss May I、The Word Alive、Dreamshade、MY FIRST STORY. In 2015, Flesh Juicer stood on the stage of SUMMER SONIC and CLOCKENFLAP. They had an Asia tour in Thailand, Singapore and China. The following year, they participated in the largest metal festival, LOUD PARK, becoming the second Taiwanese band group who performed in the festival after ChthoniC. In 2017, they planned a series of overseas tours, got invited to the largest metal festival in Indonesia - Hammer Sonic, and had a tour with Head Phones President, HEXVOID, Each of the days in Japan.   Flesh Juicer had been invited to the biggest Metal Festival - PULP SUMMER SLAM in the Philippines. Touring with NILIU and QIU HONG in Hong Kong and China. They also went to RED BULL STUDIO (Japan), recorded a single with HER NAME IN BLOOD, and held a new concert.   To stand on the overseas stage is Flesh Juicer’s next step, they love to show their best to the world.
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