Los Auténticos Decadentes (Spanish for "The Authentic Decadents") is an Argentine band that mixes ska with Latin American rhythms. The band was formed around the year 1986 by Cucho and Nito, who invited Gastón to join them.   Their first hit was Veni Raquel, which set the tone for the irreverence and ironic humor of their later lyrics. Many of their songs are classic anthems of the Argentine nightlife, such as Corazón, Loco (Tu Forma de Ser), Entregá el Marrón, La Guitarra and El Murguero.
  Los Auténticos Decadentes (Spanish for "The Authentic Decadents") is an Argentine band that mixes ska with Latin American rhythms. The band was formed around the year 1986 by Cucho and Nito, who invited Gastón to join them.   Their first hit was Veni Raquel, which set the tone for the irreverence and ironic humor of their later lyrics. Many of their songs are classic anthems of the Argentine nightlife, such as Corazón, Loco (Tu Forma de Ser), Entregá el Marrón, La Guitarra and El Murguero.
Los Autenticos Decadentes
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