Chris Medina,克里斯·梅迪纳,坚持守护因车祸致残的妻子,是个不可多得、有情有义的好男人,美国人。在《美国偶像》中凭借着这首《What are words》而在网络上广泛流传。   Chris Medina曾经是星巴克的服务员。2007年12月12日,他向和他相恋8年的女孩Juliana提出订婚。虽然只是订婚,但Chris Median后来在《美国偶像》的比赛采访中说过:“We kind of make it a promise to get married.{把它(订婚)作为结婚的一个承诺。}”  2009年10月2日,订婚后两年,那个美丽的女孩因为车祸事故,脑部受到重创,康复后智力只有2岁,生活完全不能够自理。但Chris不离不弃。 后来Chris参加了美国偶像,为的就是赚到更多的钱让未婚妻受到更好的治疗过上更好的生活。虽然最后还是止步于全国24强,但《What are words》这首充满爱的歌已经牢牢地印在人们的心里。有一种感情,能让旁观者为之动容,那就是无私的爱。听着他的歌你能感受到他有多爱他的妻子,他遵守着自己的承诺,不管爱的人现在如何,她永远都是他的天使!   据报道,《美国偶像》目前正在进行男女24强预选 ,63位选手,将有39人被直接淘汰出局,克里斯·梅迪纳(Chris Medina)就是其中的一位。不过,克里斯·梅迪纳的被淘汰,却让人依依不舍,当然,这并非克里斯·梅迪纳歌唱能力多么优秀,而是,克里斯·梅迪纳的事迹,确实非常感人。2009年,克里斯·梅迪纳与未婚妻胡莉亚纳(Juliana)结婚时遭遇车祸,胡莉亚纳因此脑瘫,如今只能坐上轮椅度日,生活不能自理。但是,克里斯·梅迪纳义无反顾,肩挑起了照顾患病未婚妻的重任。克里斯·梅迪纳是本届《美国偶像》评审詹妮弗·洛佩兹最喜欢的选手之一,但随着赛程的进行,克里斯·梅迪纳在众多强大对手的冲击下,不得不提前出局。詹妮弗·洛佩兹对于这个结果,按耐不住自己的悲伤,在演播厅宣布克里斯·梅迪纳淘汰后,泪流满面,并哭泣着说,“很高兴能认识像克里斯·梅迪纳这样有情有义的男人,他的出局让人难舍难分。太残酷了,早知道,就不做这个评审了。”在另外两位评审摇滚巨星史蒂芬·泰勒(Steven Tyler)和兰迪·杰克逊(Randy Jackson)的安慰下,詹妮弗·洛佩兹才控制住情绪,录制接下来的节目,也许说很多很多话,做很多很多介绍,都不能涵盖他对女友深深的爱,如果能让我们明白到:什么是最糟糕的?而它也不过如此,永远打不倒我,击败不了我们之间的爱。   也许刚开始只是被他深情的唱着《What are words》而吸引,但是单曲中穿插着断断续续的画面:他单膝跪地向美丽的女友求婚,女友感动的不知所措、他们那本相簿里记载着这么多年来一切美好的事物,里面一个很帅的男人和一个很美丽的女人、 他扶着出车祸后女友走路、帮她坐上轮椅、换上鞋子......所有的动作,都包涵着他深深的爱,不离不弃的爱!看到现在的他和以前的他的区别吗?长头发、啤酒肚,这是用什么换来的?!用爱。有谁能用下半辈子无怨无悔的去照顾一个生活无法自理的人?我们都不懂得用自己一辈子换自己爱的人健康快乐的这种牺牲,是多么伟大而幸福的。他的爱已远远不止是爱~两年前Chris Medina与女友本已订婚,不幸的是在2009年10月朱莉安娜拉莫斯下班驾车回家,发生意外,严重脑损伤几乎瘫痪,生活不能自理,但他依然不离不弃的去照顾未婚妻。并誓言一辈子不会离她而去。这首歌就是为她而写。   American Idol   In late 2010 he auditioned for the reality show and talent contest "American Idol" and received a "golden ticket to Hollywood", making it to the top 40 out of 327 contestants on Season 10 in 2011. The night he was eliminated on February 24, 2011, Jennifer Lopez, one of the judges, could not control how terrible she felt that she was the one who had to tell him he would not advance further and cried afterwards.   2011–13: What Are Words   Chris Medina performing in Sweden, 2011   On the day after his elimination, February 25, 2011, "What Are Words," recorded for Simon Cowell's record label 19 Recordings, was released worldwide. Medina stated publicly the song was about his fiancée, Juliana Ramos, who suffered a brain injury two months before they were to be married, and the storyline was heavily used during his American Idol tryout. The song was written by Rodney Jerkins, Andre Lindal and Lauren Christy, and given to Medina to record.   The song debuted at #22 on the Heatseekers Songs chart, and then reached #83 on the Billboard Hot 100. As of 2012 it has since sold 105,000 copies. The single was #1 in Norway for 11 weeks and #1 in Sweden for 8 weeks. He has performed the ballad on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Good Morning America, and on Live With Regis and Kelly.   In the summer of 2011, Medina was invited to perform in countries all over the world, including Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, and Singapore. In Singapore he performed for the "President's Star Charity", which is done to raise money for the physically and mentally challenged. He was able to help raise millions for this charity. Medina sang the song at the funeral of 18-year-old Monica Iselin Didriksen, one of the victims of the Norwegian terror attacks. Didriksen loved that song, and her parents asked him to come and sing at her funeral.   An album was quickly recorded and released on November 28, 2011, also titled "What Are Words", to capitalize on the popularity of the song. The album failed to chart.   To date Medina has not released another single off the album except in Sweden and Norway, where the song "One More Time" charted at Number 16. "Amazed" was released as a third single off the album in Norway only in May 2012.   On March 12, 2013, two years after being cut from American Idol, Medina signed a major motion picture contract with MCS41 (Metropolitan Creative Studio), operated by producer Jim Schramm. The film, that was scheduled for release in fall 2014, was to be based on the story of Medina and Ramos. To date the film has yet to surface.   2013–19   In 2019 Medina was announced as a candidate to represent Norway in the Eurovision Song Contest 2019 in Tel Aviv, Israel. He competed in Melodi Grand Prix, with his song "We Try" alongside 9 other acts.
  Chris Medina,克里斯·梅迪纳,坚持守护因车祸致残的妻子,是个不可多得、有情有义的好男人,美国人。在《美国偶像》中凭借着这首《What are words》而在网络上广泛流传。   Chris Medina曾经是星巴克的服务员。2007年12月12日,他向和他相恋8年的女孩Juliana提出订婚。虽然只是订婚,但Chris Median后来在《美国偶像》的比赛采访中说过:“We kind of make it a promise to get married.{把它(订婚)作为结婚的一个承诺。}”  2009年10月2日,订婚后两年,那个美丽的女孩因为车祸事故,脑部受到重创,康复后智力只有2岁,生活完全不能够自理。但Chris不离不弃。 后来Chris参加了美国偶像,为的就是赚到更多的钱让未婚妻受到更好的治疗过上更好的生活。虽然最后还是止步于全国24强,但《What are words》这首充满爱的歌已经牢牢地印在人们的心里。有一种感情,能让旁观者为之动容,那就是无私的爱。听着他的歌你能感受到他有多爱他的妻子,他遵守着自己的承诺,不管爱的人现在如何,她永远都是他的天使!   据报道,《美国偶像》目前正在进行男女24强预选 ,63位选手,将有39人被直接淘汰出局,克里斯·梅迪纳(Chris Medina)就是其中的一位。不过,克里斯·梅迪纳的被淘汰,却让人依依不舍,当然,这并非克里斯·梅迪纳歌唱能力多么优秀,而是,克里斯·梅迪纳的事迹,确实非常感人。2009年,克里斯·梅迪纳与未婚妻胡莉亚纳(Juliana)结婚时遭遇车祸,胡莉亚纳因此脑瘫,如今只能坐上轮椅度日,生活不能自理。但是,克里斯·梅迪纳义无反顾,肩挑起了照顾患病未婚妻的重任。克里斯·梅迪纳是本届《美国偶像》评审詹妮弗·洛佩兹最喜欢的选手之一,但随着赛程的进行,克里斯·梅迪纳在众多强大对手的冲击下,不得不提前出局。詹妮弗·洛佩兹对于这个结果,按耐不住自己的悲伤,在演播厅宣布克里斯·梅迪纳淘汰后,泪流满面,并哭泣着说,“很高兴能认识像克里斯·梅迪纳这样有情有义的男人,他的出局让人难舍难分。太残酷了,早知道,就不做这个评审了。”在另外两位评审摇滚巨星史蒂芬·泰勒(Steven Tyler)和兰迪·杰克逊(Randy Jackson)的安慰下,詹妮弗·洛佩兹才控制住情绪,录制接下来的节目,也许说很多很多话,做很多很多介绍,都不能涵盖他对女友深深的爱,如果能让我们明白到:什么是最糟糕的?而它也不过如此,永远打不倒我,击败不了我们之间的爱。   也许刚开始只是被他深情的唱着《What are words》而吸引,但是单曲中穿插着断断续续的画面:他单膝跪地向美丽的女友求婚,女友感动的不知所措、他们那本相簿里记载着这么多年来一切美好的事物,里面一个很帅的男人和一个很美丽的女人、 他扶着出车祸后女友走路、帮她坐上轮椅、换上鞋子......所有的动作,都包涵着他深深的爱,不离不弃的爱!看到现在的他和以前的他的区别吗?长头发、啤酒肚,这是用什么换来的?!用爱。有谁能用下半辈子无怨无悔的去照顾一个生活无法自理的人?我们都不懂得用自己一辈子换自己爱的人健康快乐的这种牺牲,是多么伟大而幸福的。他的爱已远远不止是爱~两年前Chris Medina与女友本已订婚,不幸的是在2009年10月朱莉安娜拉莫斯下班驾车回家,发生意外,严重脑损伤几乎瘫痪,生活不能自理,但他依然不离不弃的去照顾未婚妻。并誓言一辈子不会离她而去。这首歌就是为她而写。   American Idol   In late 2010 he auditioned for the reality show and talent contest "American Idol" and received a "golden ticket to Hollywood", making it to the top 40 out of 327 contestants on Season 10 in 2011. The night he was eliminated on February 24, 2011, Jennifer Lopez, one of the judges, could not control how terrible she felt that she was the one who had to tell him he would not advance further and cried afterwards.   2011–13: What Are Words   Chris Medina performing in Sweden, 2011   On the day after his elimination, February 25, 2011, "What Are Words," recorded for Simon Cowell's record label 19 Recordings, was released worldwide. Medina stated publicly the song was about his fiancée, Juliana Ramos, who suffered a brain injury two months before they were to be married, and the storyline was heavily used during his American Idol tryout. The song was written by Rodney Jerkins, Andre Lindal and Lauren Christy, and given to Medina to record.   The song debuted at #22 on the Heatseekers Songs chart, and then reached #83 on the Billboard Hot 100. As of 2012 it has since sold 105,000 copies. The single was #1 in Norway for 11 weeks and #1 in Sweden for 8 weeks. He has performed the ballad on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Good Morning America, and on Live With Regis and Kelly.   In the summer of 2011, Medina was invited to perform in countries all over the world, including Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, and Singapore. In Singapore he performed for the "President's Star Charity", which is done to raise money for the physically and mentally challenged. He was able to help raise millions for this charity. Medina sang the song at the funeral of 18-year-old Monica Iselin Didriksen, one of the victims of the Norwegian terror attacks. Didriksen loved that song, and her parents asked him to come and sing at her funeral.   An album was quickly recorded and released on November 28, 2011, also titled "What Are Words", to capitalize on the popularity of the song. The album failed to chart.   To date Medina has not released another single off the album except in Sweden and Norway, where the song "One More Time" charted at Number 16. "Amazed" was released as a third single off the album in Norway only in May 2012.   On March 12, 2013, two years after being cut from American Idol, Medina signed a major motion picture contract with MCS41 (Metropolitan Creative Studio), operated by producer Jim Schramm. The film, that was scheduled for release in fall 2014, was to be based on the story of Medina and Ramos. To date the film has yet to surface.   2013–19   In 2019 Medina was announced as a candidate to represent Norway in the Eurovision Song Contest 2019 in Tel Aviv, Israel. He competed in Melodi Grand Prix, with his song "We Try" alongside 9 other acts.
Chris Medina
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