Diego Carrasco (born in 1954 in Jerez de la Frontera, Spain) is a Spanish flamenco guitar player, composer and singer (cantaor)   He started at the age of 13 years old as "Tate de Jerez", playing guitar to artists like Ana la Piriñaca, tío Gregorio Borrico, Terremoto de Jerez, Manolo Soler or Sernita de Jerez; and to dancers like Alejandro Vega y Antonio Gades.   In 1984 his first album as singer is recorded, and he start a personal way to understand flamenco fusion with other musics.
  Diego Carrasco (born in 1954 in Jerez de la Frontera, Spain) is a Spanish flamenco guitar player, composer and singer (cantaor)   He started at the age of 13 years old as "Tate de Jerez", playing guitar to artists like Ana la Piriñaca, tío Gregorio Borrico, Terremoto de Jerez, Manolo Soler or Sernita de Jerez; and to dancers like Alejandro Vega y Antonio Gades.   In 1984 his first album as singer is recorded, and he start a personal way to understand flamenco fusion with other musics.
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Diego Carrasco
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