The Summer Set is an American pop rock band from Phoenix, Arizona formed in 2007. The band currently consists of lead vocalist Brian Dales, guitarists Josh Montgomery and John Gomez, bass guitarist Stephen Gomez, and percussionist Jess Bowen. Formerly signed to The Militia Group in 2008 and to Razor & Tie from 2009–11, they are currently signed to Fearless Records and have released four full-length studio albums: Love Like This (2009), Everything's Fine (2011), Legendary (2013), Stories for Monday (2016) and four extended plays. The band has toured with other acts such as The Cab, We Are the In Crowd, Mayday Parade, Sleeping with Sirens, All Time Low, The Downtown Fiction, Action Item, among several others.   Despite reportedly planning to break up in 2015,the band released their fourth studio album, Stories for Monday, on April 1, 2016 through Fearless Records.
  The Summer Set is an American pop rock band from Phoenix, Arizona formed in 2007. The band currently consists of lead vocalist Brian Dales, guitarists Josh Montgomery and John Gomez, bass guitarist Stephen Gomez, and percussionist Jess Bowen. Formerly signed to The Militia Group in 2008 and to Razor & Tie from 2009–11, they are currently signed to Fearless Records and have released four full-length studio albums: Love Like This (2009), Everything's Fine (2011), Legendary (2013), Stories for Monday (2016) and four extended plays. The band has toured with other acts such as The Cab, We Are the In Crowd, Mayday Parade, Sleeping with Sirens, All Time Low, The Downtown Fiction, Action Item, among several others.   Despite reportedly planning to break up in 2015,the band released their fourth studio album, Stories for Monday, on April 1, 2016 through Fearless Records.
The Summer Set
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