西蒙·玻利瓦交响乐团(西班牙语:Orquesta Sinfónica Simón Bolívar),是委内瑞拉一个管弦乐团,成立于1975年2月12日。乐团由委内瑞拉国立青少年管弦乐团系统建立起来,乐团的成员来自和委内瑞拉不同地区的最佳乐团。   古斯塔夫·杜达美自1999年以来一直是乐团的艺术总监,乐团和杜达美已为德意志留声机公司录制三张唱片,其中贝多芬、马勒的唱片;亦录制拉丁美洲交响音乐。 2007年8月,乐团首次作出了在英国广播公司逍遥音乐会,在BBC4电视台作现场直播。   The Orquesta Sinfonica Simon Bolivar (Simon Bolivar Symphony Orchestra) is a Venezuelan orchestra. Named after the Venezuelan national hero Simon Bolivar, it is the apex of the nation's system of youth orchestras, although by 2011, it was no longer officially a youth orchestra because the average age of the players had risen too high.The country's national youth orchestra is now the Teresa Carreno Youth Orchestra.   The economist Jose Antonio Abreu established the Orquesta Sinfonica Simon Bolivar on 12 February 1975. Gustavo Dudamel has been the orchestra's artistic director since 1999. The orchestra has worked with many famous conductors including Claudio Abbado and Simon Rattle.   Social action through music   Venezuela's youth orchestras are run under the auspices of the Fundacion Musical Simon Bolivar (FMSB), formerly known as the Fundacion del Estado para el Sistema Nacional de las Orquestas Juveniles e Infantiles de Venezuela, known colloquially as El Sistema.   Based in Caracas, the orchestra moved its home in 2007 from the Teresa Carreno Cultural Complex to a new Center for Social Action Through Music nearby. The name of the center reflects the fact that El Sistema sees itself as a social agency: most of its music students come from poor socio-economic backgrounds.  
  西蒙·玻利瓦交响乐团(西班牙语:Orquesta Sinfónica Simón Bolívar),是委内瑞拉一个管弦乐团,成立于1975年2月12日。乐团由委内瑞拉国立青少年管弦乐团系统建立起来,乐团的成员来自和委内瑞拉不同地区的最佳乐团。   古斯塔夫·杜达美自1999年以来一直是乐团的艺术总监,乐团和杜达美已为德意志留声机公司录制三张唱片,其中贝多芬、马勒的唱片;亦录制拉丁美洲交响音乐。 2007年8月,乐团首次作出了在英国广播公司逍遥音乐会,在BBC4电视台作现场直播。   The Orquesta Sinfonica Simon Bolivar (Simon Bolivar Symphony Orchestra) is a Venezuelan orchestra. Named after the Venezuelan national hero Simon Bolivar, it is the apex of the nation's system of youth orchestras, although by 2011, it was no longer officially a youth orchestra because the average age of the players had risen too high.The country's national youth orchestra is now the Teresa Carreno Youth Orchestra.   The economist Jose Antonio Abreu established the Orquesta Sinfonica Simon Bolivar on 12 February 1975. Gustavo Dudamel has been the orchestra's artistic director since 1999. The orchestra has worked with many famous conductors including Claudio Abbado and Simon Rattle.   Social action through music   Venezuela's youth orchestras are run under the auspices of the Fundacion Musical Simon Bolivar (FMSB), formerly known as the Fundacion del Estado para el Sistema Nacional de las Orquestas Juveniles e Infantiles de Venezuela, known colloquially as El Sistema.   Based in Caracas, the orchestra moved its home in 2007 from the Teresa Carreno Cultural Complex to a new Center for Social Action Through Music nearby. The name of the center reflects the fact that El Sistema sees itself as a social agency: most of its music students come from poor socio-economic backgrounds.  
Orquesta Sinfonica Simon Bolivar
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