Dunkelwerk offers dark electronic beats and marching melodies. Endzeit with an attitude!Main theme of Dunkelwerk is the moment of total defeat. No glory, no victory just the sweet smell of discomfiture. An atmosphere of leave, loss and comedown. The whole concept of Dunkelwerk focuses on this aspects. There is no heroism or glory. Fatal catastrophes for lives, homes and love. No options left...Because of the first album “Troops” the project was reduced to war themes by some media. This was never the ambition of the project. The war theme was just one possible carrier to bring the main theme to life. However “Troops” is for sure one of the strongest statements against war in general and the often used militaristic style by many scene bands. We don´t play games here. The second album “Hoellenbrut” left the real battlefields of war behind, conquering the wastelands of love, defeat and misery. Dark tales about dark lands. The third album called “Operation: Duesterland” is released in 2013 and deals with the catastrophe of war once again...Dunkelwerk is a pure studio project....
  Dunkelwerk offers dark electronic beats and marching melodies. Endzeit with an attitude!Main theme of Dunkelwerk is the moment of total defeat. No glory, no victory just the sweet smell of discomfiture. An atmosphere of leave, loss and comedown. The whole concept of Dunkelwerk focuses on this aspects. There is no heroism or glory. Fatal catastrophes for lives, homes and love. No options left...Because of the first album “Troops” the project was reduced to war themes by some media. This was never the ambition of the project. The war theme was just one possible carrier to bring the main theme to life. However “Troops” is for sure one of the strongest statements against war in general and the often used militaristic style by many scene bands. We don´t play games here. The second album “Hoellenbrut” left the real battlefields of war behind, conquering the wastelands of love, defeat and misery. Dark tales about dark lands. The third album called “Operation: Duesterland” is released in 2013 and deals with the catastrophe of war once again...Dunkelwerk is a pure studio project....
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