Epic Score(史诗配乐),是一家坐落于美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶市的配乐公司。该公司主要制作以电影预告片音乐为主的原声音乐。   其作品通过磅礴大气、气贯长虹的音乐手法来向观众展现壮观、华丽、高潮、气势逼人的场景。先不说《血钻》、《哈里波特》、《变形金刚》、《加勒比海盗》的原声,之所以介绍这些是好让大家熟悉它,其实它的作品并不止其然,没被那些电影所以采纳的原声更加有气势,里面的管弦和提琴更是无不叫人称赞,激情澎湃的打击鼓更是让你热血沸腾。   Epic Score is a Los Angeles-based music production company owned by Gabriel Shadid that concentrates on producing music geared towards trailers. We have recorded our own custom choirs, orchestras, percussion and many other elements to create our unique sound. Plus, we've been fortunate to work with a small team of wonderfully creative people. We love this kind of music and hope that our passion comes through in our tracks.   Since the launch in 2006, Epic Score's music has been licensed into many film trailers, game trailers, television themes, network promos, inside games and more. Plus, Epic Score's music is being distributed in more than 20 countries.
  Epic Score(史诗配乐),是一家坐落于美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶市的配乐公司。该公司主要制作以电影预告片音乐为主的原声音乐。   其作品通过磅礴大气、气贯长虹的音乐手法来向观众展现壮观、华丽、高潮、气势逼人的场景。先不说《血钻》、《哈里波特》、《变形金刚》、《加勒比海盗》的原声,之所以介绍这些是好让大家熟悉它,其实它的作品并不止其然,没被那些电影所以采纳的原声更加有气势,里面的管弦和提琴更是无不叫人称赞,激情澎湃的打击鼓更是让你热血沸腾。   Epic Score is a Los Angeles-based music production company owned by Gabriel Shadid that concentrates on producing music geared towards trailers. We have recorded our own custom choirs, orchestras, percussion and many other elements to create our unique sound. Plus, we've been fortunate to work with a small team of wonderfully creative people. We love this kind of music and hope that our passion comes through in our tracks.   Since the launch in 2006, Epic Score's music has been licensed into many film trailers, game trailers, television themes, network promos, inside games and more. Plus, Epic Score's music is being distributed in more than 20 countries.
Epic Score
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