拜華(Danilo Paiva) ,澳門土生中葡混血唱作歌手、製作人。自小熱愛唱歌跳舞,每天都活在音樂的世界,目標是希望成為一位用音樂影響生命的歌手。我曾擔任過各類型活動演唱及主持,舞臺劇及微電影男主角演唱會舞者及製作MV、記錄片、微電影等。亦曾到香港,澳門及臺灣參與電視選秀節目錄製以及參加歌唱比賽,包括有星光大道、澳門優等聲、全澳大專院校歌唱大賽、澳門理工學院“I play my music”、百老匯街頭聲戰-唱出我天地等取得前三甲,最具型格奬及網上人氣十強及MV奬項等戰績。   Danilo Paiva, a native of Macao, is a singer and producer. Since childhood, I love to sing and dance. I live in the world of music every day. The goal is to become a singer who influences life with music. I have served as a singer and host of various types of events, stage plays and micro-film actor concert dancers and above to produce MVs, documentaries, micro-movies, etc. I have also participated in the recording of TV shows in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan and participated in singing competitions, including Avenue of Stars,Macau, etc., Australian University College Singing Contest, Macao PolytechnicInstitute, My Music, Broadway Street Sounds - Singing I have won the top three in the world, the most style awards and the top ten online popularity and MV.
  拜華(Danilo Paiva) ,澳門土生中葡混血唱作歌手、製作人。自小熱愛唱歌跳舞,每天都活在音樂的世界,目標是希望成為一位用音樂影響生命的歌手。我曾擔任過各類型活動演唱及主持,舞臺劇及微電影男主角演唱會舞者及製作MV、記錄片、微電影等。亦曾到香港,澳門及臺灣參與電視選秀節目錄製以及參加歌唱比賽,包括有星光大道、澳門優等聲、全澳大專院校歌唱大賽、澳門理工學院“I play my music”、百老匯街頭聲戰-唱出我天地等取得前三甲,最具型格奬及網上人氣十強及MV奬項等戰績。   Danilo Paiva, a native of Macao, is a singer and producer. Since childhood, I love to sing and dance. I live in the world of music every day. The goal is to become a singer who influences life with music. I have served as a singer and host of various types of events, stage plays and micro-film actor concert dancers and above to produce MVs, documentaries, micro-movies, etc. I have also participated in the recording of TV shows in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan and participated in singing competitions, including Avenue of Stars,Macau, etc., Australian University College Singing Contest, Macao PolytechnicInstitute, My Music, Broadway Street Sounds - Singing I have won the top three in the world, the most style awards and the top ten online popularity and MV.
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