弗拉迪米尔·特罗普(Vladimir Tropp)1939年出生于莫斯科,自幼在著名的Gnessins音乐学院学习。他的老师是著名俄罗斯教师Moisey Feigin和Teodor Gutman,他们都曾是Heinrish Neuhaus的学生。Tropp先生从学生时代起就举行独奏会并与乐团合作演出,他也是Rimsky-Koesakov奖学金获得者。   1963年,Tropp以优异的成绩毕业于Gnessins State音乐学院(现名为Gnessins Russian Academy of Music),随后他在那里进行研究与教学工作。如今他是这所音乐学院的音乐教育事业的领军人物之一,并在1997年成为该院校的钢琴系主任,最近六年他还同时在以柴可夫斯基命名的莫斯科国立音乐学院任教,在他的教学中,Tropp始终保持着俄罗斯学派风格,他的数名学生曾在国际大型比赛中获奖。   1970年,Tropp先生成为布加勒斯特Enesco国际钢琴比赛获奖者。自那时起,他开始了在俄罗斯和其它国家的演奏和教学事业,包括荷兰、意大利、日本、芬兰、美国、德国、英国、爱尔兰、法国、捷克斯洛伐克、葡萄牙、加拿大、哥斯达黎加。他主要演奏的曲目为浪漫派时期的作品,他诠释的拉赫玛尼诺夫,斯科里亚宾和Medtner的作品尤其受到高度评价。   Tropp在电台和唱片公司录制过一系列的录音。从1995年起,他的十张唱片是由日本的Denon公司制造,曲目涉猎广泛,包括:舒曼、肖邦、勃拉姆斯、柴可夫斯基、拉赫玛尼诺夫和Medtner的作品。他的一组三张唱片系列中的“Russian Miniatures”曾在 1998年被著名的“Record 研究院”评为年度最佳作品。   Tropp同时还是一位兴趣广泛的音乐家。他曾出版过有关俄罗斯与国外演奏艺术的文献,还对世界杰出演奏家的唱片写文章和评论。他也曾做过一系列的电台广播节目。在Tropp的所有活动领域中,最为杰出的是他对拉赫玛尼诺夫的创造性作品的研究。他在美国、俄罗斯、瑞士和哥斯达黎加对这位作曲家的所有现存的档案进行仔细审查,并对于这个主题发表了颇多文章,并参与拉赫玛尼诺夫生平电影制作的思想结构设计工作。   Vladimir Tropp在俄罗斯拉赫玛尼诺夫与斯克里亚宾协会委员会工作,同时也是美国the Teodor Leschetizki 和斯克里亚宾协会、加拿大格林 ·古尔德协会的成员。他曾在许多艺术节中演奏独奏和室内乐,包括芬兰的Kuhmo、意大利的Portogruaro等。他也在许多国内外钢琴比赛中担任评委,包括在格拉斯哥举办的the F,Lamond国际钢琴比赛,Hamamastsu国际钢琴比赛,以及在莫斯科举办的拉赫玛尼诺夫国际钢琴比赛。   -----------------------------------------------------------------   Vladimir Tropp   Vladimir Tropp, born in Moscow, began his studies at an early age at the Gnessin Music School of Moscow. He was soon awarded various scholarships, including the prestigious Rimsky-Korsakov Fellowship, and completed his studies with honors in record time. Since that time he has acquired a reputation as both an outstanding soloist and a teacher. He had participated in competitions, winning many prizes including the Enesco Competition at Bucharest. Many of his students won prestigious prizes at international competitions. Currently, as soloist and master class teacher, he travels all over the world; Europe, America and Asia. He endeavours to perpetuate the Russian school of pianism, with considerable success. His specialty is Russian music, especially that of Scriabin, Medtner and Rachmaninoff.   At the invitations of the Conservatory of Amsterdam and Epta Holland, Vladimir Tropp has been to Amsterdam, The Hague and Groningen. In Amsterdam, he gave a very successful recital with compositions of Tschaikovsky. In the Concertgebouw, he performed together with Ilya Grubert and made recordings of Shostakovich compositions for Channel Classics. Vladimir Tropp also made recordings for the Japanese label Denon, including Rachmaninoff, Chopin and Tschaikovsky’s "The seasons". His recording of Scriabin's Preludes opus 11 and Medtner's Second Improvisation are quite famous. His CD "Russian Melancholy" with pieces from Glinka, Borodin, Moussorgsky, Rubinstein, Rebikov and Kalinnikov is very interesting. Vladimir Tropp is often requested to be a member of the jury in International Piano Competitions.   He is one of the most well-known professors at the famous Gnessin Academy of Music and the Conservatory in Moscow.
  弗拉迪米尔·特罗普(Vladimir Tropp)1939年出生于莫斯科,自幼在著名的Gnessins音乐学院学习。他的老师是著名俄罗斯教师Moisey Feigin和Teodor Gutman,他们都曾是Heinrish Neuhaus的学生。Tropp先生从学生时代起就举行独奏会并与乐团合作演出,他也是Rimsky-Koesakov奖学金获得者。   1963年,Tropp以优异的成绩毕业于Gnessins State音乐学院(现名为Gnessins Russian Academy of Music),随后他在那里进行研究与教学工作。如今他是这所音乐学院的音乐教育事业的领军人物之一,并在1997年成为该院校的钢琴系主任,最近六年他还同时在以柴可夫斯基命名的莫斯科国立音乐学院任教,在他的教学中,Tropp始终保持着俄罗斯学派风格,他的数名学生曾在国际大型比赛中获奖。   1970年,Tropp先生成为布加勒斯特Enesco国际钢琴比赛获奖者。自那时起,他开始了在俄罗斯和其它国家的演奏和教学事业,包括荷兰、意大利、日本、芬兰、美国、德国、英国、爱尔兰、法国、捷克斯洛伐克、葡萄牙、加拿大、哥斯达黎加。他主要演奏的曲目为浪漫派时期的作品,他诠释的拉赫玛尼诺夫,斯科里亚宾和Medtner的作品尤其受到高度评价。   Tropp在电台和唱片公司录制过一系列的录音。从1995年起,他的十张唱片是由日本的Denon公司制造,曲目涉猎广泛,包括:舒曼、肖邦、勃拉姆斯、柴可夫斯基、拉赫玛尼诺夫和Medtner的作品。他的一组三张唱片系列中的“Russian Miniatures”曾在 1998年被著名的“Record 研究院”评为年度最佳作品。   Tropp同时还是一位兴趣广泛的音乐家。他曾出版过有关俄罗斯与国外演奏艺术的文献,还对世界杰出演奏家的唱片写文章和评论。他也曾做过一系列的电台广播节目。在Tropp的所有活动领域中,最为杰出的是他对拉赫玛尼诺夫的创造性作品的研究。他在美国、俄罗斯、瑞士和哥斯达黎加对这位作曲家的所有现存的档案进行仔细审查,并对于这个主题发表了颇多文章,并参与拉赫玛尼诺夫生平电影制作的思想结构设计工作。   Vladimir Tropp在俄罗斯拉赫玛尼诺夫与斯克里亚宾协会委员会工作,同时也是美国the Teodor Leschetizki 和斯克里亚宾协会、加拿大格林 ·古尔德协会的成员。他曾在许多艺术节中演奏独奏和室内乐,包括芬兰的Kuhmo、意大利的Portogruaro等。他也在许多国内外钢琴比赛中担任评委,包括在格拉斯哥举办的the F,Lamond国际钢琴比赛,Hamamastsu国际钢琴比赛,以及在莫斯科举办的拉赫玛尼诺夫国际钢琴比赛。   -----------------------------------------------------------------   Vladimir Tropp   Vladimir Tropp, born in Moscow, began his studies at an early age at the Gnessin Music School of Moscow. He was soon awarded various scholarships, including the prestigious Rimsky-Korsakov Fellowship, and completed his studies with honors in record time. Since that time he has acquired a reputation as both an outstanding soloist and a teacher. He had participated in competitions, winning many prizes including the Enesco Competition at Bucharest. Many of his students won prestigious prizes at international competitions. Currently, as soloist and master class teacher, he travels all over the world; Europe, America and Asia. He endeavours to perpetuate the Russian school of pianism, with considerable success. His specialty is Russian music, especially that of Scriabin, Medtner and Rachmaninoff.   At the invitations of the Conservatory of Amsterdam and Epta Holland, Vladimir Tropp has been to Amsterdam, The Hague and Groningen. In Amsterdam, he gave a very successful recital with compositions of Tschaikovsky. In the Concertgebouw, he performed together with Ilya Grubert and made recordings of Shostakovich compositions for Channel Classics. Vladimir Tropp also made recordings for the Japanese label Denon, including Rachmaninoff, Chopin and Tschaikovsky’s "The seasons". His recording of Scriabin's Preludes opus 11 and Medtner's Second Improvisation are quite famous. His CD "Russian Melancholy" with pieces from Glinka, Borodin, Moussorgsky, Rubinstein, Rebikov and Kalinnikov is very interesting. Vladimir Tropp is often requested to be a member of the jury in International Piano Competitions.   He is one of the most well-known professors at the famous Gnessin Academy of Music and the Conservatory in Moscow.
Vladimir Tropp
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