刻骨銘心的悸動,歡騰暴烈的亢奮,即使是撕心裂肺的悲慟還是比麻木僵化更令人緬懷。One Morr Time, 緊緊抓住變幻的情緒和瞬間,刻錄下來讓人不斷的回味和品嘗。   One Morr Time, 馬來西亞檳城的獨立樂團,成員為主唱 Morr, 木吉他手 Coming, 鼓手 Siva, 貝斯手 Benny, 吹笛與電吉他手 Cole 以及電吉他手 jeff。主唱以直白的歌詞述說着一段故事,一針見血地寫出人性隱藏的一面。樂團的風格多變,從細膩地情感表達,到具爆發力地釋放,強烈的感染力讓觀眾留下深刻的印象。2019年以創作歌曲”照你說“參加全國【金鋒獎】創作觀摩賽贏得了銀獎,最佳編曲和最佳演繹。   One Morr Time are an indie rock band formed in Penang in early 2019, composed of Morr, Coming, Benny, Cole, Siva and Jeff.   Each of them came from various music background, which contributes to the multiple elements in their sound, including post rock, traditional music and heavy metal.   They also participated in the “Golden Frontier Award” Song Composing Competition 2019 and won the Silver Award, Best Song Arrangement and Best Performance.
  刻骨銘心的悸動,歡騰暴烈的亢奮,即使是撕心裂肺的悲慟還是比麻木僵化更令人緬懷。One Morr Time, 緊緊抓住變幻的情緒和瞬間,刻錄下來讓人不斷的回味和品嘗。   One Morr Time, 馬來西亞檳城的獨立樂團,成員為主唱 Morr, 木吉他手 Coming, 鼓手 Siva, 貝斯手 Benny, 吹笛與電吉他手 Cole 以及電吉他手 jeff。主唱以直白的歌詞述說着一段故事,一針見血地寫出人性隱藏的一面。樂團的風格多變,從細膩地情感表達,到具爆發力地釋放,強烈的感染力讓觀眾留下深刻的印象。2019年以創作歌曲”照你說“參加全國【金鋒獎】創作觀摩賽贏得了銀獎,最佳編曲和最佳演繹。   One Morr Time are an indie rock band formed in Penang in early 2019, composed of Morr, Coming, Benny, Cole, Siva and Jeff.   Each of them came from various music background, which contributes to the multiple elements in their sound, including post rock, traditional music and heavy metal.   They also participated in the “Golden Frontier Award” Song Composing Competition 2019 and won the Silver Award, Best Song Arrangement and Best Performance.
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One Morr Time
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