David Darling(生于1941年3月3日)是美国大提琴家和作曲家。他在2010年获得了格莱美奖最佳新世纪专辑。他曾和艺术家如博比•麦克费林和斯派罗基拉演出和录制,除此之外还出版几个独奏和合奏专辑及他的作品专辑。   出生在印第安纳州埃尔克哈特,Darling 10岁开始学习大提琴,并自印第安纳州立大学获得音乐教育的学士和硕士学位。1966年在印第安纳州埃文斯维尔担任中小学器乐合奏主任,并于1969年进入西肯塔基大学教音乐教育和指导社区学院乐团。于1970年他加入了保罗温特合奏团,并且在纳什维尔交响乐团仍然是一个成员,直到1987年他追求单飞离开。   1986年,Darling加盟Young Audiences,Inc.,旨在通过在校课程教导孩子们的音乐和艺术的组织。同年他创办了Music For People,其目的是通过音乐的即兴创作鼓励自我表达。   2000年,他与一群台湾布农族的原住民合作了一个不寻常的录制。 Darling的音乐和作品有一个多元化的风格,包括古典,爵士,巴西,非洲和印度音乐。他目前住在康涅狄格州歌珊,在那里他继续他的积极作曲,教学,和演艺事业。   除了作为独奏和协作的音乐家,他还为十几家主要电影撰写并演唱音乐,其中包括维姆•文德斯的1991年电影《Bis Ans Ende Der Welt》,迈克尔•曼 1995年的电影《Heat》和1988年的杀手娃娃恐怖片《Heat》。他是为让-吕克•戈达尔的的音乐做出贡献几位作曲家之一,包括《Nouvelle Vague》(1990年),《Éloge De L'amour》(2001年)和《Notre Musique》(2004年)。 2002年,David的专辑《Cello Blue》被提名为格莱美奖。   In the '70s, Darling divided his time between working in Nashville, working as a studio musician with country artists including Johnny Cash, and touring the world with the Paul Winter Consort as a soloist, composer, and singer until 1978. 1979 saw his solo debut as well as the beginning of his collaboration with Ralph Towner, with whom Darling founded the chamber jazz group Gallery.   After Gallery ended in the mid-'80s, Darling went on to work with artists as diverse as Glen Moore, John Clark, Spyro Gyra, and Bobby McFerrin. During those years, he also collaborated with ECM producer Manfred Eicher in a series of dark, introspective works. The '90s found Darling continuing to challenge musical boundaries. His score for the 1992 Wim Wenders movie Until the End of the World drew great acclaim, as did his solo recordings of that decade, including 1993's The Tao of Cello and Dark Wood, which feature Darling's renowned improvisational skills. At the turn of the century, Darling did two albums for Relaxation Music's Musical Massage series: Musical Massage: In Tune and Musical Massage: Balance. He also recorded Cello Blue for Hearts of Space in 2001.
  David Darling(生于1941年3月3日)是美国大提琴家和作曲家。他在2010年获得了格莱美奖最佳新世纪专辑。他曾和艺术家如博比•麦克费林和斯派罗基拉演出和录制,除此之外还出版几个独奏和合奏专辑及他的作品专辑。   出生在印第安纳州埃尔克哈特,Darling 10岁开始学习大提琴,并自印第安纳州立大学获得音乐教育的学士和硕士学位。1966年在印第安纳州埃文斯维尔担任中小学器乐合奏主任,并于1969年进入西肯塔基大学教音乐教育和指导社区学院乐团。于1970年他加入了保罗温特合奏团,并且在纳什维尔交响乐团仍然是一个成员,直到1987年他追求单飞离开。   1986年,Darling加盟Young Audiences,Inc.,旨在通过在校课程教导孩子们的音乐和艺术的组织。同年他创办了Music For People,其目的是通过音乐的即兴创作鼓励自我表达。   2000年,他与一群台湾布农族的原住民合作了一个不寻常的录制。 Darling的音乐和作品有一个多元化的风格,包括古典,爵士,巴西,非洲和印度音乐。他目前住在康涅狄格州歌珊,在那里他继续他的积极作曲,教学,和演艺事业。   除了作为独奏和协作的音乐家,他还为十几家主要电影撰写并演唱音乐,其中包括维姆•文德斯的1991年电影《Bis Ans Ende Der Welt》,迈克尔•曼 1995年的电影《Heat》和1988年的杀手娃娃恐怖片《Heat》。他是为让-吕克•戈达尔的的音乐做出贡献几位作曲家之一,包括《Nouvelle Vague》(1990年),《Éloge De L'amour》(2001年)和《Notre Musique》(2004年)。 2002年,David的专辑《Cello Blue》被提名为格莱美奖。   In the '70s, Darling divided his time between working in Nashville, working as a studio musician with country artists including Johnny Cash, and touring the world with the Paul Winter Consort as a soloist, composer, and singer until 1978. 1979 saw his solo debut as well as the beginning of his collaboration with Ralph Towner, with whom Darling founded the chamber jazz group Gallery.   After Gallery ended in the mid-'80s, Darling went on to work with artists as diverse as Glen Moore, John Clark, Spyro Gyra, and Bobby McFerrin. During those years, he also collaborated with ECM producer Manfred Eicher in a series of dark, introspective works. The '90s found Darling continuing to challenge musical boundaries. His score for the 1992 Wim Wenders movie Until the End of the World drew great acclaim, as did his solo recordings of that decade, including 1993's The Tao of Cello and Dark Wood, which feature Darling's renowned improvisational skills. At the turn of the century, Darling did two albums for Relaxation Music's Musical Massage series: Musical Massage: In Tune and Musical Massage: Balance. He also recorded Cello Blue for Hearts of Space in 2001.
David Darling
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