John Fahey - 出生于1939年,于2001年去世。一位特立独行、勇于创新弹奏技法的重要民谣吉他演奏者。 虽然说将 John Fahey 定位为一位民谣音乐家,其间或许会出现一些争议性,这是因为其作品含有太多的音乐类型的元素,像是民谣、蓝调、爵士、乡村...等等,甚至美国本土的印第安音乐都出现在他的作品里,而且他的作品时常也散发着实验风格的色彩,不过总括来说其作品最主要还是建立在民谣的体系上。John Fahey 在其多样繁复的弹奏技巧中,我个人认为最精采的是他融入了精湛的蓝调指法技巧。 John Fahey 的晚年是凄凉贫苦的在奥勒冈度过, 从1990年代中期开始,他为了生活,必须将心爱的吉他一把又一把的卖掉。2001年 John Fahey 终于敌不过病魔的残害,以61岁的年纪在奥勒冈去世。   John Aloysius Fahey (February 28, 1939 – February 22, 2001) was an American fingerstyle guitarist and composer who played the steel-string acoustic guitar as a solo instrument. His style has been greatly influential and has been described as the foundation of American Primitive Guitar, a term borrowed from painting and referring mainly to the self-taught nature of the music and its minimalist style. Fahey borrowed from the folk and blues traditions in American roots music, having compiled many forgotten early recordings in these genres. He would later incorporate classical, Portuguese, Brazilian, and Indian music into his ?uvre. He spent many of his later years in poverty and poor health, but enjoyed a minor career resurgence with a turn towards the more explicitly avant-garde, and created a series of abstract paintings during the last years of his life. He died in 2001 from complications from heart surgery. In 2003, he was ranked 35th in the Rolling Stone "The 100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time" list.
  John Fahey - 出生于1939年,于2001年去世。一位特立独行、勇于创新弹奏技法的重要民谣吉他演奏者。 虽然说将 John Fahey 定位为一位民谣音乐家,其间或许会出现一些争议性,这是因为其作品含有太多的音乐类型的元素,像是民谣、蓝调、爵士、乡村...等等,甚至美国本土的印第安音乐都出现在他的作品里,而且他的作品时常也散发着实验风格的色彩,不过总括来说其作品最主要还是建立在民谣的体系上。John Fahey 在其多样繁复的弹奏技巧中,我个人认为最精采的是他融入了精湛的蓝调指法技巧。 John Fahey 的晚年是凄凉贫苦的在奥勒冈度过, 从1990年代中期开始,他为了生活,必须将心爱的吉他一把又一把的卖掉。2001年 John Fahey 终于敌不过病魔的残害,以61岁的年纪在奥勒冈去世。   John Aloysius Fahey (February 28, 1939 – February 22, 2001) was an American fingerstyle guitarist and composer who played the steel-string acoustic guitar as a solo instrument. His style has been greatly influential and has been described as the foundation of American Primitive Guitar, a term borrowed from painting and referring mainly to the self-taught nature of the music and its minimalist style. Fahey borrowed from the folk and blues traditions in American roots music, having compiled many forgotten early recordings in these genres. He would later incorporate classical, Portuguese, Brazilian, and Indian music into his ?uvre. He spent many of his later years in poverty and poor health, but enjoyed a minor career resurgence with a turn towards the more explicitly avant-garde, and created a series of abstract paintings during the last years of his life. He died in 2001 from complications from heart surgery. In 2003, he was ranked 35th in the Rolling Stone "The 100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time" list.
John Fahey
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