八年的磨合打造了Kaja自成一体的音乐表达,即植根于东欧民族音乐,在传统与创新共存的土壤中寻找氧份。Kaja一直对科莱兹默尔,罗马尼亚和巴尔干音乐情有独钟,这也是他们音乐元素中最重要的一部分,这在前两张专辑中充分体现,同时与探戈,瑞典民谣,法国华尔兹的结合,构成了Kaja自成一体的音乐风格。      在2013年发行第三章专辑“向上三层”中,可以看出Kaja受到了更多美国民谣,无电声,和印度拉格的影响。当摇摆的华尔兹融汇到原声循环和冰冷的键盘音景,衍生物就是毫无妥协,马力十足的根源民谣。      三位乐手平日都是音乐学校的老师,除了扎实的音乐理论及技巧,他们在台上的交流也极富表现力,亲密而紧凑,有室内乐的严谨却永不偏离即兴与民谣音乐那不可预测的自发性。充满张力的表演以及对音响声学良好的控制使得Kaja无论在大型或小型场地都能让观众得到最好的视听享受。      Kaja在欧洲很多国家都有过演出,也曾到北美的加拿大和亚洲的韩国进行过巡演,演出的地点也从音乐节到教堂,从文化中心到私人派对,从音乐厅到学校甚至游船,从广播到电视台,对此主创Livet认真的想了想后说“我确实想不出来有什么地方我们不能演出”。列举一些Kaja参加的音乐节:Jarasum国际爵士音乐节,Bukchoon世界音乐节,乌德勒支欧罗巴音乐节,伦敦Sunfest, 瑞典于默奥音乐节,林雪平民谣音乐节等等。      2005 Kaja was funded and toured in Sweden with new compositions.      2006 The first album ”Kaja” was released with two traditional Klezmer tunes and three new compositions. Kaja toured in the southern part of Sweden and northern Germany.       2007 Their full-length album ”Krackel” was released in the spring at the label Famous on the Moon Records. They performed at festivals, culture houses, theatres, museums, churches, clubs and private parties in Sweden.       2008 Kaja toured with public and school concerts in whole of Sweden. New music for the play Riddar Blåskägg was composed. Riddar Blåskägg had premiere in Gothenburg and was performed by Kaja and the storyteller Kiriaki Christoforidis. Swedish Radio P2 recorded a concert at Korröfestivalen that has been broadcasted several times.       2009 New music was composed for the upcoming album. Kaja recorded the first part of the album in October. During the year they also performed in Sweden.      2010 Kaja finished and released their second full length album Rust which has got rave reviews. Kaja toured in Sweden.      2011 They attended WOMEX in Copenhagen and toured in Sweden and Denmark.      2012 Kaja performed abroad, both in Canada and Holland, and toured and did workshops in Sweden. Together with the vocal quartet Tetra, they released an album and toured with a Christmas show called "Midvintervaka".      2013 Kaja are attending APAP in New York, USA in January. The band is working with and recording new material for their upcoming third album.
  八年的磨合打造了Kaja自成一体的音乐表达,即植根于东欧民族音乐,在传统与创新共存的土壤中寻找氧份。Kaja一直对科莱兹默尔,罗马尼亚和巴尔干音乐情有独钟,这也是他们音乐元素中最重要的一部分,这在前两张专辑中充分体现,同时与探戈,瑞典民谣,法国华尔兹的结合,构成了Kaja自成一体的音乐风格。      在2013年发行第三章专辑“向上三层”中,可以看出Kaja受到了更多美国民谣,无电声,和印度拉格的影响。当摇摆的华尔兹融汇到原声循环和冰冷的键盘音景,衍生物就是毫无妥协,马力十足的根源民谣。      三位乐手平日都是音乐学校的老师,除了扎实的音乐理论及技巧,他们在台上的交流也极富表现力,亲密而紧凑,有室内乐的严谨却永不偏离即兴与民谣音乐那不可预测的自发性。充满张力的表演以及对音响声学良好的控制使得Kaja无论在大型或小型场地都能让观众得到最好的视听享受。      Kaja在欧洲很多国家都有过演出,也曾到北美的加拿大和亚洲的韩国进行过巡演,演出的地点也从音乐节到教堂,从文化中心到私人派对,从音乐厅到学校甚至游船,从广播到电视台,对此主创Livet认真的想了想后说“我确实想不出来有什么地方我们不能演出”。列举一些Kaja参加的音乐节:Jarasum国际爵士音乐节,Bukchoon世界音乐节,乌德勒支欧罗巴音乐节,伦敦Sunfest, 瑞典于默奥音乐节,林雪平民谣音乐节等等。      2005 Kaja was funded and toured in Sweden with new compositions.      2006 The first album ”Kaja” was released with two traditional Klezmer tunes and three new compositions. Kaja toured in the southern part of Sweden and northern Germany.       2007 Their full-length album ”Krackel” was released in the spring at the label Famous on the Moon Records. They performed at festivals, culture houses, theatres, museums, churches, clubs and private parties in Sweden.       2008 Kaja toured with public and school concerts in whole of Sweden. New music for the play Riddar Blåskägg was composed. Riddar Blåskägg had premiere in Gothenburg and was performed by Kaja and the storyteller Kiriaki Christoforidis. Swedish Radio P2 recorded a concert at Korröfestivalen that has been broadcasted several times.       2009 New music was composed for the upcoming album. Kaja recorded the first part of the album in October. During the year they also performed in Sweden.      2010 Kaja finished and released their second full length album Rust which has got rave reviews. Kaja toured in Sweden.      2011 They attended WOMEX in Copenhagen and toured in Sweden and Denmark.      2012 Kaja performed abroad, both in Canada and Holland, and toured and did workshops in Sweden. Together with the vocal quartet Tetra, they released an album and toured with a Christmas show called "Midvintervaka".      2013 Kaja are attending APAP in New York, USA in January. The band is working with and recording new material for their upcoming third album.
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