来自美国俄克拉荷马州Tulsa镇的韩氏三兄弟:大哥Issac(吉他手)、二哥Taylor(键盘手)和小弟Zac(鼓手)以不到20岁的年纪,在青少年时期便组成汉森合唱团(Hanson),挟带着他们天赋异禀、凡人难挡的创作才华勇闯流行乐坛,出道短短的三年间以超过1000万张唱片销售量的纪录,让全球年少轻狂的流行乐迷为Hanson痴狂,也让Hanson成为白人流行音乐创作界的新新接班人。Hanson在1997年推出首张专辑《初生之犊》(《Middle Of Nowhere》),首支主打单曲《MMMBop》一推出后更登上了Billboard单曲榜冠军,而Hanson的名气顿时在美国暴涨十倍不止,成为家喻户晓的年轻创作团体。1997年冬末又推出耶诞佳作《Snowed In》、隔年趁胜追击发行原创专辑《3 Car Garage》和现场演唱特辑《零距离艾伯坦现场实况》(《Live From Albertane》),让这三个年纪轻轻的大男孩在这段期间内成为了千万专辑销售巨星。   起步   由兄弟档 - 包括吉他手Isaac,主唱/键盘手Taylor以及鼓手Zac三人所组成的Hanson,生长於美国俄克拉荷马洲(Oklahoma)的塔尔萨市(Tulsa),自小便经常在自家陶醉地演唱50~60年代的摇滚歌曲,旧式蓝调或福音歌曲,为他们的家庭聚会提供最珍贵的馀兴节目,也为他们奠定往后决心朝向音乐发展的基石。他们三兄弟在他们的家乡曾经有一度持续性地于各大学校以及当地庆典活动场合中进行公开表演。   1992年,借由他们的经纪人穿针引线,Hanson开始与多家唱片公司尝试洽谈合约。然而,往后的3年,他们却无法获得任何一家唱片公司的青睐,他们在这条发展音乐的路程上开始面对大量的挫折与不顺遂。   并未因此而感到却步的三兄弟,决定以独立发行的模式于1995年发表了他们的第一张专辑《Boomerang》,也依稀显露出他们擅于打造精准流行乐的过人才气。紧接著这张专辑之后, Hansons开始钻研自身在乐器技巧的操作手法,让他们更悠游於音乐创作上。出奇制胜的畅销单曲《MMMBop》便是他们转变风格朝向更为清新爽朗,充满嘻哈与灵魂乐气息的成功之作。   《MMMBop》这首单曲同时也是促使主流唱片公司Mercury与Hanson签下一纸合约的重要关键。隔年,在曾经为Jon Bon Jovi与Dot Allison操刀的制作人Steve Lironi的领导指挥之下,他们悉心调整了整体音乐的编制走向并完成了他们首张於主流唱片公司下的专辑录制工作。他们在多位不同音乐人包括Barry Mann & Cynthia Weil,Desmond Child及Mark Hudson等人的助阵下完成多首歌曲,而在曾为Beck的「Odelay」专辑作嫁的The Dust Brothers的大力协助之下也参与了部分歌曲的谱写制作。当时带头的Isaac Hanson以16岁之龄,领着年仅13岁的Taylor与11岁的Zac交出了一张不错的成绩单。   崛起   伴随着来自各界的好评与大受欢迎的热潮,Hanson的首张专辑《Middle Of Nowhere》於1997年4月以首周空降美国专辑排行榜第13名的惊人之势在乐坛激起一片涟漪。各大主流传媒皆沉醉於他们音乐作品中的青春活力,他们的歌曲在各大电台随之获得极高的点播率,而媒体一致给予他们的正面评价,也为年纪轻轻的他们在往后的音乐发展过程中打了一剂强心针。   1997年终,Haonson成为流行乐界最受欢迎的团体之一,也让他们成为众多年轻族群追逐的新兴偶像。随后趁胜追击发行的一张圣诞专辑《Snowed In》也有不错的回响。   1998年,他们二度发行当时他们仍以《Three Car Garage》之姿独立发表的旧作,同时也发表了一张现场演唱会收音专辑《Live From Albertane》。隔年,Hanson便随即重返录音室开始著手他们下一张专辑的录制工作。而此时,开始窜红的其他青春偶像包括Britney Spears,the Backstreet Boys,Christina Aguilera以及*NSYNC也开始在排行榜上绽放属于年轻时代的光芒。   稳步前进   2000年春季,Hanson的第二张专辑《This Time Around》终于发行上市,这张新作也同步透露他们在音色处理与创作上的圆融成熟度。这张专辑同时也获得部分更具摇滚质感的音乐人的协助包括Jonny Lang以及Blues Travlers的John Popper等人。然而,这张专辑却无法再续前作的威势,他们似乎不再具有能够左右排行榜的优势,随之让唱片公司结束了与他们之间的合作关系。依旧是他们三兄弟不轻易言退的毅力,让他们决定成立自己的唱片公司 - 3CG Records,2004年4月推出他们的第三张专辑《Underneath》。在这张新作当中,他们更是与多位出色的音乐人包括Mathew Sweet与Gregg Alexander合作,继续拓展自身的音乐广度。   选自新作的首支单曲《Penny And Me》已经霸占排行榜,此刻的Hanson以更贴近谨慎音乐人与创作者的角色为自己重新定义。回顾当初他们首次踏入竞争激烈的乐坛时,他们或许只是传媒乐迷眼中一支颇具新鲜感的流行青少年乐团,但历经唱片工业的惨忍现实起伏之后,Hanson绝对是拥有一手真材实料的摇滚乐团。   On January 15, 2007, Hanson released on iTunes the first episode of their documentary podcast "Taking the Walk", detailing production of the studio album. The first episode of the band's documentary Strong Enough to Break was also released on iTunes. The program is edited into 13 episodes for release by podcast.   In March 2007, Hanson began a "preview tour" to promote The Walk and give fans a taste of recent work. Over six days, Hanson performed at the Starland Ballroom in Sayreville, New Jersey, Toad's Place in New Haven, Connecticut, The Crocodile Rock in Allentown, Pennsylvania, and The Supper Club in New York City. On March 30, Taylor and Zac appeared in Dallas, TX to screen their documentary at the AFI Film Festival. Afterward, the brothers held a Q&A session along with director Ashley Greyson. Hanson performed in the UK during April 2007, playing songs from The Walk. They also promoted the release of the single "Go" and the UK release of the album.   The Walk, Hanson's second studio album with 3CG Records (Fourth overall), was released in the US, Mexico and Canada on July 24. It was released in Japan on February 21 and in the UK on April 30.   On May 6, 2007, the 10th anniversary of Hanson Day, the band re-recorded their first major label album, Middle Of Nowhere, at The Blank Slate bar in their hometown of Tulsa, Oklahoma. The band invited fan club members, causing hundreds to fly to Oklahoma for the acoustic event. Hanson played concerts in the summer of 2007, supporting release of The Walk. The band appeared in Providence, Boston, New York City, Toronto, and Los Angeles. The record Middle of Nowhere Acoustic was released at the end of that year, exclusively on Hanson.net. The record included all but three songs of those originally in Middle of Nowhere ("Speechless", "Thinking of You" and "With You in Your Dreams") and featured the song Yearbook, never performed live before.   In June 2009, Hanson completed the album Shout It Out and planned to release it on June 8, 2010. The band also announced that they would be co-headlining a tour with Hellogoodbye. The tour started in Hanson's hometown of Tulsa, Oklahoma, on September 30, 2009 and finished November 11, 2009 in Anaheim, California.   Hanson also released a five-song EP titled Stand Up, Stand Up that was available at shows and on the band's official website. The tracks are acoustic versions of four new Hanson songs, plus the album version of "World's on Fire" which was originally going to be on their album Shout It Out but was ultimately left off the album. It was released worldwide on iTunes on December 8, 2009.   In December 2009, Hanson announced they would play five consecutive concerts at New York's Gramercy Theater. Each concert featured one of the band's four previous albums in its entirety, and the premiere of their upcoming Spring 2010 release. Dubbed 'Five of Five', the engagement began with a performance of Hanson's debut, Middle of Nowhere, on April 26, 2010 and then moved onto 2000's This Time Around on April 27, 2004's Underneath followed on April 28 with 2007's The Walk on April 29. On April 30, the band unveiled their new album, Shout It Out. The concert series was also streamed live on band's official website, Hanson.net, and included an exclusive "Backstage Pass" stream for fan club members. On March 6, 2010, Hanson shot dance and other sequences for their upcoming music video of their new single, "Thinking 'Bout Somethin'", at Greenwood Avenue in Tulsa. Hanson recruited professional dancers for the shoot and also invited fans and local residents to take part in the video, which is an homage to the Blues Brothers. The video was directed by Todd Edwards, co-founder of Blue Yonder Films. It was released for public viewing on their MySpace channel on April 15, 2010. "Weird Al" Yankovic has a cameo appearance as the tambourine player. On June 8, 2010, Hanson's fifth studio record was released. Shout It Out debuted at number 30 on Billboard 200, number 2 on the Indie chart, and No. 16 on the digital chart. On June 15, 2010, the band's free concert at the South Street Seaport in New York City rather incongruously ended in a riot after an estimated 20,000 fans showed up at a venue which could only accommodate half that many people. The rapper Drake was also on the bill. Hanson offered a "platinum package" of their Shout it Out record which included artwork hand-painted by the band's members. In October 2010, Hanson released "The 113 Painting Book" which includes the paintings they created for these packages. To promote their new album, Shout It Out, Hanson toured from July 2010 through November 2010. The tour kicked off in Buffalo, NY on July 21, with the final show in Toronto, Ont., on November 23. Throughout the tour, the band broadcast live streams from their website. The footage included introducing the local musician winners of their opening band contest, a few full length concerts, and walks with fans to fight AIDS and poverty in Africa for their Take the Walk Campaign. One of the most notable concerts included two days in November at Walt Disney World Resort's Food and Wine Festival for the Eat to the Beat concert series.   The band released a second single from Shout It Out in 2011. "Give a Little" would reach Top 40 on the US Hot AC charts marking it the first top 40 hit for the band since their 2000 single "If Only".   The band resumed their touring activity in September 2011. The US Musical Ride Tour lasted from September 4 to November 1. Starting on November 6 in Sao Paulo, Brazil, they proceeded to tour Latin America and Europe in order to promote their Shout It Out album internationally. In early 2012, they toured Canada with Carly Rae Jepsen. Later in 2012, they took the Shout It Out world Tour to Philippines and Australia as well.   Their sixth album Anthem was released on June 18, 2013. The album charted at number 22 on the US Billboard 200, making it their eighth album to reach the top 40 of the Billboard 200; the album also peaked at number 5 on the US Independent Albums chart. The first single is titled "Get the Girl Back", which was released on April 9, 2013. The single charted at number 39 on the Billboard Adult Pop Songs.   On October 23, 2013, Hanson served as guest judges on the popular show Cupcake Wars. Four cupcake bakers fought to the finish for the chance at having their cupcakes at a concert and an after party with the band, and a $10,000 prize.   On March 16, 2017, Hanson announced their 25th anniversary tour called "Middle of Everywhere: 25th Anniversary Tour" to celebrate the band's first signed album release.   Hanson released their second Christmas album, Finally It's Christmas, on October 27, 2017. They also performed a Finally It's Christmas special, which can be found on YouTube. In 2018, they performed backing vocals on the title song for Mike Love's solo album Reason for the Season.   In July 2018, Hanson announced a symphonic tour and accompanying album, titled String Theory. The tour began in August 2018, while the album was released on November 9, 2018.   On September 13, 2019, Hanson announced their Wintry Mix tour in North America, featuring Paul McDonald and Joshua and the Holy Rollers, led by the youngest Hanson brother, Mac Hanson. After Zac's motorcycle accident on October 2, 2019, Dash Hutton will serve as a substitute drummer for the Wintry Mix tour.
  来自美国俄克拉荷马州Tulsa镇的韩氏三兄弟:大哥Issac(吉他手)、二哥Taylor(键盘手)和小弟Zac(鼓手)以不到20岁的年纪,在青少年时期便组成汉森合唱团(Hanson),挟带着他们天赋异禀、凡人难挡的创作才华勇闯流行乐坛,出道短短的三年间以超过1000万张唱片销售量的纪录,让全球年少轻狂的流行乐迷为Hanson痴狂,也让Hanson成为白人流行音乐创作界的新新接班人。Hanson在1997年推出首张专辑《初生之犊》(《Middle Of Nowhere》),首支主打单曲《MMMBop》一推出后更登上了Billboard单曲榜冠军,而Hanson的名气顿时在美国暴涨十倍不止,成为家喻户晓的年轻创作团体。1997年冬末又推出耶诞佳作《Snowed In》、隔年趁胜追击发行原创专辑《3 Car Garage》和现场演唱特辑《零距离艾伯坦现场实况》(《Live From Albertane》),让这三个年纪轻轻的大男孩在这段期间内成为了千万专辑销售巨星。   起步   由兄弟档 - 包括吉他手Isaac,主唱/键盘手Taylor以及鼓手Zac三人所组成的Hanson,生长於美国俄克拉荷马洲(Oklahoma)的塔尔萨市(Tulsa),自小便经常在自家陶醉地演唱50~60年代的摇滚歌曲,旧式蓝调或福音歌曲,为他们的家庭聚会提供最珍贵的馀兴节目,也为他们奠定往后决心朝向音乐发展的基石。他们三兄弟在他们的家乡曾经有一度持续性地于各大学校以及当地庆典活动场合中进行公开表演。   1992年,借由他们的经纪人穿针引线,Hanson开始与多家唱片公司尝试洽谈合约。然而,往后的3年,他们却无法获得任何一家唱片公司的青睐,他们在这条发展音乐的路程上开始面对大量的挫折与不顺遂。   并未因此而感到却步的三兄弟,决定以独立发行的模式于1995年发表了他们的第一张专辑《Boomerang》,也依稀显露出他们擅于打造精准流行乐的过人才气。紧接著这张专辑之后, Hansons开始钻研自身在乐器技巧的操作手法,让他们更悠游於音乐创作上。出奇制胜的畅销单曲《MMMBop》便是他们转变风格朝向更为清新爽朗,充满嘻哈与灵魂乐气息的成功之作。   《MMMBop》这首单曲同时也是促使主流唱片公司Mercury与Hanson签下一纸合约的重要关键。隔年,在曾经为Jon Bon Jovi与Dot Allison操刀的制作人Steve Lironi的领导指挥之下,他们悉心调整了整体音乐的编制走向并完成了他们首张於主流唱片公司下的专辑录制工作。他们在多位不同音乐人包括Barry Mann & Cynthia Weil,Desmond Child及Mark Hudson等人的助阵下完成多首歌曲,而在曾为Beck的「Odelay」专辑作嫁的The Dust Brothers的大力协助之下也参与了部分歌曲的谱写制作。当时带头的Isaac Hanson以16岁之龄,领着年仅13岁的Taylor与11岁的Zac交出了一张不错的成绩单。   崛起   伴随着来自各界的好评与大受欢迎的热潮,Hanson的首张专辑《Middle Of Nowhere》於1997年4月以首周空降美国专辑排行榜第13名的惊人之势在乐坛激起一片涟漪。各大主流传媒皆沉醉於他们音乐作品中的青春活力,他们的歌曲在各大电台随之获得极高的点播率,而媒体一致给予他们的正面评价,也为年纪轻轻的他们在往后的音乐发展过程中打了一剂强心针。   1997年终,Haonson成为流行乐界最受欢迎的团体之一,也让他们成为众多年轻族群追逐的新兴偶像。随后趁胜追击发行的一张圣诞专辑《Snowed In》也有不错的回响。   1998年,他们二度发行当时他们仍以《Three Car Garage》之姿独立发表的旧作,同时也发表了一张现场演唱会收音专辑《Live From Albertane》。隔年,Hanson便随即重返录音室开始著手他们下一张专辑的录制工作。而此时,开始窜红的其他青春偶像包括Britney Spears,the Backstreet Boys,Christina Aguilera以及*NSYNC也开始在排行榜上绽放属于年轻时代的光芒。   稳步前进   2000年春季,Hanson的第二张专辑《This Time Around》终于发行上市,这张新作也同步透露他们在音色处理与创作上的圆融成熟度。这张专辑同时也获得部分更具摇滚质感的音乐人的协助包括Jonny Lang以及Blues Travlers的John Popper等人。然而,这张专辑却无法再续前作的威势,他们似乎不再具有能够左右排行榜的优势,随之让唱片公司结束了与他们之间的合作关系。依旧是他们三兄弟不轻易言退的毅力,让他们决定成立自己的唱片公司 - 3CG Records,2004年4月推出他们的第三张专辑《Underneath》。在这张新作当中,他们更是与多位出色的音乐人包括Mathew Sweet与Gregg Alexander合作,继续拓展自身的音乐广度。   选自新作的首支单曲《Penny And Me》已经霸占排行榜,此刻的Hanson以更贴近谨慎音乐人与创作者的角色为自己重新定义。回顾当初他们首次踏入竞争激烈的乐坛时,他们或许只是传媒乐迷眼中一支颇具新鲜感的流行青少年乐团,但历经唱片工业的惨忍现实起伏之后,Hanson绝对是拥有一手真材实料的摇滚乐团。   On January 15, 2007, Hanson released on iTunes the first episode of their documentary podcast "Taking the Walk", detailing production of the studio album. The first episode of the band's documentary Strong Enough to Break was also released on iTunes. The program is edited into 13 episodes for release by podcast.   In March 2007, Hanson began a "preview tour" to promote The Walk and give fans a taste of recent work. Over six days, Hanson performed at the Starland Ballroom in Sayreville, New Jersey, Toad's Place in New Haven, Connecticut, The Crocodile Rock in Allentown, Pennsylvania, and The Supper Club in New York City. On March 30, Taylor and Zac appeared in Dallas, TX to screen their documentary at the AFI Film Festival. Afterward, the brothers held a Q&A session along with director Ashley Greyson. Hanson performed in the UK during April 2007, playing songs from The Walk. They also promoted the release of the single "Go" and the UK release of the album.   The Walk, Hanson's second studio album with 3CG Records (Fourth overall), was released in the US, Mexico and Canada on July 24. It was released in Japan on February 21 and in the UK on April 30.   On May 6, 2007, the 10th anniversary of Hanson Day, the band re-recorded their first major label album, Middle Of Nowhere, at The Blank Slate bar in their hometown of Tulsa, Oklahoma. The band invited fan club members, causing hundreds to fly to Oklahoma for the acoustic event. Hanson played concerts in the summer of 2007, supporting release of The Walk. The band appeared in Providence, Boston, New York City, Toronto, and Los Angeles. The record Middle of Nowhere Acoustic was released at the end of that year, exclusively on Hanson.net. The record included all but three songs of those originally in Middle of Nowhere ("Speechless", "Thinking of You" and "With You in Your Dreams") and featured the song Yearbook, never performed live before.   In June 2009, Hanson completed the album Shout It Out and planned to release it on June 8, 2010. The band also announced that they would be co-headlining a tour with Hellogoodbye. The tour started in Hanson's hometown of Tulsa, Oklahoma, on September 30, 2009 and finished November 11, 2009 in Anaheim, California.   Hanson also released a five-song EP titled Stand Up, Stand Up that was available at shows and on the band's official website. The tracks are acoustic versions of four new Hanson songs, plus the album version of "World's on Fire" which was originally going to be on their album Shout It Out but was ultimately left off the album. It was released worldwide on iTunes on December 8, 2009.   In December 2009, Hanson announced they would play five consecutive concerts at New York's Gramercy Theater. Each concert featured one of the band's four previous albums in its entirety, and the premiere of their upcoming Spring 2010 release. Dubbed 'Five of Five', the engagement began with a performance of Hanson's debut, Middle of Nowhere, on April 26, 2010 and then moved onto 2000's This Time Around on April 27, 2004's Underneath followed on April 28 with 2007's The Walk on April 29. On April 30, the band unveiled their new album, Shout It Out. The concert series was also streamed live on band's official website, Hanson.net, and included an exclusive "Backstage Pass" stream for fan club members. On March 6, 2010, Hanson shot dance and other sequences for their upcoming music video of their new single, "Thinking 'Bout Somethin'", at Greenwood Avenue in Tulsa. Hanson recruited professional dancers for the shoot and also invited fans and local residents to take part in the video, which is an homage to the Blues Brothers. The video was directed by Todd Edwards, co-founder of Blue Yonder Films. It was released for public viewing on their MySpace channel on April 15, 2010. "Weird Al" Yankovic has a cameo appearance as the tambourine player. On June 8, 2010, Hanson's fifth studio record was released. Shout It Out debuted at number 30 on Billboard 200, number 2 on the Indie chart, and No. 16 on the digital chart. On June 15, 2010, the band's free concert at the South Street Seaport in New York City rather incongruously ended in a riot after an estimated 20,000 fans showed up at a venue which could only accommodate half that many people. The rapper Drake was also on the bill. Hanson offered a "platinum package" of their Shout it Out record which included artwork hand-painted by the band's members. In October 2010, Hanson released "The 113 Painting Book" which includes the paintings they created for these packages. To promote their new album, Shout It Out, Hanson toured from July 2010 through November 2010. The tour kicked off in Buffalo, NY on July 21, with the final show in Toronto, Ont., on November 23. Throughout the tour, the band broadcast live streams from their website. The footage included introducing the local musician winners of their opening band contest, a few full length concerts, and walks with fans to fight AIDS and poverty in Africa for their Take the Walk Campaign. One of the most notable concerts included two days in November at Walt Disney World Resort's Food and Wine Festival for the Eat to the Beat concert series.   The band released a second single from Shout It Out in 2011. "Give a Little" would reach Top 40 on the US Hot AC charts marking it the first top 40 hit for the band since their 2000 single "If Only".   The band resumed their touring activity in September 2011. The US Musical Ride Tour lasted from September 4 to November 1. Starting on November 6 in Sao Paulo, Brazil, they proceeded to tour Latin America and Europe in order to promote their Shout It Out album internationally. In early 2012, they toured Canada with Carly Rae Jepsen. Later in 2012, they took the Shout It Out world Tour to Philippines and Australia as well.   Their sixth album Anthem was released on June 18, 2013. The album charted at number 22 on the US Billboard 200, making it their eighth album to reach the top 40 of the Billboard 200; the album also peaked at number 5 on the US Independent Albums chart. The first single is titled "Get the Girl Back", which was released on April 9, 2013. The single charted at number 39 on the Billboard Adult Pop Songs.   On October 23, 2013, Hanson served as guest judges on the popular show Cupcake Wars. Four cupcake bakers fought to the finish for the chance at having their cupcakes at a concert and an after party with the band, and a $10,000 prize.   On March 16, 2017, Hanson announced their 25th anniversary tour called "Middle of Everywhere: 25th Anniversary Tour" to celebrate the band's first signed album release.   Hanson released their second Christmas album, Finally It's Christmas, on October 27, 2017. They also performed a Finally It's Christmas special, which can be found on YouTube. In 2018, they performed backing vocals on the title song for Mike Love's solo album Reason for the Season.   In July 2018, Hanson announced a symphonic tour and accompanying album, titled String Theory. The tour began in August 2018, while the album was released on November 9, 2018.   On September 13, 2019, Hanson announced their Wintry Mix tour in North America, featuring Paul McDonald and Joshua and the Holy Rollers, led by the youngest Hanson brother, Mac Hanson. After Zac's motorcycle accident on October 2, 2019, Dash Hutton will serve as a substitute drummer for the Wintry Mix tour.
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