阿玛迪斯弦乐四重奏团(Amadeus Quartet)是二十世纪最伟大的四重奏团之一。该四重奏团于1947年在英国成立,由三位因为二战流亡到英国的维也纳音乐家——小提琴家Norbert Brainin、Siegmund Nissel,中提琴家Peter Schidlof与英国大提琴家Martin Lovett组成。阿玛迪斯弦乐四重奏团以擅长演奏维也纳乐派,如莫扎特、海顿、贝多芬、舒伯特的作品闻名于世,几乎成为此类作品演奏的典范。英国作曲家布里顿曾将其第三号弦乐四重奏题献给该团。   阿玛迪斯弦乐四重奏团的演奏保持着欧洲贵族的高贵、典雅、自然、脱俗的风范,演奏从来不会勉强和突兀,更不会做作。他们非常讲究室内乐,尤其是弦乐四重奏的那种默契的配合,第一小提琴Norbert Brainin在行内可以说德高望重,但是他们的演奏从来不会突出哪个演奏者,四位演奏者在音色、分句、节奏的处理可以说达到水乳交融的境界。他们在组成的时候约定,如果他们四位有哪位离开了,这个重奏团不会换人,以保持他们合作的高度的默契性。果然,中提琴家Peter Schidlof在1987年去世后,阿玛迪斯弦乐四重奏宣告解散,转向教学,现在他们的大师班,是每一位室内乐演奏者梦寐以求的学习机会。对乐迷来说,曾经象呼吁歌星复出那样等候他们重新组合,但是他们一直信守着成立时候的诺言。“阿玛迪斯”可能是现在唱片上最红的那些弦乐四重奏团里,唯一没有更换过成员的。“阿玛迪斯”可以说代表着弦乐四重奏的一个境界,在他们之后,已经没有可以超越他们的重奏团了。   The Amadeus Quartet was a world-famous string quartet founded in 1947 and disbanded in 1987, remarkable for having retained its founding members throughout its long history.   Because of their Jewish origin, the violinists Norbert Brainin (12 March 1923 – 10 April 2005), Siegmund Nissel (3 January 1922 – 21 May 2008) and Peter Schidlof (9 July 1922 – 16 August 1987; later violist) were driven out of Vienna after Hitler's Anschluss of 1938. Brainin and Schidlof met in a British internment camp at Prees Heath before being transferred on to the Isle of Man; many Jewish refugees had the misfortune of being confined by the British as "enemy aliens" upon seeking refuge in the UK. Brainin was released after a few months, but Schidlof remained in the camp, where he met Nissel. Finally Schidlof and Nissel were released, and the three of them were able to study with violin teacher Max Rostal, who taught them free of charge. It was through Rostal that they met cellist Martin Lovett, and in 1947 they formed the Brainin Quartet, which was renamed the Amadeus Quartet in 1948.   The group gave its first performance as the Amadeus Quartet at the Wigmore Hall in London on 10 January 1948, underwritten by British composer and conductor Imogen Holst. On 25 January 1983 the Quartet gave a 35th anniversary concert in the same concert hall with a programme which included Beethoven’s String Quartet in C major, op.59 no. 3 (3rd Rasumovsky Quartet). Touring extensively, the Amadeus performed throughout Europe, Canada, the United States, Japan, and South America. Noted for its smooth, sophisticated style, its seamless ensemble playing, and its sensitive interpretation, the quartet made some 200 recordings, among them the complete quartets of Ludwig van Beethoven, Johannes Brahms, and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. For concerts as well as recordings of string quintets (Mozart, Franz Schubert, Johannes Brahms, Anton Bruckner) and string sextets (Brahms) they regularly invited Cecil Aronowitz as second viola and William Pleeth as second cello. Though they emphasized a standard Classical and Romantic repertory, they also performed works by such 20th-century composers as Béla Bartók and Benjamin Britten who wrote his third quartet expressly for them.
  阿玛迪斯弦乐四重奏团(Amadeus Quartet)是二十世纪最伟大的四重奏团之一。该四重奏团于1947年在英国成立,由三位因为二战流亡到英国的维也纳音乐家——小提琴家Norbert Brainin、Siegmund Nissel,中提琴家Peter Schidlof与英国大提琴家Martin Lovett组成。阿玛迪斯弦乐四重奏团以擅长演奏维也纳乐派,如莫扎特、海顿、贝多芬、舒伯特的作品闻名于世,几乎成为此类作品演奏的典范。英国作曲家布里顿曾将其第三号弦乐四重奏题献给该团。   阿玛迪斯弦乐四重奏团的演奏保持着欧洲贵族的高贵、典雅、自然、脱俗的风范,演奏从来不会勉强和突兀,更不会做作。他们非常讲究室内乐,尤其是弦乐四重奏的那种默契的配合,第一小提琴Norbert Brainin在行内可以说德高望重,但是他们的演奏从来不会突出哪个演奏者,四位演奏者在音色、分句、节奏的处理可以说达到水乳交融的境界。他们在组成的时候约定,如果他们四位有哪位离开了,这个重奏团不会换人,以保持他们合作的高度的默契性。果然,中提琴家Peter Schidlof在1987年去世后,阿玛迪斯弦乐四重奏宣告解散,转向教学,现在他们的大师班,是每一位室内乐演奏者梦寐以求的学习机会。对乐迷来说,曾经象呼吁歌星复出那样等候他们重新组合,但是他们一直信守着成立时候的诺言。“阿玛迪斯”可能是现在唱片上最红的那些弦乐四重奏团里,唯一没有更换过成员的。“阿玛迪斯”可以说代表着弦乐四重奏的一个境界,在他们之后,已经没有可以超越他们的重奏团了。   The Amadeus Quartet was a world-famous string quartet founded in 1947 and disbanded in 1987, remarkable for having retained its founding members throughout its long history.   Because of their Jewish origin, the violinists Norbert Brainin (12 March 1923 – 10 April 2005), Siegmund Nissel (3 January 1922 – 21 May 2008) and Peter Schidlof (9 July 1922 – 16 August 1987; later violist) were driven out of Vienna after Hitler's Anschluss of 1938. Brainin and Schidlof met in a British internment camp at Prees Heath before being transferred on to the Isle of Man; many Jewish refugees had the misfortune of being confined by the British as "enemy aliens" upon seeking refuge in the UK. Brainin was released after a few months, but Schidlof remained in the camp, where he met Nissel. Finally Schidlof and Nissel were released, and the three of them were able to study with violin teacher Max Rostal, who taught them free of charge. It was through Rostal that they met cellist Martin Lovett, and in 1947 they formed the Brainin Quartet, which was renamed the Amadeus Quartet in 1948.   The group gave its first performance as the Amadeus Quartet at the Wigmore Hall in London on 10 January 1948, underwritten by British composer and conductor Imogen Holst. On 25 January 1983 the Quartet gave a 35th anniversary concert in the same concert hall with a programme which included Beethoven’s String Quartet in C major, op.59 no. 3 (3rd Rasumovsky Quartet). Touring extensively, the Amadeus performed throughout Europe, Canada, the United States, Japan, and South America. Noted for its smooth, sophisticated style, its seamless ensemble playing, and its sensitive interpretation, the quartet made some 200 recordings, among them the complete quartets of Ludwig van Beethoven, Johannes Brahms, and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. For concerts as well as recordings of string quintets (Mozart, Franz Schubert, Johannes Brahms, Anton Bruckner) and string sextets (Brahms) they regularly invited Cecil Aronowitz as second viola and William Pleeth as second cello. Though they emphasized a standard Classical and Romantic repertory, they also performed works by such 20th-century composers as Béla Bartók and Benjamin Britten who wrote his third quartet expressly for them.
Amadeus Quartet
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