夫妻档乐队。当然成员不止2人。   “The Letter Black”原名“Breaking the Silence”,由女主唱Sarah Anthony及丈夫Mark Anthony (吉他 / 和声), Matt Beal (贝斯手), Mat Slagle (鼓手) and Perry Johnson (吉他手)五人组成的独立摇滚乐队。   风格: Alternative / Rock   唱片公司: Tooth & Nail Records      The Letter Black is a American Christian Alterative Rock band. They are currently signed with Tooth and Nail Records and have released two albums: an independently-recorded CD ("Stand") and one with their currently label entitled "Breaking the Silence."      History   Before signing with Tooth and Nail, The Letter Black (known at the time as Breaking the Silence) release a independent CD title "Stand" and a music for the title track. When they signed with Tooth and Nail they changed the name to The Letter Black. The band's MySpace said that the reason for the change was because of another band having a closely similar name. They released their debut album with Tooth and Nail on Sept. 22, 2009. After releasing their debut album, they went on tour with Skillet, Hawk Nelson, and Decyfer Down for the Awake and Alive Tour.      Discography   "Stand" (Independent)   "Breaking the Silence" (Tooth and Nail Records) Sept. 22, 2009      Members   Sarah Anthony - Vocals   Mark Anthony - Vocals and Guitar   Matt Beal - Bass   Mat Slagle - Drums   TJ - Guitar
  夫妻档乐队。当然成员不止2人。   “The Letter Black”原名“Breaking the Silence”,由女主唱Sarah Anthony及丈夫Mark Anthony (吉他 / 和声), Matt Beal (贝斯手), Mat Slagle (鼓手) and Perry Johnson (吉他手)五人组成的独立摇滚乐队。   风格: Alternative / Rock   唱片公司: Tooth & Nail Records      The Letter Black is a American Christian Alterative Rock band. They are currently signed with Tooth and Nail Records and have released two albums: an independently-recorded CD ("Stand") and one with their currently label entitled "Breaking the Silence."      History   Before signing with Tooth and Nail, The Letter Black (known at the time as Breaking the Silence) release a independent CD title "Stand" and a music for the title track. When they signed with Tooth and Nail they changed the name to The Letter Black. The band's MySpace said that the reason for the change was because of another band having a closely similar name. They released their debut album with Tooth and Nail on Sept. 22, 2009. After releasing their debut album, they went on tour with Skillet, Hawk Nelson, and Decyfer Down for the Awake and Alive Tour.      Discography   "Stand" (Independent)   "Breaking the Silence" (Tooth and Nail Records) Sept. 22, 2009      Members   Sarah Anthony - Vocals   Mark Anthony - Vocals and Guitar   Matt Beal - Bass   Mat Slagle - Drums   TJ - Guitar
The Letter Black
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