Carina Round 1979年出生于英国乌味罕普顿的低希尔地区的一个意大利家庭。生活贫苦,周围的环境也很糟糕,对她来说唯一能作为营养补给的就是她妈妈收藏的一些专辑—Led Zeppelin,Nine Simone和Roxy Music....她祖父喜欢唱歌,使得在学校读书的Carine也受到感染因而时常逃课在家,躲在衣橱里,直到妈妈出去工作,然后一个人呆在家里听音乐。听着听着她就会提高分贝声嘶力竭的跟着唱机一起唱,这样的行为引来邻居和学校的极度不满,可是她似乎毫不在乎。在她看来Physical graffiti才是教她应该学什么的老师。      96年夏天,carina得到了一个机会能在伯明翰的一个地下音乐酒吧演出三个晚上,从此她便开始了自己的酒吧唱歌生涯。到99年时,她几乎在英国所有酒吧演出过,并与David Gray,Miles Hunt,Ben Christophers,Mark Eitzel,Cousteau...等人合作。      Carine与贝司手Simon Smith,鼓手Marous Galley组成乐队。他们首次合作是在COLDPLAY伯明翰音乐节的演出上,而这次演出之后她便被制作人Gavin Monaghan发现并直接进入录音棚,短短的10天时间就完成了她的首张专辑。Carina以她天生阴冷嗓音和强烈的现场表现力出色的诠释了这张专辑。      03年10月她的第二张专辑《the disconnection》出炉,与第一张专辑有所不同,这张显得柔和很多。      有人将carina round和PJ harvey相比较,确实,他们一样是个性派的女声,也有相似的尖利,但是carina还有着the smith的低郁以及她所独有的那份桀骜和坚强........      Singer/songwriter Carina Round got her start with a short stint at Birmingham's famed Ronnie Scott's club in 1996. Within a few years, she gained attention through support billings for the likes of Mark Eitzel, David Gray, the Wonder Stuff's Miles Hunt, and most notably Ryan Adams, who wrote a couple of songs with Round and performed them with her accompaniment during a couple of London shows. Hooking up with the rhythm section of drummer Marcus Galley and double bassist Simon Smith, the trio performed a number of dates before heading into the studio to record 2001's The First Blood Mystery, released through the U.K. indie Animal Noise. After the album's release, Round went on an extensive tour with Glenn Tilbrook. She returned in 2004 with The Disconnection, her Interscope debut. 2006's Slow Motion Addict was produced by Glen Ballard and featured a more accessible, electronic-embellished sound. The album was released in the U.S. a year later.
  Carina Round 1979年出生于英国乌味罕普顿的低希尔地区的一个意大利家庭。生活贫苦,周围的环境也很糟糕,对她来说唯一能作为营养补给的就是她妈妈收藏的一些专辑—Led Zeppelin,Nine Simone和Roxy Music....她祖父喜欢唱歌,使得在学校读书的Carine也受到感染因而时常逃课在家,躲在衣橱里,直到妈妈出去工作,然后一个人呆在家里听音乐。听着听着她就会提高分贝声嘶力竭的跟着唱机一起唱,这样的行为引来邻居和学校的极度不满,可是她似乎毫不在乎。在她看来Physical graffiti才是教她应该学什么的老师。      96年夏天,carina得到了一个机会能在伯明翰的一个地下音乐酒吧演出三个晚上,从此她便开始了自己的酒吧唱歌生涯。到99年时,她几乎在英国所有酒吧演出过,并与David Gray,Miles Hunt,Ben Christophers,Mark Eitzel,Cousteau...等人合作。      Carine与贝司手Simon Smith,鼓手Marous Galley组成乐队。他们首次合作是在COLDPLAY伯明翰音乐节的演出上,而这次演出之后她便被制作人Gavin Monaghan发现并直接进入录音棚,短短的10天时间就完成了她的首张专辑。Carina以她天生阴冷嗓音和强烈的现场表现力出色的诠释了这张专辑。      03年10月她的第二张专辑《the disconnection》出炉,与第一张专辑有所不同,这张显得柔和很多。      有人将carina round和PJ harvey相比较,确实,他们一样是个性派的女声,也有相似的尖利,但是carina还有着the smith的低郁以及她所独有的那份桀骜和坚强........      Singer/songwriter Carina Round got her start with a short stint at Birmingham's famed Ronnie Scott's club in 1996. Within a few years, she gained attention through support billings for the likes of Mark Eitzel, David Gray, the Wonder Stuff's Miles Hunt, and most notably Ryan Adams, who wrote a couple of songs with Round and performed them with her accompaniment during a couple of London shows. Hooking up with the rhythm section of drummer Marcus Galley and double bassist Simon Smith, the trio performed a number of dates before heading into the studio to record 2001's The First Blood Mystery, released through the U.K. indie Animal Noise. After the album's release, Round went on an extensive tour with Glenn Tilbrook. She returned in 2004 with The Disconnection, her Interscope debut. 2006's Slow Motion Addict was produced by Glen Ballard and featured a more accessible, electronic-embellished sound. The album was released in the U.S. a year later.
Carina Round
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