来自新西兰的Neil Finn,1985年率领一班杰出的音乐人,于澳大利亚组成Crowded House,在80年代未期至90年代间,写下一页辉煌动人的音乐历史。Crowded House的团员背景,让澳大利亚与新西兰的乐迷,都将之视为国宝引以为傲,然而他们的音乐成就却不仅限於上述两地。Crowded House曾经以《Don’t Dream It’s Over》与《Something So Strong》两支单曲,分别夺下美国Billboard排行榜第2名及第7名佳绩。更在1987年的MTV音乐录影带大奖上,一举拿下该年度“最佳新进艺人”。之后更以其清新流畅的作品,风靡欧洲与世界各地,是全球歌迷共同拥有的美好记忆。1993年英国女皇,更公开授予Neil与其兄长Tim Finn勋章,肯定两人在音乐上的成就。   Crowded House were a rock band formed in Melbourne, Australia, in 1985. The founding members were New Zealander Neil Finn (vocalist, guitarist, primary songwriter) and Australians Paul Hester (drums) and Nick Seymour (bass). Later band members included Neil Finn's brother, Tim Finn, and Americans Mark Hart and Matt Sherrod.   Originally active from 1985 to 1996, the band had consistent commercial and critical success in Australia and New Zealand and international chart success in two phases, beginning with their self-titled debut album, which reached number twelve on the US Album Chart in 1987 and provided the Top Ten hits "Don't Dream It's Over" and "Something So Strong". Further international success came in the UK, Europe and South Africa with their third and fourth albums, Woodface and Together Alone and the compilation album Recurring Dream, which included the hits "Fall at Your Feet", "Weather with You", "Distant Sun", "Locked Out", "Instinct" and "Not the Girl You Think You Are". Queen Elizabeth II bestowed an OBE on both Neil and Tim Finn, in June 1993, for their contribution to the music of New Zealand.   Founding drummer Hester left in May 1994 citing family reasons, but briefly returned for their "Farewell to the World" concerts in Melbourne and Sydney in 1996. Neil Finn had decided to end the band to concentrate on his solo career and the Finn Brothers project with Tim. On 26 March 2005 Hester died by suicide, aged 46.   In 2006 the group re-formed with new drummer Matt Sherrod and released two further albums (in 2007 and 2010), both of which reached number one on Australia's album chart.Although no announcement has been made about the group's current status, Crowded House has not performed live since 2011 and has shut down their website.
  来自新西兰的Neil Finn,1985年率领一班杰出的音乐人,于澳大利亚组成Crowded House,在80年代未期至90年代间,写下一页辉煌动人的音乐历史。Crowded House的团员背景,让澳大利亚与新西兰的乐迷,都将之视为国宝引以为傲,然而他们的音乐成就却不仅限於上述两地。Crowded House曾经以《Don’t Dream It’s Over》与《Something So Strong》两支单曲,分别夺下美国Billboard排行榜第2名及第7名佳绩。更在1987年的MTV音乐录影带大奖上,一举拿下该年度“最佳新进艺人”。之后更以其清新流畅的作品,风靡欧洲与世界各地,是全球歌迷共同拥有的美好记忆。1993年英国女皇,更公开授予Neil与其兄长Tim Finn勋章,肯定两人在音乐上的成就。   Crowded House were a rock band formed in Melbourne, Australia, in 1985. The founding members were New Zealander Neil Finn (vocalist, guitarist, primary songwriter) and Australians Paul Hester (drums) and Nick Seymour (bass). Later band members included Neil Finn's brother, Tim Finn, and Americans Mark Hart and Matt Sherrod.   Originally active from 1985 to 1996, the band had consistent commercial and critical success in Australia and New Zealand and international chart success in two phases, beginning with their self-titled debut album, which reached number twelve on the US Album Chart in 1987 and provided the Top Ten hits "Don't Dream It's Over" and "Something So Strong". Further international success came in the UK, Europe and South Africa with their third and fourth albums, Woodface and Together Alone and the compilation album Recurring Dream, which included the hits "Fall at Your Feet", "Weather with You", "Distant Sun", "Locked Out", "Instinct" and "Not the Girl You Think You Are". Queen Elizabeth II bestowed an OBE on both Neil and Tim Finn, in June 1993, for their contribution to the music of New Zealand.   Founding drummer Hester left in May 1994 citing family reasons, but briefly returned for their "Farewell to the World" concerts in Melbourne and Sydney in 1996. Neil Finn had decided to end the band to concentrate on his solo career and the Finn Brothers project with Tim. On 26 March 2005 Hester died by suicide, aged 46.   In 2006 the group re-formed with new drummer Matt Sherrod and released two further albums (in 2007 and 2010), both of which reached number one on Australia's album chart.Although no announcement has been made about the group's current status, Crowded House has not performed live since 2011 and has shut down their website.
Crowded House
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