迪·迪·布里姬沃特(Dee Dee Bridgewater),美国女歌手。1998年凭借献给爵士乐一代女伶艾拉费兹洁萝的「Dear Ella」专辑成为葛莱美奖最佳女演唱人。   当代爵士乐首席天后级人物迪迪布里姬沃特,是为极少数传承爵士乐优良演唱传统,并能开创更高局面之第一人,完整而丰富的爵士资历及融合各家特色之扎实根基,在多年的演唱生涯中更现光芒。不断与当代乐手合作的灿烂火花,更令迪迪布里姬沃特全世界各地成为票房常胜军,并为各国爵士乐杂志票选为最受欢迎歌手,1998年献给爵士乐一代女伶艾拉费兹洁萝(Ella Fitzgerald)的《Dear Ella》专辑,更为她赢得了葛莱美奖最佳女演唱人之最高荣誉。   她踏入爵士歌坛的第一步,始於1950年的Memphis,穿梭於密西根及伊利诺州大学,然後在纽约歇脚,加入Thad Jones/Mel Lewis大乐队及Frank Foster的Loud Minority 大乐队,并曾与七十年代爵士界赫赫有名之士合作。八十年代,她远赴法国,勇闯新天地,涉足音乐剧、流行曲、George Gruntz的爵士音乐剧,以至广告歌。九十年代决意再战爵士乐坛, 第一炮是1994年向Horace Silver致敬之作Love and Peace,另一次出击是1997年向她尊敬的 Ella Fitzgerald致意专辑Dear Ella,在这张Live At Yoshi现场专辑中,她尽显一代爵士歌后风范,演艺惊喜、磁性魅力、慑人气氛、幽默感、刺激感及美感,无一不备!并凭多元化风格,由头至尾牵动著观众情绪,在第一曲Undecided当中,她大耍scatting唱功,无论创意、语句、音色及音域上均尽得Ella神髓,别以为她一招走天涯,这仅是开胃头盘,在紧接的第二曲Slow Boat To China中, Dee Dee才发挥独家本色,以灵巧唱功与乐迷沟通交流,初时鼓手Jackson打出第一及第四重拍的推动式节奏,待Bridgewater入唱时,转为以摇鼓打拍子,带出含蓄而美妙的变化,可见演奏班底绝非交行货,而是做足事前预准功夫。   她在现场表演时所发出之电力绝不含蓄, 特别在《Get Up I Feel Like Being A Sex Machine》一曲中的性感唱腔足可媲美James Brown。为避免成为Ella的影子,Dee Dee演绎同一首歌曲时,除了不忘Ella式欢愉Scat之外,更注入无限量的天真甜美,奔放而性感,绝对有自己的一套!她搞现场气氛确有一手,在Love For Sale一曲中,走入观众席调侃可的"Paul"(其老婆显然就在身边),在他耳畔挑逗地唱出"I got some good love for sale, I wanna walk with you, I wanna talk to you, I wanna show you all the little things I can do, I wanna treat you right, I wanna hold you tight, I wanna give you plenty of lovin' every day and every night."然後热情地呼唤他的名字,叫得人神迷魄荡!   听过Bridgewater的版本, 您将会码惊讶为何此类大胆歌词可以在Cole Porter年代出街。要特别一提Love For Sale,不单因为这一曲是大碟内高潮之一,并且证明Bridgewater已能将人声充份驾驭和运用自如,发挥意想不到的娱乐性及新趣味。细听Stairway To The Stars副歌部份的muted喇叭独奏,恐怕你势估唔到那竟然是Bridgewater的歌声。她不但扮喇叭维肖维妙,其"人声"长号有怒吼及wah-wah效果,足与Bubber Miley或Wycliffe Gordon 一较长短。演绎Midnight Sun那一类深情慢歌的时候,她又拿捏得极有分寸,以真情溶化每一颗心!Bridgewater的演唱会点止唱歌咁简单,即使没有机会在Yoshi亲眼欣赏她的精彩表现,光听CD亦犹如亲历其境。你可以像想当晚的观众全情投入,个个拍烂手掌,大赞抵睇的畅怀情景。无缘亲睹也不必悔恨终生,买张CD听一样可以补番数!   Dee Dee Bridgewater (born May 27, 1950) is an American jazz singer. She is a three-time Grammy Award-winning singer-songwriter, as well as a Tony Award-winning stage actress. For 23 years, she was the host of National Public Radio's syndicated radio show JazzSet with Dee Dee Bridgewater. She is a United Nations Ambassador for the Food and Agriculture Organization.   Born Denise Eileen Garrett in Memphis, Tennessee, she was raised Catholic in Flint, Michigan. Her father, Matthew Garrett, was a jazz trumpeter and teacher at Manassas High School, and through his playing, she was exposed to jazz early on. At the age of sixteen, she was a member of a rock and rhythm'n'blues trio, singing in clubs in Michigan. At 18, she studied at the Michigan State University before she went to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. With their jazz band, she toured the Soviet Union in 1969.   The next year, she met trumpeter Cecil Bridgewater, and after their marriage, they moved to New York City, where Cecil played in Horace Silver's band. In the early 1970s, Bridgewater joined the Thad Jones-Mel Lewis Jazz Orchestra as the lead vocalist. This marked the beginning of her jazz career, and she performed with many of the great jazz musicians of the time, such as Sonny Rollins, Dizzy Gillespie, Dexter Gordon, Max Roach, Rahsaan Roland Kirk and others. She performed at the Monterey Jazz Festival in 1973. In 1974, her first own album, entitled Afro Blue, appeared, and she also performed on Broadway in the musical The Wiz. For her role as Glinda the Good Witch she won a Tony Award in 1975 as "best featured actress", and the musical also won the 1976 Grammy Award for Best Musical Show Album.   She subsequently appeared in several other stage productions. After touring France in 1984 with the musical Sophisticated Ladies, she moved to Paris in 1986. The same year saw her in Lady Day as Billie Holiday, for which role she was nominated for the Laurence Olivier Award, as well as recording the song Precious Thing with Ray Charles. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, she returned from the world of musical to jazz. She performed at the Sanremo Music Festival in Italy and the Montreux Jazz Festival in 1990, and four years later, she finally collaborated with Horace Silver, whom she had long admired, and released the album Love and Peace: A Tribute to Horace Silver. Performed also at the San Francisco Jazz Festival (1996). Her 1997 tribute album Dear Ella won her the 1998 Grammy Award for Best Jazz Vocal Album, and the 1998 album Live at Yoshi's was also worth a Grammy nomination. Performed again at the Monterey Jazz Festival (1998). She has also explored on This Is New (2002) the songs of Kurt Weill, and, on her next album J'ai deux amours (2005), the French Classics.   Her album Red Earth, released in 2007, features Africa-inspired themes and contributions by numerous musicians from Mali. Performed at the San Francisco Jazz Festival (2007). On December 8, 2007 she performed with the Terence Blanchard Quintet at the prestigious John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C.. She tours frequently, including overseas gigs around the world. October 16, 2009 found her opening the Shanghai JZ Jazz Festival, in which she sang tunes associated with Ella Fitzgerald, along with Ellington compositions and other jazz standards.
  迪·迪·布里姬沃特(Dee Dee Bridgewater),美国女歌手。1998年凭借献给爵士乐一代女伶艾拉费兹洁萝的「Dear Ella」专辑成为葛莱美奖最佳女演唱人。   当代爵士乐首席天后级人物迪迪布里姬沃特,是为极少数传承爵士乐优良演唱传统,并能开创更高局面之第一人,完整而丰富的爵士资历及融合各家特色之扎实根基,在多年的演唱生涯中更现光芒。不断与当代乐手合作的灿烂火花,更令迪迪布里姬沃特全世界各地成为票房常胜军,并为各国爵士乐杂志票选为最受欢迎歌手,1998年献给爵士乐一代女伶艾拉费兹洁萝(Ella Fitzgerald)的《Dear Ella》专辑,更为她赢得了葛莱美奖最佳女演唱人之最高荣誉。   她踏入爵士歌坛的第一步,始於1950年的Memphis,穿梭於密西根及伊利诺州大学,然後在纽约歇脚,加入Thad Jones/Mel Lewis大乐队及Frank Foster的Loud Minority 大乐队,并曾与七十年代爵士界赫赫有名之士合作。八十年代,她远赴法国,勇闯新天地,涉足音乐剧、流行曲、George Gruntz的爵士音乐剧,以至广告歌。九十年代决意再战爵士乐坛, 第一炮是1994年向Horace Silver致敬之作Love and Peace,另一次出击是1997年向她尊敬的 Ella Fitzgerald致意专辑Dear Ella,在这张Live At Yoshi现场专辑中,她尽显一代爵士歌后风范,演艺惊喜、磁性魅力、慑人气氛、幽默感、刺激感及美感,无一不备!并凭多元化风格,由头至尾牵动著观众情绪,在第一曲Undecided当中,她大耍scatting唱功,无论创意、语句、音色及音域上均尽得Ella神髓,别以为她一招走天涯,这仅是开胃头盘,在紧接的第二曲Slow Boat To China中, Dee Dee才发挥独家本色,以灵巧唱功与乐迷沟通交流,初时鼓手Jackson打出第一及第四重拍的推动式节奏,待Bridgewater入唱时,转为以摇鼓打拍子,带出含蓄而美妙的变化,可见演奏班底绝非交行货,而是做足事前预准功夫。   她在现场表演时所发出之电力绝不含蓄, 特别在《Get Up I Feel Like Being A Sex Machine》一曲中的性感唱腔足可媲美James Brown。为避免成为Ella的影子,Dee Dee演绎同一首歌曲时,除了不忘Ella式欢愉Scat之外,更注入无限量的天真甜美,奔放而性感,绝对有自己的一套!她搞现场气氛确有一手,在Love For Sale一曲中,走入观众席调侃可的"Paul"(其老婆显然就在身边),在他耳畔挑逗地唱出"I got some good love for sale, I wanna walk with you, I wanna talk to you, I wanna show you all the little things I can do, I wanna treat you right, I wanna hold you tight, I wanna give you plenty of lovin' every day and every night."然後热情地呼唤他的名字,叫得人神迷魄荡!   听过Bridgewater的版本, 您将会码惊讶为何此类大胆歌词可以在Cole Porter年代出街。要特别一提Love For Sale,不单因为这一曲是大碟内高潮之一,并且证明Bridgewater已能将人声充份驾驭和运用自如,发挥意想不到的娱乐性及新趣味。细听Stairway To The Stars副歌部份的muted喇叭独奏,恐怕你势估唔到那竟然是Bridgewater的歌声。她不但扮喇叭维肖维妙,其"人声"长号有怒吼及wah-wah效果,足与Bubber Miley或Wycliffe Gordon 一较长短。演绎Midnight Sun那一类深情慢歌的时候,她又拿捏得极有分寸,以真情溶化每一颗心!Bridgewater的演唱会点止唱歌咁简单,即使没有机会在Yoshi亲眼欣赏她的精彩表现,光听CD亦犹如亲历其境。你可以像想当晚的观众全情投入,个个拍烂手掌,大赞抵睇的畅怀情景。无缘亲睹也不必悔恨终生,买张CD听一样可以补番数!   Dee Dee Bridgewater (born May 27, 1950) is an American jazz singer. She is a three-time Grammy Award-winning singer-songwriter, as well as a Tony Award-winning stage actress. For 23 years, she was the host of National Public Radio's syndicated radio show JazzSet with Dee Dee Bridgewater. She is a United Nations Ambassador for the Food and Agriculture Organization.   Born Denise Eileen Garrett in Memphis, Tennessee, she was raised Catholic in Flint, Michigan. Her father, Matthew Garrett, was a jazz trumpeter and teacher at Manassas High School, and through his playing, she was exposed to jazz early on. At the age of sixteen, she was a member of a rock and rhythm'n'blues trio, singing in clubs in Michigan. At 18, she studied at the Michigan State University before she went to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. With their jazz band, she toured the Soviet Union in 1969.   The next year, she met trumpeter Cecil Bridgewater, and after their marriage, they moved to New York City, where Cecil played in Horace Silver's band. In the early 1970s, Bridgewater joined the Thad Jones-Mel Lewis Jazz Orchestra as the lead vocalist. This marked the beginning of her jazz career, and she performed with many of the great jazz musicians of the time, such as Sonny Rollins, Dizzy Gillespie, Dexter Gordon, Max Roach, Rahsaan Roland Kirk and others. She performed at the Monterey Jazz Festival in 1973. In 1974, her first own album, entitled Afro Blue, appeared, and she also performed on Broadway in the musical The Wiz. For her role as Glinda the Good Witch she won a Tony Award in 1975 as "best featured actress", and the musical also won the 1976 Grammy Award for Best Musical Show Album.   She subsequently appeared in several other stage productions. After touring France in 1984 with the musical Sophisticated Ladies, she moved to Paris in 1986. The same year saw her in Lady Day as Billie Holiday, for which role she was nominated for the Laurence Olivier Award, as well as recording the song Precious Thing with Ray Charles. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, she returned from the world of musical to jazz. She performed at the Sanremo Music Festival in Italy and the Montreux Jazz Festival in 1990, and four years later, she finally collaborated with Horace Silver, whom she had long admired, and released the album Love and Peace: A Tribute to Horace Silver. Performed also at the San Francisco Jazz Festival (1996). Her 1997 tribute album Dear Ella won her the 1998 Grammy Award for Best Jazz Vocal Album, and the 1998 album Live at Yoshi's was also worth a Grammy nomination. Performed again at the Monterey Jazz Festival (1998). She has also explored on This Is New (2002) the songs of Kurt Weill, and, on her next album J'ai deux amours (2005), the French Classics.   Her album Red Earth, released in 2007, features Africa-inspired themes and contributions by numerous musicians from Mali. Performed at the San Francisco Jazz Festival (2007). On December 8, 2007 she performed with the Terence Blanchard Quintet at the prestigious John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C.. She tours frequently, including overseas gigs around the world. October 16, 2009 found her opening the Shanghai JZ Jazz Festival, in which she sang tunes associated with Ella Fitzgerald, along with Ellington compositions and other jazz standards.
Dee Dee Bridgewater
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