TESTAMENT这个名字也许远不如METALLICA那么响亮,恐怕也及不上MEGADETH,事实上即使是在他们最鼎盛的时期,他们也从未达到过白金的销量,虽然他们一度被人们认为是最有资格挑战METALLICA霸主地位的乐队,不过对某些极端的Thrash Metal迷而言,TESTAMENT特有的沉重,凶悍正是他们渴求的。   1983年,一支名为LEGACY的乐队由节奏吉他手Eric Peterson和他的表兄弟主音吉他手Derrick Ramirez,以及贝司手Greg Christian,鼓手Louie Clemente还有主唱Steve Souza组成,Ramirez不久即被年仅16岁的Alex Skolnick取代。   1985年,乐队自己制作了一张小样First Strike is Deadly,这也是最后一次Souza作为乐队主唱的作品。由于LEGACY这个名字已经有别的乐队使用,乐队只好更名为TESTAMENT。正当 TESTAMENT日渐被唱片公司看好的时候,却遭受了一个不小的打击,主唱Steve Souza突然宣布加入另一支著名的Thrash Metal乐队——EXODUS,于是Chuck Billy被选中担任乐队的主唱,这正是塞翁失马,焉知非福,如果不是Souza的离开,我们也就永远不会听到Chuck充满激情的咆哮了。   签约Megaforce Records之后,TESTAMENT于1987年发行了自己的第一张专辑,The Legacy,之所以起这个名字大概是旧情难忘吧,呵呵,初恋总是美好的。由于Megaforce与唱片业巨人Atlantic Records签订的合作协议,使得这张专辑可以通过更多的销售渠道被人们所接受。这张专辑一经发行立即被奉为Thrash Metal圈中的经典,狂暴的riffs夹杂着地狱般的旋律,暴戾的能量被精确地控制着再慢慢释放——就像受控的核聚变,人们仿佛看到了又一个 METALLICA。随后乐队进行了美国与欧洲巡回演出,作为ANTHRAX的嘉宾。在巡演期间,乐队录制了一张现场EP,Live in Eindhoven,这是乐队在参加荷兰Dynamo Festival时的现场,不过反响一般。   好在接下来的正式专辑The New Order证明这才是TESTAMENT真正的实力体现,这张专辑将TESTAMENT带到了顶级金属乐队的行列,TESTAMENT不仅是在湾区声名鹊起,也进而成为全国范围内关注的焦点,当然也就是全世界的了。出色的表现使得乐队在The Monsters Of Rock音乐节上亮相,并可与MEGADETH, VOIVOD, ANTHRAX, JUDAS PRIEST这样的大牌乐队并肩演出了。   1989年的专辑Practice What You Preach在不失攻击性的前提下将旋律化的Thrash Metal发挥到了极致,这种讨好的做法显然深得人心——这张专辑卖出了40万张,MTV的盛行无疑起到了推波助澜的作用。   在与SAVATAGE,WRATHCHILD AMERICA一道进行完全美巡回演出后,乐队再次回到录音室录制了第四张专辑Souls of Black。这张专辑的制作人由以前的Alex Perialas换成了Michael Rosen,而乐队内部的矛盾也似乎在其音乐中有所反映。之后是与SLAYER, MEGADETH ,SUICIDAL TENDENCIES进行了名为Clash Of The Titans的欧洲巡演。   随着92年的专辑The Ritual的发行,Alex,Louie和乐队其他成员的矛盾已经非常明显了,实际上从88年的The New Order开始,Alex就不断抱怨乐队的风格过于单一,这极大的限制了Alex的创造性,他的兴趣不只是金属,还有对Jazz,Fusion等音乐也很感兴趣。显然此时的TESTAMENT已经不能满足他的欲望,于是他最终还是选择退出乐队,不久鼓手Louie也步其后尘。Alex先是去了 SAVATAGE乐队,不过没干多久就又辞职了,后来干脆搞了个爵士乐队,而Louie则彻底退出了音乐圈。   TESTAMENT在短时间的休整之后,吉他手Glen Alvelais (ex-FORBIDDEN),鼓手Paul Bostaph (ex- FORBIDDEN, SLAYER)暂时填补空缺。93年的小专辑Return To Apocalyptic City正好给这二位新成员热热身,热完了身,这两位也都各自忙各自的去了。本来乐队打算找前OZZY的吉他手Jake E. Lee来试试,不过当他们听说James Murphy竟然对TESTAMENT感兴趣时,当然就义无反顾的选择了后者。在找来了鼓手John Tempesta (ex- EXODUS)后,1994年专辑Low问世了。Chuck自认为这是TESTAMENT重新的开始,再次回归到以前残忍黑暗的时代。   1995年,TESTAMENT脱离Atlantic Records,成立了自己的厂牌Burnt Offerings Inc,此后乐队成员的更换如走马灯般频繁,来来去去,分分合合。鼓手Tempesta去了WHITE ZOMBIE, John Dette (ex- EVIL DEAD)接替他完成巡演,并录制了现场专辑Live At The Fillmore,由乐队的新厂牌自主发行。   1996年对TESTAMENT来讲完全是糟糕的一年,差点就四分五裂。先是鼓手Dette加入SLAYER顶替原来从TESTAMENT跑过去的 Bostaph,James则忙于自己的专辑而不得不暂时离开,Greg成立了自己的乐队FLANGUE,而Chuck甚至宣布,他,Eric和新来的鼓手Chris Kontos (ex-MACHINE HEAD)可能考虑另组一个乐队,名字都想好了,叫DOG FACED GODS,幸运的是最终他没有这样做。   1997年,大难不死的TESTAMENT发行了第七张专辑Demonic,令人吃惊的是此时的乐队成员除了鼓手Gene Hoglan(ex-DARK ANGEL, ex-DEATH)外,竟然都是老面孔。Glen Alvelais以前曾经作为乐队的临时吉他手,而Derrick Ramirez更是乐队的元老级人物,此番也被请回来做贝司手顶替离队的Greg。当然一切都是暂时的,这张专辑之后Alvelais,Ramirez相继离队,Hoglan去了STRAPPING YOUNG LAD,接替他的居然又是Jon Dette,Faint...。新任贝司手是Steve DiGiorgio (ex-DEATH, SADUS) ,而James Murphy也在此时归队了,鼓手更是请来了Dave Lombardo (ex- SLAYER, GRIP INC.)。   拥有这样一套超豪华阵容的TESTAMENT似乎离胜利不远了,然而99年的专辑The Gathering却不怎么令人满意,看来明星组合的效应总是要打打折扣。之后这豪华宴席该收场了,James Murphy因病不得不退出乐队,Steve Smyth(ex- VICIOUS RUMORS)成为巡演的吉他手。Lombardo忙于其他的project而分身乏术,Jon Allen (ex- SADUS)继续。   更为不幸的消息是,为促销The Gathering进行的世界巡演Riding The Snake结束后,主唱Chuck Billy也被检查出患有一种罕见的癌症。好在发现的及时,并无大碍,在与病魔作斗争的同时,Chuck仍没有忘记乐队,2001年TESTAMENT把以前的经典老歌重新又录制成了一张专辑First Strike Still Deadly,在这张专辑中歌迷又可以听到久违了的Alex Skolnick的演奏。   2005年,Alex Skolnick(阿历克斯·斯克尔尼克)通过媒体向外界宣布,在离开乐队的第13个年头,他将重新回到传奇乐队TESTAMENT,此前,1996年离队的贝斯手Greg Christian(格里格·克里斯坦)也发表声明,所有的“旧约”迷将从2005年起再次于乐队中看到自己的身影。而主唱Chuck Billy(恰克·比利)在以超凡毅力成功战胜病魔之后,将继续与Eric Peterson(埃瑞克·皮特森)、阿历克斯·斯克尔尼克、格里格·克里斯坦联手创作并演出。   2007年7月29日晚,Testament在北京星光现场进行演出。   Reunion and The Formation of Damnation (2005–2010)   In May 2005, it was announced that Testament would be doing a brief Europe-only reunion tour - known as the "10 Days in May Tour" - featuring the original lineup of Billy, Peterson, Skolnick and Christian, with drum duties shared between John Tempesta and Louie Clemente. After the success of the initial tour dates, Testament announced more dates in the U.S., Europe, and Japan with the classic lineup. Later that year, Skolnick also toured the East Coast with Trans-Siberian Orchestra. The band went on to release a live DVD and CD from the tour entitled Live in London. In interviews on the DVD, Eric Peterson expressed his desire to record the follow-up to The Gathering with the classic Testament lineup. He also stated that Alex Skolnick had begun writing songs for the new album. Chuck Billy was very vocal about how happy he was to have Alex, Greg, Louie, and John Tempesta in the band once again, and hoped to maintain a stable lineup going forward. Also in 2005, Testament's long-out of print documentary Seen Between the Lines was released on DVD for the first time.   Testament played for the first time in the Middle East at the Dubai Desert Rock festival in March 2006. Other notable bands that performed for the Desert Rock Festival were Iron Maiden, Megadeth, Reel Big Fish and 3 Doors Down.   In July 2007, the band played a show at Jaxx Nightclub in Springfield, Virginia, with Paul Bostaph filling in on drum duties. It was later confirmed that Bostaph would be officially returning to the band to record the new album. The band debuted a new song at that show titled "The Afterlife", which they also played at Earthshaker Fest.   In February 2008, the band released the song "More Than Meets the Eye" from the new album on their MySpace page.   In April 2008, Testament was confirmed for Ozzy Osbourne's Monsters of Rock festival to take place on July 26, 2008, in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.   Testament released their first studio album in nine years, The Formation of Damnation, on April 29, 2008, through Nuclear Blast Records. It is the first Testament album to feature Alex Skolnick on guitar since 1992's The Ritual, and the first to feature bassist Greg Christian since 1994's Low.   The band was confirmed to be the main event on the first day of the "Gillmanfest," a rock festival to be held on May 24, 2008, in Valencia, Venezuela, visiting Colombia for the second time in the band's extensive career. In June 2008, Testament headlined the 3rd stage at Download Festival, held at Donington Park, UK. The band also toured the US as a supporting act for Judas Priest, Heaven & Hell, and Mot?rhead on the "Metal Masters Tour". On 22 October 2008, Testament announced that they had recruited guitarist Glen Drover (ex-Megadeth and King Diamond) to fill in on their upcoming Mexican tour dates with Judas Priest, due to Alex Skolnick's prior commitment to the Trans-Siberian Orchestra.   In late September 2008, it was announced that Testament would embark on the "Priest Feast" European tour with headliners Judas Priest and Megadeth in February and March 2009. On March 25, 2009, Testament played a special one-off show at the O2 Islington Academy in London, where they performed their first two albums (The Legacy and The New Order) back-to-back, with British thrash band Sylosis in support. Also in 2009, Testament set out on a 6-week tour across the US to promote The Formation of Damnation, touring with Unearth and Lazarus A.D.. In early 2010, Testament toured the United States with Megadeth and Exodus; Alex Skolnick did not participate in the tour due to previous obligations (Glen Drover filled in for him). In August, Testament toured Australia. Testament also headlined for the first time in the Philippines for the annual PULP Summer Slam on April 17, 2010 with heavy metal band Lamb of God.   Dark Roots of Earth (2010–2013)   As early as 2009, Testament commenced writing new material for their tenth album. In an interview with Metalheadz, Peterson stated that there were about four songs written and that "there's other guys in the band who like to play the more rock melodic style but the next one is gonna be a bit heavier." In a January 2011 interview during the 70000 Tons of Metal cruise, Billy revealed that Testament had been working on six new songs, with four or five "maybe left to write," and would begin recording their new album by early March. On 18 May 2011, Skolnick posted an update on his Twitter, saying, "Another tune done! My riffs from last week some of new ones we wrote today. Planning one more, then we've got more than we need."   Testament began recording their tenth studio album on June 20, 2011. Paul Bostaph was unable to take part in the recording due to a "serious injury", although he was expected to rejoin when the band tours to support the album. Gene Hoglan, who played drums on the band's 1997 album Demonic, filled in for Bostaph. It was also reported that Lamb of God drummer Chris Adler would make a special guest appearance on a bonus track of the album.   Testament appeared at the California dates of the summer 2011 Rockstar Energy Drink Mayhem Festival, replacing In Flames.   On 14 July 2011, it was announced that the tenth Testament studio album would be called Dark Roots of Earth, which, after many delays, was released on July 27, 2012. Dark Roots of Earth debuted at No. 12 on Billboard 200, the band's highest chart position to date. Prior to the album's release, the band toured in the fall of 2011 with Anthrax and Death Angel. Overkill was invited to the tour, but due to the pre-production of their sixteenth studio album The Electric Age, they did not participate. It was announced on 1 December 2011 that Paul Bostaph had left Testament. Gene Hoglan recorded the drum tracks for Dark Roots of Earth and continues to play live with the band. In interviews, Testament have expressed pleasure in Hoglan's playing, and hope that he would continue playing with the band for the foreseeable future.   Dark Roots of Thrash and Brotherhood of the Snake (2013–2017)   In August 2012, Peterson stated that Testament would record an eleventh studio album if Dark Roots of Earth did well. A week prior to the release of Dark Roots of Earth, Billy promised that Testament would not take "huge gaps" between albums anymore, and would "work hard and tour for two years or so," and try to release another album when they could. Hoglan has also said that he would "absolutely dig" to be a part of the writing of the next Testament album.   On 13 September 2013, Billy told Rock Overdose that from January to April 2014, Testament would be writing and recording their eleventh studio album for a 2014 release. Testament released a live DVD/double album Dark Roots of Thrash on 15 October 2013. The release documents the band's sold-out headlining performance at the Paramount in Huntington, New York, in February 2013.   On 13 January 2014, it was announced that bassist Greg Christian had left Testament again, and Steve Di Giorgio returned to the band as his replacement; it was also announced that he would be involved in the making of the band's next album. Christian has explained that the reasons he had left Testament for the second time were because of money disputes and differences with the band.   Asked in an April 2015 interview about Testament's plans to begin recording their new album, Peterson said that his "main goal" was to "get home in June, finish it up and get in the studio by September." Billy also said that the band's goal was to have the album finished by Thanksgiving. Slovenian bassist Tilen Hudrap (Pestilence, Vicious Rumors, Paradox, Thraw) and Bay Area drummer Alex Bent (Arkaik, Dragonlord, Decrepit Birth, Battlecross) filled in for Di Giorgio and Hoglan in August at the prestigious Canadian open air festival Heavy Montreal, attended by more than 70 000 spectators.   In May 2016, Billy confirmed the album would be entitled Brotherhood of the Snake. Of the album's lyrical content, he commented, "The Brotherhood of the Snake was actually a society about 6,000 years ago that debarred all religions. It was just a fascinating topic that caught our eye and attention and spawned a lot of songs. We're going with that vibe. There will be some songs that deviate, but the majority will be around that and aliens and religion. Then I'll probably tap into my native heritage and write some songs about that. It's not just going to be one concept, but there is some interesting stuff that we're finding to write about." Brotherhood of the Snake was released on October 28, 2016, and received generally positive reviews from critics, and scored Testament their second-highest chart position on the Billboard 200, peaking at number twenty. Shortly after its release, Testament embarked on an international tour with Amon Amarth, and toured North America in April–May 2017 with Sepultura, Prong, Infernal Tenebra and Dying Gorgeous Lies. The band also toured Europe with Annihilator and Death Angel in November and December 2017, and again in March and April 2018, with Annihilator and Vader supporting. Along with Anthrax, Lamb of God, Behemoth and Napalm Death, Testament opened for Slayer on their final North American tour, which took place in the spring and summer of 2018.   Upcoming twelfth studio album (2017–present)   In a March 2017 interview with Japan's Roppongi Rocks, frontman Chuck Billy revealed that Testament had begun working on new material for their twelfth studio album, and planned to continue writing in the summer after their U.S. and European tours. Billy also expressed hope that the album would be released in 2018, stating, "We thought we'd have a record out after two years; it just ended up being four, because the process just... I don't know what happened, but it took forever. So this time, like, you know what? I don't wanna do that again. I told Eric exactly when we were done recording. I said, 'You know what? It's a great record now, but I don't wanna go through what I had to go through to do this again. So why don't we start writing now?' So we decided that when we're not on the road, let's get together and just jam and maybe come up and at least get to that point where we were with this record — a bunch of ideas and riffs and lyrics." In a December 2017 interview with Metal Messiah Radio, Billy stated that Testament would start working on their new album after they finish touring in support of Brotherhood of the Snake in August 2018, hoping not to repeat the four year gaps between their last three albums. He explained, "If we can get a head start on riffs and ideas, and then hopefully after that, you know, really dig in to put out a record in 2019, sometime."   Peterson confirmed in a February 2018 interview with RockSverige that he has begun the songwriting process of the album, and added, "Our plan was to end in August 2018 and maybe get into the studio by the end of 2018 and put the record out in 2019. But, you know, Slayer's announced their farewell tour and they want us to be a part of it. I would imagine, if that stuff happens, then things will get pushed back a little bit, but the initial plan is to have it out in 2019. ready for summer to do all the A markets for festivals and stuff. This summer we're not doing a lot of festivals; we're actually talking about bowing out of a couple to make other things happen with the Slayer farewell thing." Billy stated in a May 2018 interview that opening for Slayer on their farewell tour would be "the final lap for touring" in support of Brotherhood of the Snake, and added, "We want our focus, during this and after this, to dive back into the songwriting process. We want to release a new album in 2019, so we need to get started soon."   In June 2018, Billy stated on Full Metal Jackie that, "the goal is to get in the studio hopefully by January and have a record out hopefully by April." A month later, Billy stated to Metal Heads Forever Magazine that, "Me and Eric, we'll start really just creating and working, trying to get the next record out as soon as possible, because we have plans and hopes of setting a deadline on ourselves to have it out by summer 2019. We've got a lot of work ahead of us." In an August 2018 interview on the Talking Metal podcast, Billy said that the band would start work on the new album after their tour with Slayer, and added, "Our hopes and dreams would be to get in the studio by January and have an album out by the summer." He also said that they will work with Andy Sneap as the album's mixer.   In a January 2019 interview with Jimmy Kay of Canada's The Metal Voice, Billy confirmed that Testament has begun writing songs for their new album, and added, "We should have it out hopefully by July. Hopefully we'll get into the studio by April. That's the goal." A month later, Billy announced on social media that work on the new album has started.   Along with several acts, such as Anthrax, Corrosion of Conformity, Armored Saint, DevilDriver, John 5, Doro and Metal Church, Testament will perform at Megadeth's first-ever cruise called Megacruise in October 2019.   现任阵容   Chuck Billy - Vocals (Legacy, guest for James Murphy, Dublin Death Patrol)   Eric Peterson - Guitars (Legacy, Dragonlord)   Alex Skolnick - Guitars (Legacy, ex-Savatage, The Skolnick Trio, Trans-Siberian Orchestra as tour member)   Greg Christian - Bass (Legacy, HavocHate)   Paul Bostaph - Drums (Slayer (US), Systematic, Forbidden (US), Exodus)
  TESTAMENT这个名字也许远不如METALLICA那么响亮,恐怕也及不上MEGADETH,事实上即使是在他们最鼎盛的时期,他们也从未达到过白金的销量,虽然他们一度被人们认为是最有资格挑战METALLICA霸主地位的乐队,不过对某些极端的Thrash Metal迷而言,TESTAMENT特有的沉重,凶悍正是他们渴求的。   1983年,一支名为LEGACY的乐队由节奏吉他手Eric Peterson和他的表兄弟主音吉他手Derrick Ramirez,以及贝司手Greg Christian,鼓手Louie Clemente还有主唱Steve Souza组成,Ramirez不久即被年仅16岁的Alex Skolnick取代。   1985年,乐队自己制作了一张小样First Strike is Deadly,这也是最后一次Souza作为乐队主唱的作品。由于LEGACY这个名字已经有别的乐队使用,乐队只好更名为TESTAMENT。正当 TESTAMENT日渐被唱片公司看好的时候,却遭受了一个不小的打击,主唱Steve Souza突然宣布加入另一支著名的Thrash Metal乐队——EXODUS,于是Chuck Billy被选中担任乐队的主唱,这正是塞翁失马,焉知非福,如果不是Souza的离开,我们也就永远不会听到Chuck充满激情的咆哮了。   签约Megaforce Records之后,TESTAMENT于1987年发行了自己的第一张专辑,The Legacy,之所以起这个名字大概是旧情难忘吧,呵呵,初恋总是美好的。由于Megaforce与唱片业巨人Atlantic Records签订的合作协议,使得这张专辑可以通过更多的销售渠道被人们所接受。这张专辑一经发行立即被奉为Thrash Metal圈中的经典,狂暴的riffs夹杂着地狱般的旋律,暴戾的能量被精确地控制着再慢慢释放——就像受控的核聚变,人们仿佛看到了又一个 METALLICA。随后乐队进行了美国与欧洲巡回演出,作为ANTHRAX的嘉宾。在巡演期间,乐队录制了一张现场EP,Live in Eindhoven,这是乐队在参加荷兰Dynamo Festival时的现场,不过反响一般。   好在接下来的正式专辑The New Order证明这才是TESTAMENT真正的实力体现,这张专辑将TESTAMENT带到了顶级金属乐队的行列,TESTAMENT不仅是在湾区声名鹊起,也进而成为全国范围内关注的焦点,当然也就是全世界的了。出色的表现使得乐队在The Monsters Of Rock音乐节上亮相,并可与MEGADETH, VOIVOD, ANTHRAX, JUDAS PRIEST这样的大牌乐队并肩演出了。   1989年的专辑Practice What You Preach在不失攻击性的前提下将旋律化的Thrash Metal发挥到了极致,这种讨好的做法显然深得人心——这张专辑卖出了40万张,MTV的盛行无疑起到了推波助澜的作用。   在与SAVATAGE,WRATHCHILD AMERICA一道进行完全美巡回演出后,乐队再次回到录音室录制了第四张专辑Souls of Black。这张专辑的制作人由以前的Alex Perialas换成了Michael Rosen,而乐队内部的矛盾也似乎在其音乐中有所反映。之后是与SLAYER, MEGADETH ,SUICIDAL TENDENCIES进行了名为Clash Of The Titans的欧洲巡演。   随着92年的专辑The Ritual的发行,Alex,Louie和乐队其他成员的矛盾已经非常明显了,实际上从88年的The New Order开始,Alex就不断抱怨乐队的风格过于单一,这极大的限制了Alex的创造性,他的兴趣不只是金属,还有对Jazz,Fusion等音乐也很感兴趣。显然此时的TESTAMENT已经不能满足他的欲望,于是他最终还是选择退出乐队,不久鼓手Louie也步其后尘。Alex先是去了 SAVATAGE乐队,不过没干多久就又辞职了,后来干脆搞了个爵士乐队,而Louie则彻底退出了音乐圈。   TESTAMENT在短时间的休整之后,吉他手Glen Alvelais (ex-FORBIDDEN),鼓手Paul Bostaph (ex- FORBIDDEN, SLAYER)暂时填补空缺。93年的小专辑Return To Apocalyptic City正好给这二位新成员热热身,热完了身,这两位也都各自忙各自的去了。本来乐队打算找前OZZY的吉他手Jake E. Lee来试试,不过当他们听说James Murphy竟然对TESTAMENT感兴趣时,当然就义无反顾的选择了后者。在找来了鼓手John Tempesta (ex- EXODUS)后,1994年专辑Low问世了。Chuck自认为这是TESTAMENT重新的开始,再次回归到以前残忍黑暗的时代。   1995年,TESTAMENT脱离Atlantic Records,成立了自己的厂牌Burnt Offerings Inc,此后乐队成员的更换如走马灯般频繁,来来去去,分分合合。鼓手Tempesta去了WHITE ZOMBIE, John Dette (ex- EVIL DEAD)接替他完成巡演,并录制了现场专辑Live At The Fillmore,由乐队的新厂牌自主发行。   1996年对TESTAMENT来讲完全是糟糕的一年,差点就四分五裂。先是鼓手Dette加入SLAYER顶替原来从TESTAMENT跑过去的 Bostaph,James则忙于自己的专辑而不得不暂时离开,Greg成立了自己的乐队FLANGUE,而Chuck甚至宣布,他,Eric和新来的鼓手Chris Kontos (ex-MACHINE HEAD)可能考虑另组一个乐队,名字都想好了,叫DOG FACED GODS,幸运的是最终他没有这样做。   1997年,大难不死的TESTAMENT发行了第七张专辑Demonic,令人吃惊的是此时的乐队成员除了鼓手Gene Hoglan(ex-DARK ANGEL, ex-DEATH)外,竟然都是老面孔。Glen Alvelais以前曾经作为乐队的临时吉他手,而Derrick Ramirez更是乐队的元老级人物,此番也被请回来做贝司手顶替离队的Greg。当然一切都是暂时的,这张专辑之后Alvelais,Ramirez相继离队,Hoglan去了STRAPPING YOUNG LAD,接替他的居然又是Jon Dette,Faint...。新任贝司手是Steve DiGiorgio (ex-DEATH, SADUS) ,而James Murphy也在此时归队了,鼓手更是请来了Dave Lombardo (ex- SLAYER, GRIP INC.)。   拥有这样一套超豪华阵容的TESTAMENT似乎离胜利不远了,然而99年的专辑The Gathering却不怎么令人满意,看来明星组合的效应总是要打打折扣。之后这豪华宴席该收场了,James Murphy因病不得不退出乐队,Steve Smyth(ex- VICIOUS RUMORS)成为巡演的吉他手。Lombardo忙于其他的project而分身乏术,Jon Allen (ex- SADUS)继续。   更为不幸的消息是,为促销The Gathering进行的世界巡演Riding The Snake结束后,主唱Chuck Billy也被检查出患有一种罕见的癌症。好在发现的及时,并无大碍,在与病魔作斗争的同时,Chuck仍没有忘记乐队,2001年TESTAMENT把以前的经典老歌重新又录制成了一张专辑First Strike Still Deadly,在这张专辑中歌迷又可以听到久违了的Alex Skolnick的演奏。   2005年,Alex Skolnick(阿历克斯·斯克尔尼克)通过媒体向外界宣布,在离开乐队的第13个年头,他将重新回到传奇乐队TESTAMENT,此前,1996年离队的贝斯手Greg Christian(格里格·克里斯坦)也发表声明,所有的“旧约”迷将从2005年起再次于乐队中看到自己的身影。而主唱Chuck Billy(恰克·比利)在以超凡毅力成功战胜病魔之后,将继续与Eric Peterson(埃瑞克·皮特森)、阿历克斯·斯克尔尼克、格里格·克里斯坦联手创作并演出。   2007年7月29日晚,Testament在北京星光现场进行演出。   Reunion and The Formation of Damnation (2005–2010)   In May 2005, it was announced that Testament would be doing a brief Europe-only reunion tour - known as the "10 Days in May Tour" - featuring the original lineup of Billy, Peterson, Skolnick and Christian, with drum duties shared between John Tempesta and Louie Clemente. After the success of the initial tour dates, Testament announced more dates in the U.S., Europe, and Japan with the classic lineup. Later that year, Skolnick also toured the East Coast with Trans-Siberian Orchestra. The band went on to release a live DVD and CD from the tour entitled Live in London. In interviews on the DVD, Eric Peterson expressed his desire to record the follow-up to The Gathering with the classic Testament lineup. He also stated that Alex Skolnick had begun writing songs for the new album. Chuck Billy was very vocal about how happy he was to have Alex, Greg, Louie, and John Tempesta in the band once again, and hoped to maintain a stable lineup going forward. Also in 2005, Testament's long-out of print documentary Seen Between the Lines was released on DVD for the first time.   Testament played for the first time in the Middle East at the Dubai Desert Rock festival in March 2006. Other notable bands that performed for the Desert Rock Festival were Iron Maiden, Megadeth, Reel Big Fish and 3 Doors Down.   In July 2007, the band played a show at Jaxx Nightclub in Springfield, Virginia, with Paul Bostaph filling in on drum duties. It was later confirmed that Bostaph would be officially returning to the band to record the new album. The band debuted a new song at that show titled "The Afterlife", which they also played at Earthshaker Fest.   In February 2008, the band released the song "More Than Meets the Eye" from the new album on their MySpace page.   In April 2008, Testament was confirmed for Ozzy Osbourne's Monsters of Rock festival to take place on July 26, 2008, in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.   Testament released their first studio album in nine years, The Formation of Damnation, on April 29, 2008, through Nuclear Blast Records. It is the first Testament album to feature Alex Skolnick on guitar since 1992's The Ritual, and the first to feature bassist Greg Christian since 1994's Low.   The band was confirmed to be the main event on the first day of the "Gillmanfest," a rock festival to be held on May 24, 2008, in Valencia, Venezuela, visiting Colombia for the second time in the band's extensive career. In June 2008, Testament headlined the 3rd stage at Download Festival, held at Donington Park, UK. The band also toured the US as a supporting act for Judas Priest, Heaven & Hell, and Mot?rhead on the "Metal Masters Tour". On 22 October 2008, Testament announced that they had recruited guitarist Glen Drover (ex-Megadeth and King Diamond) to fill in on their upcoming Mexican tour dates with Judas Priest, due to Alex Skolnick's prior commitment to the Trans-Siberian Orchestra.   In late September 2008, it was announced that Testament would embark on the "Priest Feast" European tour with headliners Judas Priest and Megadeth in February and March 2009. On March 25, 2009, Testament played a special one-off show at the O2 Islington Academy in London, where they performed their first two albums (The Legacy and The New Order) back-to-back, with British thrash band Sylosis in support. Also in 2009, Testament set out on a 6-week tour across the US to promote The Formation of Damnation, touring with Unearth and Lazarus A.D.. In early 2010, Testament toured the United States with Megadeth and Exodus; Alex Skolnick did not participate in the tour due to previous obligations (Glen Drover filled in for him). In August, Testament toured Australia. Testament also headlined for the first time in the Philippines for the annual PULP Summer Slam on April 17, 2010 with heavy metal band Lamb of God.   Dark Roots of Earth (2010–2013)   As early as 2009, Testament commenced writing new material for their tenth album. In an interview with Metalheadz, Peterson stated that there were about four songs written and that "there's other guys in the band who like to play the more rock melodic style but the next one is gonna be a bit heavier." In a January 2011 interview during the 70000 Tons of Metal cruise, Billy revealed that Testament had been working on six new songs, with four or five "maybe left to write," and would begin recording their new album by early March. On 18 May 2011, Skolnick posted an update on his Twitter, saying, "Another tune done! My riffs from last week some of new ones we wrote today. Planning one more, then we've got more than we need."   Testament began recording their tenth studio album on June 20, 2011. Paul Bostaph was unable to take part in the recording due to a "serious injury", although he was expected to rejoin when the band tours to support the album. Gene Hoglan, who played drums on the band's 1997 album Demonic, filled in for Bostaph. It was also reported that Lamb of God drummer Chris Adler would make a special guest appearance on a bonus track of the album.   Testament appeared at the California dates of the summer 2011 Rockstar Energy Drink Mayhem Festival, replacing In Flames.   On 14 July 2011, it was announced that the tenth Testament studio album would be called Dark Roots of Earth, which, after many delays, was released on July 27, 2012. Dark Roots of Earth debuted at No. 12 on Billboard 200, the band's highest chart position to date. Prior to the album's release, the band toured in the fall of 2011 with Anthrax and Death Angel. Overkill was invited to the tour, but due to the pre-production of their sixteenth studio album The Electric Age, they did not participate. It was announced on 1 December 2011 that Paul Bostaph had left Testament. Gene Hoglan recorded the drum tracks for Dark Roots of Earth and continues to play live with the band. In interviews, Testament have expressed pleasure in Hoglan's playing, and hope that he would continue playing with the band for the foreseeable future.   Dark Roots of Thrash and Brotherhood of the Snake (2013–2017)   In August 2012, Peterson stated that Testament would record an eleventh studio album if Dark Roots of Earth did well. A week prior to the release of Dark Roots of Earth, Billy promised that Testament would not take "huge gaps" between albums anymore, and would "work hard and tour for two years or so," and try to release another album when they could. Hoglan has also said that he would "absolutely dig" to be a part of the writing of the next Testament album.   On 13 September 2013, Billy told Rock Overdose that from January to April 2014, Testament would be writing and recording their eleventh studio album for a 2014 release. Testament released a live DVD/double album Dark Roots of Thrash on 15 October 2013. The release documents the band's sold-out headlining performance at the Paramount in Huntington, New York, in February 2013.   On 13 January 2014, it was announced that bassist Greg Christian had left Testament again, and Steve Di Giorgio returned to the band as his replacement; it was also announced that he would be involved in the making of the band's next album. Christian has explained that the reasons he had left Testament for the second time were because of money disputes and differences with the band.   Asked in an April 2015 interview about Testament's plans to begin recording their new album, Peterson said that his "main goal" was to "get home in June, finish it up and get in the studio by September." Billy also said that the band's goal was to have the album finished by Thanksgiving. Slovenian bassist Tilen Hudrap (Pestilence, Vicious Rumors, Paradox, Thraw) and Bay Area drummer Alex Bent (Arkaik, Dragonlord, Decrepit Birth, Battlecross) filled in for Di Giorgio and Hoglan in August at the prestigious Canadian open air festival Heavy Montreal, attended by more than 70 000 spectators.   In May 2016, Billy confirmed the album would be entitled Brotherhood of the Snake. Of the album's lyrical content, he commented, "The Brotherhood of the Snake was actually a society about 6,000 years ago that debarred all religions. It was just a fascinating topic that caught our eye and attention and spawned a lot of songs. We're going with that vibe. There will be some songs that deviate, but the majority will be around that and aliens and religion. Then I'll probably tap into my native heritage and write some songs about that. It's not just going to be one concept, but there is some interesting stuff that we're finding to write about." Brotherhood of the Snake was released on October 28, 2016, and received generally positive reviews from critics, and scored Testament their second-highest chart position on the Billboard 200, peaking at number twenty. Shortly after its release, Testament embarked on an international tour with Amon Amarth, and toured North America in April–May 2017 with Sepultura, Prong, Infernal Tenebra and Dying Gorgeous Lies. The band also toured Europe with Annihilator and Death Angel in November and December 2017, and again in March and April 2018, with Annihilator and Vader supporting. Along with Anthrax, Lamb of God, Behemoth and Napalm Death, Testament opened for Slayer on their final North American tour, which took place in the spring and summer of 2018.   Upcoming twelfth studio album (2017–present)   In a March 2017 interview with Japan's Roppongi Rocks, frontman Chuck Billy revealed that Testament had begun working on new material for their twelfth studio album, and planned to continue writing in the summer after their U.S. and European tours. Billy also expressed hope that the album would be released in 2018, stating, "We thought we'd have a record out after two years; it just ended up being four, because the process just... I don't know what happened, but it took forever. So this time, like, you know what? I don't wanna do that again. I told Eric exactly when we were done recording. I said, 'You know what? It's a great record now, but I don't wanna go through what I had to go through to do this again. So why don't we start writing now?' So we decided that when we're not on the road, let's get together and just jam and maybe come up and at least get to that point where we were with this record — a bunch of ideas and riffs and lyrics." In a December 2017 interview with Metal Messiah Radio, Billy stated that Testament would start working on their new album after they finish touring in support of Brotherhood of the Snake in August 2018, hoping not to repeat the four year gaps between their last three albums. He explained, "If we can get a head start on riffs and ideas, and then hopefully after that, you know, really dig in to put out a record in 2019, sometime."   Peterson confirmed in a February 2018 interview with RockSverige that he has begun the songwriting process of the album, and added, "Our plan was to end in August 2018 and maybe get into the studio by the end of 2018 and put the record out in 2019. But, you know, Slayer's announced their farewell tour and they want us to be a part of it. I would imagine, if that stuff happens, then things will get pushed back a little bit, but the initial plan is to have it out in 2019. ready for summer to do all the A markets for festivals and stuff. This summer we're not doing a lot of festivals; we're actually talking about bowing out of a couple to make other things happen with the Slayer farewell thing." Billy stated in a May 2018 interview that opening for Slayer on their farewell tour would be "the final lap for touring" in support of Brotherhood of the Snake, and added, "We want our focus, during this and after this, to dive back into the songwriting process. We want to release a new album in 2019, so we need to get started soon."   In June 2018, Billy stated on Full Metal Jackie that, "the goal is to get in the studio hopefully by January and have a record out hopefully by April." A month later, Billy stated to Metal Heads Forever Magazine that, "Me and Eric, we'll start really just creating and working, trying to get the next record out as soon as possible, because we have plans and hopes of setting a deadline on ourselves to have it out by summer 2019. We've got a lot of work ahead of us." In an August 2018 interview on the Talking Metal podcast, Billy said that the band would start work on the new album after their tour with Slayer, and added, "Our hopes and dreams would be to get in the studio by January and have an album out by the summer." He also said that they will work with Andy Sneap as the album's mixer.   In a January 2019 interview with Jimmy Kay of Canada's The Metal Voice, Billy confirmed that Testament has begun writing songs for their new album, and added, "We should have it out hopefully by July. Hopefully we'll get into the studio by April. That's the goal." A month later, Billy announced on social media that work on the new album has started.   Along with several acts, such as Anthrax, Corrosion of Conformity, Armored Saint, DevilDriver, John 5, Doro and Metal Church, Testament will perform at Megadeth's first-ever cruise called Megacruise in October 2019.   现任阵容   Chuck Billy - Vocals (Legacy, guest for James Murphy, Dublin Death Patrol)   Eric Peterson - Guitars (Legacy, Dragonlord)   Alex Skolnick - Guitars (Legacy, ex-Savatage, The Skolnick Trio, Trans-Siberian Orchestra as tour member)   Greg Christian - Bass (Legacy, HavocHate)   Paul Bostaph - Drums (Slayer (US), Systematic, Forbidden (US), Exodus)
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