Acoustic Alchemy是来自英国的吉他二人组合。早期的Acoustic Alchemy保持了一贯的高标准和创新度,前两支融合了当时比较流行的节奏布鲁斯风格,虽然今天听来有一点落伍,但弦乐部分依然精彩。之后的曲目回复到古典与爵士的完美结合,也是他们最擅长的。两把吉他安静地演奏,没有主角配角之分,仔细聆听的话,你会发现每一支曲目都是两把吉他在对话,不急不许,你方唱罢我来和,激情四射,不由得联想录音现场两人会心的微笑。JAZZ最注重即兴与临场配合,形同双人舞,配合得完美才精彩。Acoustic Alchemy把这种配合演绎得完美无暇,连划指都错落有致,不得不让人叹服。封底贴出了两人的合影,一高一矮微笑地面对镜头,让人想起当年的Simon & Garfunkel。   Acoustic Alchemy是来自英国的吉他二人组合。在英国,双人吉他组合“AA”(Acoustic Alchemy),据说喜欢听smooth而不喜欢AA的人是极少的,可见他们在乐迷心中的地位,而这都是源于Greg Carmichael和Nick Webb两人一把尼龙弦、一把钢弦吉他的拨弦和音色都是异常地撩人,另人心为之所动。而且他们的每张专辑都有高水准的制作,作为发烧碟也无不可。早期的AA之作,融合Flamenco,New Age和Smooth的风格发挥得淋漓尽致,不论温馨的还是缠绵的还是少许激昂的都非常到位.“Greg Carmichael是一位伟大的吉他手,不仅是因为他创建的Acoustic Alchemy,更不仅是当Nick Webb去世之后,他重建了Acoustic Alchemy,并再创昔日的辉煌,而是他的那把尼龙弦吉他实在是獠人心魄,情意绵绵。”Greg Carmichael的伟大还存在于他可以不断用音乐留住老乐迷的心,还能够用创新吸引更多的新乐迷。和另一位现代爵士吉他演奏家Pat Metheny Group相比,吉他声音依然清爽,可是Acoustic Alchemy更多了一份柔情。   Nick Webb在里兹音乐学院研习爵士吉他,而Greg Carmichael则在伦敦音乐学院研习古典吉他。令人惋惜的是在1998年的2月6日,爵士吉他手Nick Webb因胰腺癌去世。他们曾以一曲《Reference Point》获得格莱美奖的AC最佳提名。   After Webb's death, Greg Carmichael brought in Miles Gilderdale as his partner, and the band moved label to EMI's Higher Octave Music. The debut album on the label, The Beautiful Game, (2000) was more experimental, borrowing from several genres of music. It featured the introduction of Anthony "Fred" White on keyboards.   AArt (2001) was released a year later. With assistance from saxophonist Jeff Kashiwa, it was nominated for a Grammy Award for Best Contemporary Instrumental Album.Their 1990 album Reference Point was also nominated for a Grammy.   Radio Contact (2003), featured the band's first track to include a vocal, "Little Laughter", performed by Jo Harrop. Harrop was a backing vocalist, found by Gilderdale while doing a session with Latin singer Enrique Iglesias.   Early in 2006, bassist Frank Felix left the band to concentrate on other projects. The position was filled by two bass players: former Incognito and Down to the Bone bassist, Julian Crampton for UK dates and guitarist Gary Grainger (brother of longtime drummer Greg Grainger) in the US   GRP re-released a documentary-style video of Acoustic Alchemy entitled Best Kept Secret on 25 July 2006. It was released in DVD format and contained archived live and documentary footage, featuring Nick Webb. A Region Free version, for international fans, was released 25 September 2006.   This Way (2007) featured guest appearances from trumpeter Rick Braun and Down to the Bone. Roseland followed in 2011.
  Acoustic Alchemy是来自英国的吉他二人组合。早期的Acoustic Alchemy保持了一贯的高标准和创新度,前两支融合了当时比较流行的节奏布鲁斯风格,虽然今天听来有一点落伍,但弦乐部分依然精彩。之后的曲目回复到古典与爵士的完美结合,也是他们最擅长的。两把吉他安静地演奏,没有主角配角之分,仔细聆听的话,你会发现每一支曲目都是两把吉他在对话,不急不许,你方唱罢我来和,激情四射,不由得联想录音现场两人会心的微笑。JAZZ最注重即兴与临场配合,形同双人舞,配合得完美才精彩。Acoustic Alchemy把这种配合演绎得完美无暇,连划指都错落有致,不得不让人叹服。封底贴出了两人的合影,一高一矮微笑地面对镜头,让人想起当年的Simon & Garfunkel。   Acoustic Alchemy是来自英国的吉他二人组合。在英国,双人吉他组合“AA”(Acoustic Alchemy),据说喜欢听smooth而不喜欢AA的人是极少的,可见他们在乐迷心中的地位,而这都是源于Greg Carmichael和Nick Webb两人一把尼龙弦、一把钢弦吉他的拨弦和音色都是异常地撩人,另人心为之所动。而且他们的每张专辑都有高水准的制作,作为发烧碟也无不可。早期的AA之作,融合Flamenco,New Age和Smooth的风格发挥得淋漓尽致,不论温馨的还是缠绵的还是少许激昂的都非常到位.“Greg Carmichael是一位伟大的吉他手,不仅是因为他创建的Acoustic Alchemy,更不仅是当Nick Webb去世之后,他重建了Acoustic Alchemy,并再创昔日的辉煌,而是他的那把尼龙弦吉他实在是獠人心魄,情意绵绵。”Greg Carmichael的伟大还存在于他可以不断用音乐留住老乐迷的心,还能够用创新吸引更多的新乐迷。和另一位现代爵士吉他演奏家Pat Metheny Group相比,吉他声音依然清爽,可是Acoustic Alchemy更多了一份柔情。   Nick Webb在里兹音乐学院研习爵士吉他,而Greg Carmichael则在伦敦音乐学院研习古典吉他。令人惋惜的是在1998年的2月6日,爵士吉他手Nick Webb因胰腺癌去世。他们曾以一曲《Reference Point》获得格莱美奖的AC最佳提名。   After Webb's death, Greg Carmichael brought in Miles Gilderdale as his partner, and the band moved label to EMI's Higher Octave Music. The debut album on the label, The Beautiful Game, (2000) was more experimental, borrowing from several genres of music. It featured the introduction of Anthony "Fred" White on keyboards.   AArt (2001) was released a year later. With assistance from saxophonist Jeff Kashiwa, it was nominated for a Grammy Award for Best Contemporary Instrumental Album.Their 1990 album Reference Point was also nominated for a Grammy.   Radio Contact (2003), featured the band's first track to include a vocal, "Little Laughter", performed by Jo Harrop. Harrop was a backing vocalist, found by Gilderdale while doing a session with Latin singer Enrique Iglesias.   Early in 2006, bassist Frank Felix left the band to concentrate on other projects. The position was filled by two bass players: former Incognito and Down to the Bone bassist, Julian Crampton for UK dates and guitarist Gary Grainger (brother of longtime drummer Greg Grainger) in the US   GRP re-released a documentary-style video of Acoustic Alchemy entitled Best Kept Secret on 25 July 2006. It was released in DVD format and contained archived live and documentary footage, featuring Nick Webb. A Region Free version, for international fans, was released 25 September 2006.   This Way (2007) featured guest appearances from trumpeter Rick Braun and Down to the Bone. Roseland followed in 2011.
Acoustic Alchemy
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