有着玛丹娜外型的年轻女歌者Stacey Swain在八○年代初期加入一个名为Q的电子流行团,这名字怎么来呢?因为007情报员詹姆斯.庞德系列电影中有位专门发明新武器的人物就叫Q。因为Stacey Swain的加入担任主唱,后来这个团改名为SSQ,出了一张专辑不过也没有走红,于是Stacey Swain改名为Stacey Q追求个人音乐事业的突破。     1986年Stacey Q终于寻得一纸合约并发表专辑《Better Than Heaven》其中主打歌就是这首“Two Of Hearts”,这首歌除了在Billboard单曲榜得到第3名外,在舞曲榜更是红的吓吓叫,甚至威镇全台各大小舞厅,是八○年代舞曲代表作之一。       Stacey Q因为这首歌很快成为炙手可热的歌手,可是为什么后来都没有畅销曲延续她的音乐巅峰呢?有一传言或许可以解释:当“Two Of Hearts”当红时,曾有女同志团体想使用此曲为该团体的宣传曲(另一说法是想邀请Stacey Q为她们代言),不过Stacey Q却不友善的响应,于是遭到杯葛、抵制。不论以上说法是否正确,事实上虽然1988、1997年Stacey Q都还发表新作,但声势的确无法跟“Two Of Hearts”相提并论。近年来“Two Of Hearts”虽然市面上找的到混音舞曲版,但是原曲却很难寻,因此这张《青春80》特别收录此曲供乐迷们回味。   Best-known for her 80s dance-pop smash Two of Hearts, Stacey Qs Madonna-ish look and youthful age helped her appeal to teens as well as clubgoers during her relatively brief time in the spotlight. Born Stacey Swain, she first began performing as part of the Ringling Brothers Circus, and joined a synth pop outfit called Q (named after the James Bond gadget man) in the early 80s. As the focus of the group shifted to its new vocalist, their name was changed to SSQ (for Stacey Swain), and they landed a deal with Enigma, releasing an album, titled Playback, in 1983. It went largely unnoticed, however, and the rechristened Stacey Q pursued a solo career. She eventually signed with Atlantic, and made her solo debut in 1986 with the LP Better Than Heaven. The lead single, Two of Hearts, soared into the pop Top Five, making Stacey Q a hot commodity; she performed on the sitcom The Facts of Life and scored another Top 40 hit with the follow-up, We Connect. Sustaining that success proved difficult, however; neither of her subsequent Atlantic albums, 1988s Hard Machine and 1989s Nights Like This, produced another major hit, and she was lost in the wave of teen-oriented pop that emerged around the same time. A greatest-hits compilation was released in 1995, but it featured mostly remixes, a hefty selection from the Playback era, and no material from her last two Atlantic albums. In 1997, Stacey Q released a small-scale comeback album called Boomerang; a far cry from her 80s dance-pop records, it reflected her conversion to Buddhism and concentrated mostly on acoustic pop and rock.
  有着玛丹娜外型的年轻女歌者Stacey Swain在八○年代初期加入一个名为Q的电子流行团,这名字怎么来呢?因为007情报员詹姆斯.庞德系列电影中有位专门发明新武器的人物就叫Q。因为Stacey Swain的加入担任主唱,后来这个团改名为SSQ,出了一张专辑不过也没有走红,于是Stacey Swain改名为Stacey Q追求个人音乐事业的突破。     1986年Stacey Q终于寻得一纸合约并发表专辑《Better Than Heaven》其中主打歌就是这首“Two Of Hearts”,这首歌除了在Billboard单曲榜得到第3名外,在舞曲榜更是红的吓吓叫,甚至威镇全台各大小舞厅,是八○年代舞曲代表作之一。       Stacey Q因为这首歌很快成为炙手可热的歌手,可是为什么后来都没有畅销曲延续她的音乐巅峰呢?有一传言或许可以解释:当“Two Of Hearts”当红时,曾有女同志团体想使用此曲为该团体的宣传曲(另一说法是想邀请Stacey Q为她们代言),不过Stacey Q却不友善的响应,于是遭到杯葛、抵制。不论以上说法是否正确,事实上虽然1988、1997年Stacey Q都还发表新作,但声势的确无法跟“Two Of Hearts”相提并论。近年来“Two Of Hearts”虽然市面上找的到混音舞曲版,但是原曲却很难寻,因此这张《青春80》特别收录此曲供乐迷们回味。   Best-known for her 80s dance-pop smash Two of Hearts, Stacey Qs Madonna-ish look and youthful age helped her appeal to teens as well as clubgoers during her relatively brief time in the spotlight. Born Stacey Swain, she first began performing as part of the Ringling Brothers Circus, and joined a synth pop outfit called Q (named after the James Bond gadget man) in the early 80s. As the focus of the group shifted to its new vocalist, their name was changed to SSQ (for Stacey Swain), and they landed a deal with Enigma, releasing an album, titled Playback, in 1983. It went largely unnoticed, however, and the rechristened Stacey Q pursued a solo career. She eventually signed with Atlantic, and made her solo debut in 1986 with the LP Better Than Heaven. The lead single, Two of Hearts, soared into the pop Top Five, making Stacey Q a hot commodity; she performed on the sitcom The Facts of Life and scored another Top 40 hit with the follow-up, We Connect. Sustaining that success proved difficult, however; neither of her subsequent Atlantic albums, 1988s Hard Machine and 1989s Nights Like This, produced another major hit, and she was lost in the wave of teen-oriented pop that emerged around the same time. A greatest-hits compilation was released in 1995, but it featured mostly remixes, a hefty selection from the Playback era, and no material from her last two Atlantic albums. In 1997, Stacey Q released a small-scale comeback album called Boomerang; a far cry from her 80s dance-pop records, it reflected her conversion to Buddhism and concentrated mostly on acoustic pop and rock.
Stacey Q
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