




@migu music@

Men In A War - Suzanne Vega (苏珊娜·薇格)

Written by:Suzanne Vega

Men in a war

If they've lost a limb

Still feel that limb

As they did before

Men in a war

If they've lost a limb

Still feel that limb

As they did before

He lay on a cot

He was drenched in a sweat

He was mute and staring

But feeling the thing he had not

I know how it is

When something is gone

A piece of your eyesight

Or maybe your vision

A corner of sense

Goes blank on the screen

A piece of the scan

Gets filled in by hand

You know that it was

And now it is not

So you just make do with

Whatever you've got

Men in a war

If they've lost a limb

Still feel that limb

As they did before

If your nerve is cut

And you're kept on the stretch

You can't feel your will

You can't find your gut

And she lay on her back

She made sure she was hid

She was mute and staring

Not feeling the thing that she did

I know how it is

When something is gone

A piece of your eyesight

Or maybe your vision

A corner of sense

Goes blank on the screen

A piece of the scan

Gets filled in by hand

You know that it was

And now it is not

So you just make do with

Whatever you've got

Men in a war

If they've lost a limb

Still feel that limb

As they did before


Men men

In a war

War war

If they've lost

Lost lost

A limb

Limb limb

Still feel

Feel feel

That limb

Limb limb

As they did

Did did

