Interview 107 7 The End Blue Vs Pinkerton


作曲:Not Applicable

所属专辑:Pinkerton - Deluxe Edition


歌曲名 Interview - 107.7 The End - Blue vs Pinkerton

歌手名 Weezer

作词:Not Applicable

作曲:Not Applicable

Hi The End

Hey hey yeah I would like to know


Why was your first self titled album

so like put together and perfect and

why was your second album like

Less like that




What a bummer

Dude you're bumming me out

Because like your first album was like

cool but it sucked but your second

album came back and like

Sucked but it was cool

The point you're tryin to make is

that the first album was very produced

the second album had a much more raw feel to it

They paid like $2 000 for the first album

and like $500 for the second one

It costs a lot of money to sound like that

When we went to make our first

album we were all very um


No it wasn't that it was we were nervous

and we wanted to sound good so

I think we were in the wrong frame of mind

We were making sure everything was perfect

and it came out sounding a bit sterile I think



I'm on your home page right now


That's great

I've never even been there so

I don't know what you're looking at

You're glad

So are you um the second album

when you went in to record it was it an intentional

thing to make it more raw sounding Rivers

No I think it was just

A bit more natural

Just be ourselves yeah Be natural And

C sharp

At that point we had toured for a year

and a half so we were pretty confident

that we could just press record

and it would sound presentable


So we just had fun
