

作曲:Ben Watt



@migu music@

Hendra - Ben Watt

These runes are cold

But heavenly and the sun is shining

You know what they say about silver and lining

Oh hendra oh hendra

I would walk this way again

Cause you make me feel as right as rain

I wish I'd studied harder now made something of myself

But instead

I'm just a shopkeeper but I mustn't blame myself

Oh hendra oh hendra

There's still so much to gain

You make me feel as right as rain

All the self-help books

Like the dance with life

Like the feel the fear and do it anyway

Sometimes I have them right here in my hand

And think it's easier for you to say

But I must allow these feelings and just let them fall

But sometimes I turn the radio up so loud

I just to drown them all

Oh hendra oh hendra

Where love is plain

You make me feel as right as rain as right

Not as wrong as rain
