
歌曲名 The Twister

歌手名 Andrew Lloyd Webber

作曲:Andrew Lloyd Webber

Oh don't stop don't stop

Oh it looks like there's a storm blowing up

Oh I'll go with you

Wow there's so much to see

Oh wait I need my dog

Uh toto uh toto

Oh there you are toto

Uh no no we can't go back home they'll send you to the sherrif

Maybe I can give you to hunk maybe he'll hide you

Oh professor what shall we do

Well I know what I'm gonna do lock up the wonders keep 'em safe

This storm's gonna be a whopper to use the vernacular gonna be spectacular

Oh where shall we go what shall we do

Go home go home as quick as you can

I suppose so uh goodbye professor a and thanks a lot

I sure hope we meet again soon

I'm sure we will I'm real sure we will


Goodbye dorothy goodbye and be careful
