




@migu music@

Institutionalized Misogyny - Dr. Frank

I'm not complaining,

I'm just figuring out

How everything left us behind

I got my problems,

I'm aware of them

I'll take care of them,

Never you mind

You're still repeating

Pre-recorded things

They used to say in universities

And books on left wing politics

And law

About underlying structures

That so far as they mean anything

Still won't support the personal

Connections that you draw

Institutionalized misogyny

That's all that stands between

My baby and me

Now science tells us

I'm hard-wired to,

I'm required to

Do it with you

'Cause I'm a man,

And you're a woman

And that's what those kind

Of people do

I stole that line from Woody Allen

Isn't it amusing?

I wish I could make you understand

What Woody Allen meant.

If there's no such thing

As objective reality

Why can't we quit our jobs

And just imagine

We won't have to pay the rent

Institutionalized misogyny

That's why they're charging rent

To my baby and me

Michelle, ma belle: ton beau,

Michel Foucault

A Foucault dependent is always

Ready to go

I think we're alone

I might have known

She's got Chomsky on the phone

Institutionalized misogyny

That's all that stands

Between my baby and me.

My baby and me.

My baby and me.
