How To Fix Everything



所属专辑:Sirens And Condolences(Explicit)


How To Fix Everything - Bayside



The sharper the edge the cleaner the wound

So i'll be keeping it dull tonight for i deserve to hurt

Disfigure the outside to show how ruined i am

There's no pain and no pleasure when you're too numb to feel

There's a pedistal across the room

And if i try to climb again

This time the fall is fatal

I dont deserve such an easy exit

So maybe my spine will snap on impact

And i'l have to crawl away

I'm ready to take that big step

Start tearing off the layers i put up

Or is it too late to feel anything but what i am

I dare to find a problem

Now it seems we can fix anything

Just close the door and let me do what I need

I'm ready to take that big step

Start tearing off the layers I put up

Or is it too late to feel anything but what I am

I dare you to find a problem

Now it seems we can fix anything

How to fix everything
