Little David Play Your Harp



所属专辑:61 Songs Kids Really Love To Sing


Little David (Play On Your Harp) - Kids Choir


Little David play on your harp hallelu hallelu

Little David play on your harp hallelu

Little David play on your harp hallelu hallelu

Little David play on your harp hallelu

Little David boys a super boy

He cook a lie and then him shoot it for joy

Little David boys a super boy

He cook a lie and then him shoot it for joy

Little David play on your harp hallelu hallelu

Little David play on your harp hallelu

Little David play on your harp hallelu hallelu

Little David play on your harp hallelu

Joshua was the son of Nun

He never would quit till his work was done

Joshua was the son of Nun

He never would quit till his work was done

Little David play on your harp

Hallelu hallelu

Little David play on your harp hallelu

Little David play on your harp

Hallelu hallelu

Little David play on your harp hallelu

Little David play on your harp hallelu


Little David play on your harp hallelu
