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Runyonland Music / Fugue For Tinhorns / Follow The Fold (跟随内心的方向) (Remastered 2000) - Johnny Silver/Douglas Deane/Stubby Kaye/Isabel Bigley
Fugue For Tinhorns
I got the horse right here
The name is Paul Revere
And here's a guy that says if the weather's clear
Can do can do this guy says the horse can do
If he says the horse can do can do can do
I'm pickin' Valentine
Can do
Cause on the morning line
Can do
A guy has got him figured at five to nine
This guy says the horse can do
But look at Epitaph
He wins it by a half
If he says the horse she once to do
This guy says the horse has chance
According to this here in the Telegraph
If he says the horse can do
For Paul Revere I'll bite
I hear his foot's all right
Of course it all depends if it rained last night
I'm pickin' Valentine
Cause on the morning line
A guy has got him figured at five to nine
And just a minute boys
I've got the feed box noise
It says the great-grandfather was Equipoise
I tell you Paul Revere
Now this is no bum steer
It's from a handicapper that's real sincere
I know it's Valentine
The morning work looks fine
You know the jockey's brother's a friend of mine
So make it Epitaph
He wins it by a half
According to this here in the Telegraph
Paul Revere
I got the horse right here
Follow The Fold
Follow the fold and stray no more
Stray no more stray no more
Put down the bottle and we'll say no more
Follow follow the fold
Before you take another swallow
Follow the fold and stray no more
Stray no more stray no more
Tear up your poker deck and play no more
Follow follow the fold
To the meadow where the sun shines
Out of the darkness and the cold
And the sin and shame in which you wallow
Follow the fold and stray no more
Stray no more stray no more
If you're a sinner and you pray no more
Follow follow the fold