Anything You Can Do

作词:Irving Berlin

作曲:Irving Berlin

所属专辑:Bing & Rosie: The Crosby - Clooney Radio Sessions


歌曲名 Anything You Can Do

歌手名 Bing Crosby/Rosemary Clooney

作词:Irving Berlin

作曲:Irving Berlin

Anything you can do I can do better

I can do anything better than you

No you can't

Yes I can

No you can't

Yes I can

No you can't

Yes I can yes I can

Anything you can be I can be greater

Sooner or later I'm greater than you

No you're not

Yes I am

No you're not

Yes I am

No you're not

Yes I am yes I am

I can shoot a partridge with a single cartridge

I can get a sparrow with a bow and arrow

We can do most anything

Can you bake a pie


Well neither can I

Anything you can sing I can sing louder

I can sing anything louder than you

No you can't

Yes I can

No you can't

Yes I can

No you can't

Yes I can

Anything you can buy I can buy cheaper

I can buy anything cheaper than you

Fifty cents

Forty cents

Thirty cents

Twenty cents

No you can't

Anything you can dig I can dig deeper

I can dig anything deeper than you

Thirty feet

Forty feet

Sixty feet

Yes I can


I can drink my liquor faster than a flicker

I can do it quicker and get even sicker

I can live on bread and cheese

And only on that


So can a rat

Any note you can reach I can go higher

I can sing anything higher than you

No you can't

Yes I can

No you can't

Yes I can

Yes I can

Yes I can

Yes I can

Yes I can
