Ten Good Years





歌曲名 Ten Good Years 歌手名 Nancy Wilson (南茜威尔森)



This next little bit is for the ladies

For Molly's the Dolly's and the Sadie's

For the Mississippi to the old Euphrates

If you long for shoes and rice may

I offer this advice

Ten good years ten good years

Like it or not all a women has got

is ten good years

When there aren't any wrinkles

and there isn't any spread

When you're blooming like a flower

every hour on the hour

Just like Tommy Manvel said

You better get your man

while the getting is good

You better light that fire

While you still got wood or your dead

yes you're dead

Ten good years ten good years

Girl aren't Craggy Haggy or Shaggy

Ten good years just ten good years

The first year you can afford to be particular

The standard you set are very high

The second year

your nose though perpendicular

It's not exactly pointed at the sky

The third year your mother

begins to hint a bit

She raves about your sisters darling kids

The Fourth year thru

The seventh you're gathering lint a bit

Then comes the eight

you're nearly on the skids

The ninth year you go to Acapulco

And have a thing with a dentist

You think you're going to have a happy life

The ninth and a half year

You go to the mail box

and get a note from the dentist

It's not a bill

he's going back to his wife ahha ahha

The tenth year arrives the panic sets in

You're thirty one married your not

So you fix your hair and maybe your chin

And suddenly look what you got look

what you got

Ten good years ten more good years

Big game or small game

You're back in the ball game it appears

Now honey I give you odds like eight to five

As long as you are breathing

as long as you're alive

Put on your powder

and throw away your fears

You've got ten all you got to do is be sure

you count them real slow

Ten you got a lot more

if you got the right connections

Ten now Marlene Deitrick

is not exactly chopped liver

Ten good years
