The Promise Ring



所属专辑:The Promise Ring


@migu music@

Countdown... Countdown

Countdown... Countdown... 2002

Take it in... Forgiveness

Let it out... Love is all

Dance it... in a dream

Dance it... in a circle... get ready

Your heart is your guide

Countdown... Countdown

Countdown... Countdown... 2002

Be the love... in your heart

Be the dance... in your soul

Looking good... being strong

Forgiveness... Forgiving

Countdown... can you get it

Countdown... coming to you

Countdown... get ready

Countdown... 2002... coming to you

Dance the circle... Dance the dream

Love is all... Love is everything

Give your heart... Give your soul

This the time... Work it out

Countdown... Countdown

Countdown... Countdown... 2002

Countdown... Countdown

Keep it up

Countdown... Countdown... 2002

Love is All... Love is Everything

Give your Heart... Give your Soul

This the Time... Work it out

Love Yourself... Children Sing

Countdown... Countdown

Countdown... Countdown... 2002
