Getting Ready (Interlude)

作词:Todd Carlon

作曲:Todd Carlon

所属专辑:The Kacey Musgraves Christmas Show


歌曲名 Getting Ready(Interlude)

歌手名 Kacey Musgraves

At Christmas

I no more desire a rose than wish a snow

in May's new-fangled shows

That of course is William Shakespeare

And I have absolutely no idea what it means

But that isn't the story we're here to tell

On this arguably festive winter's evening

Kacey Musgraves is getting ready for her favorite holiday


Not President's Day



She and her band only just got home from tour

Which didn't leave her much time to prepare

Get an assistant

Kacey am I right

It is Christmas Eve after all


Has anybody seen that star ornament that my nana got me

It goes on top of the tree



What's it look like

A star

Oh I know


Well if you see it

Let me know because I gotta get ready for Christmas

The band got concerned hearing this

For it was already Christmas Eve

A day being famous for being one day before Christmas

And clearly

Kacey had a lot to do



I know I have a lot to do but

I mean

Is anyone gonna help me

I made that banner


Merry Christma

The printer ran out of ink

Who's that

That might be one of your guests


But it's Christmas Eve and I thought

people were gonna be coming tomorrow

Somebody called and said

they couldn't do tomorrow so I invited 'em

And did you let me know this

I literally just did


I'm coming ​
